A native of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sewell obtained a Bachelor ofArts in Spanish and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from theUniversity of New Mexico. Sewell was known on the show as the “edgypre-med student.” In 2005, one of her “confessional” clips from theshow, in which she started a profanity-laden rant against thepeople on the show, earned her 16th place on E!’s Most OutrageousTV Moments
Elyse dated Martin Crandall of the Shins until January 2008, whenhe allegedly assaulted her in a Sacramento hotel. Both Crandall andElyse were charged with felony domestic assault, though their caseswere later dimissed.
Previously, Elyse told the Singapore Straits Times in an interviewthat she had dumped her boyfriend because he cheated on her whileshe was working in Japan, though they reconciled shortlyafterwards.

As a model, Elyse has been incredibly successful, especially inAsia where she has had print advertisements for Chanel and ChowSang S————ang Jewelry and appeared on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar HongKong.
Sewell’s first book, based in part on her LiveJournal Weblog, waspublished in Hong Kong in 2006. She appeared in multiple booksignings across Hong Kong.
Over seas, Elyse has been signed with Zucca Tokyo, ZEM Osaka,Mannequin Singapore, Model Genesis Hong Kong, Chadwicks Sydney, EyeFor I Milan, Dream Models Hong Kong and Elite Santiago.
Elyse has also been signed with Wilhelmina West Models, M4 Models,Q6 Models Portland, Model One (Hong Kong), Studio KLRP Paris,Seattle’s Model Guild, M4 Hamburg, Good Fashion Shenzhen and Model1.
She is perhaps one of the the most successful models from America’sNext Top Model.看到这个介绍,我疯了,Elyse 大概是我这几年发现的最不可思议的姑娘之一了....American's next top model 第一季最后一集,我隐隐猜到了评委们会在最后三个姑娘里刷掉Elyse,我为这部剧感到难过,但是并没有为她感到难过,因为我觉得Elyse 大概可以高高兴兴回去当她的医学院学生了....瞟到她第一眼就喜欢她,苍白,干瘦,略微中性的着装,清澈跳动的眼神,顽皮可爱的短发,洁癖,直白,大胆,神经质,完美主义,无神论者,特别的无法形容.所有人都说自己是最棒的,只有她看到自己的照片永远都说不喜欢,所有都说想做模特想到死,只有她说来参加比赛只是发神经一时冲动,所有人都说她是厌食症,但是又有多少人能够想象有些人就是喜欢只吃几片菜叶子,口没遮拦得骂脏话,直白得让我担心她出门就会被枪杀...但是所有这写都无法掩盖这个姑娘的才华和天赋,几乎所有资深的摄影师都认为她就是天生的high fashion model,只不过节目的性质决定最后的赢家会是一个相对大众收敛的选手...Elyse的淘汰原因简直就是对她的赞美,聪明,太过聪明,导致过于自我(其实我一点都没有觉得,周围一群和她两个档次的人,指望她怎样),另外一点就是觉得她大概没有真当模特的心...但是,谁会想到几年之后她就真成了模特,而且是周生生和香奈儿的模特,我不明白她为什么会放弃自己喜爱做医生的理想,我不明白她怎么会来香港发展,在我看来她那张脸应该在纽约更有发展才是..看着现在的她一张越来越像亚洲混血儿并且趋于柔和女性化的脸,我真是不得不感叹人生很奇妙....几年之后,你会在哪,我会在哪.几年之后,你会不会像现在一样来看我的文章.几年之后,你会不会像梦境里一样,留住了爱人的心,却怎么也留不住拥有完整纯洁的年华.世界如此变幻无常,你我还剩多少光华...有生之年,保持理想,勇敢坚强...