Steve Rogers: Is everything a joke toyou?Tony Stark: Funny things are.美国队长:对你而言,一切都那么可笑吗?钢铁侠:好笑的就可笑。
Steve Rogers: Stark, we need a plan ofattack!Tony Stark: I have a plan: attack!美国队长:史塔克,我们需要一个攻击计划!钢铁侠:我的计划就是攻击!
Bruce Banner: That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You cansmell crazy on him.Thor: Have a care how you speak! Loki is beyond reason, but heis of Asgard and he is my brother!Natasha Romanoff: He killed eighty people intwo days.Thor: He's adopted.绿巨人:那家伙脑子不清白,疯疯癫癫滴。雷神:你说话客气点!洛基是有点无理取闹,可他毕竟是阿斯加尔德人,是我弟弟!黑寡妇:他两天就害了80条命。雷神:他是捡的。
Steve Rogers: What's the matter, scared of a littlelightning?Loki: I'm not overly fond of whatfollows...美国队长:肿么,居然怕闪电?洛基:我只是不喜欢闪电后面跟着的东西。
Tony Stark: Following's not really mystyle.Steve Rogers: And you're all about style, aren'tyou?钢铁侠:听命行事不是偶的风格。美国队长:你不风格会死么?
Steve Rogers: Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, whatar--e you?Tony Stark: Genius, billionaire, playboy,philanthropist.美国队长:不就有一身铁皮盔甲么?脱了它,你还有什么?钢铁侠:有才,高富帅,花心萝卜,大善人。
Stan Lee: Superheroes? In New York? Give me abreak!斯坦?李:超级英雄?在纽约?得了吧!
Nick Fury: Having trouble sleeping?Steve Rogers: I've been asleep for 70 years. I think I've hadenough rest.独眼侠:睡不着么?美国队长:我已经睡了70年。我想我应该睡够了。
Natasha Romanoff: [watching the aliens come toward them] Thisis just like Budapest all over again.Clint Barton: You and I remember Budapest verydifferently.黑寡妇:这简直是又一场布达佩斯之战。鹰眼侠:你我记忆中的布达佩斯可是完全不同滴。
Thor: I have unfinished business withLoki.Clint Barton: Yeah? Get in line.雷神:我跟洛基还有恩怨未了。鹰眼侠:是吗?后面排队去!
Tony Stark: You should come by Stark Tower sometime. Top 10floors all R&D, you'd love it... it'scandyland.
Bruce Banner: Thanks, but the last time I was in New York I kind ofbroke... Harlem.
Thor: Where is the Tesseract?
Loki: [laughs] I missed you too.
Tony Stark: [to Steve Rogers] I'm not afraid to hit an oldman.