Suffix后缀 前缀英文

Suffix 后缀

In linguistics, a suffix(also sometimes called a postfix or ending) is an affix which isplaced after the stem of a word. Common examples are case endings,which indicate the grammatical case of nouns or adjectives, andverb endings, which form the conjugation of verbs. Particularly inthe study of Semitic languages, a suffix is called an afformative,as they can alter the form of the words to which they are fixed. InIndo-European studies, a distinction is made between suffixes andendings (see Proto-Indo-European root). A word-final segment thatis somewhere between a free morpheme and a bound morpheme is knownas a suffixoid or a semi-suffix (e.g., English -like or German-freundlich 'friendly').

Suffixes can carrygrammatical information (inflectional suffixes) or lexicalinformation (derivational suffixes). An inflectional suffix issometimes called a desinence.

Some examples in Europeanlanguages:

Girls, where the suffix -smarks the plural.

He makes, where suffix -smarks the third person singular present tense.

It closed, where the suffix-ed marks the past tense.

Many syntheticlanguages—Czech, German, Finnish, Latin, Hungarian, Russian,Turkish, etc.—use a large number of endings.

Suffixes used in Englishfrequently have Greek, French or Latin origins.


Inflection changesgrammatical properties of a word within its syntactic category. Inthe example:

I was hoping the clothwouldn't fade, but it has faded quite a bit.

the suffix -e[]d inflects theroot-word fade to indicate past tense.

Some inflectional suffixesin present day English:

 -s thirdperson singular present

 -ed pasttense

Suffix后缀 前缀英文

 -ingprogressive/continuous

 -en pastparticiple

 -splural

 -enplural (irregular)

 -ercomparative

 -estsuperlative

 -n'tnegative


In theexample:

"The weather forecaster saidit would be clear today, but I can't see clearly atall"

The suffix -ly modifies theroot-word clear from an adjective into an adverb. Derivation canalso form a semantically distinct word within the same syntacticcategory.

In thisexample:

"The weather forecaster saidit would be a clear day today, but I think it's more likeclearish!"

the suffix -ish modifies theroot-word clear, changing its meaning to "clear, but not veryclear".

Some derivational suffixesin present day English:
















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