
Practice:Choose the correct answer

1. If there were no water in theworld, everything ______.
A. will dieB. would die
C. would have died D. havedied
2.If it _____ another ten minutes, the game would have been calledoff.
A. had rained B. would have rained
C. were to rain D. raine
3. If he _____ today, he would get there by Friday.
A. would leave B. was leaving
C. were to leave D. leaves

If引导的条件句(if clause)

(一)if 引导的非真实条件句(英语语法中又叫第二条件句-Secondconditional)

1. if引导的非真实条件句表示:


If there were no water in the world, everything woulddie.



If I had money, I would buy a plane.(要是我有钱的话,我就会买架飞机)

2. 结构:

If引导的非真实条件句有两部分组成:主句 和 从句

If 引导的句子做从句,另外的句子是主句。



eg. If I had enough money, I'd buy that apartment.

I'd buy that apartment if I had enough money.


3.非真实条件句 主句和从句的时态和结构:

(1)If she were rich,she would move to Caribbean.

If I had some free time, Iwould go with you.

if从句用一般过去式, 主句用过去将来时。

if+ ...were/ did ....,....would/could + do....

(2) If it had rained another ten minutes, thegame would have been called for stop.

if从句用过去完成时, 主句用过去将来完成时。

if + ...had done...,.....would/couldhave done.....

(3) If I could plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go toTibet.

If... could do...., .... would do......

(4)If he were to leave today, he would get there by Friday.
If .... were to do....., ...... woulddo......




If you ______ hard yesterday, you ____ tired now.
A. had worked; would be B. would have worked; were
C. have worked; were D. worked; had been

总结:当从句与主句所表示的时间不一致时,主句和从句的动词形式决定于要表示的具体时间。此题答案选AIf+... had done..., ....woulddo...
a.If it ___________ (rain) last night, you __________(feel) verycold today
b.If you _____________ (not watch) that late movie last night, you___________ (not be) so


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/288587.html


如何使用 IF AND OR 条件函数 if or函数

如何使用 IF AND OR 条件函数——简介在工作和日常生活中都会用到Excel表格中的公式和函数,在数据筛选的时候尤为重要,下面让咱们一起认识下IF、AND和OR函数的用法IF函数是判断式的计算函数,假设单元格的值检验为True(真)时,就执行条件成

连词que引导的宾语从句 宾语从句连接词

连词que引导的宾语从句 有些动词后面可以接一个以连词que引导的从句,作为主句的直接宾语,这类从句叫作宾语从句。这类动词有:dire, savoir, voir, comprendre, apprendre,croire, penser, espérer, écrire, raconter等。如:

if函数的使用方法 sum函数的使用方法


强调句引导词whom whom引导的定语从句

《世纪金榜高中全程学习方略》北师大版英语选修6Unit17It was GuoMeimei ______ the Red Cross should thank for her “contributions” tothe construction of the organization.A.whoB.whomC.whichD. that书后给的答案是D,

定语从句中which和that的区别 as引导的定语从句

-----------------------------------------------------------只能用that的情况:<1>关系代词在定语从句中作表语,不管是人或物只能用that。He is not the man that he was when I first sawhim.【他现在不是我第一次见他时那样的。
