IfIamastudent,Iwish…… iwishyouwould

If I am a student, Iwish……



Asa teacher, I had too much requirements and wishes for my students,after attending the Ma.Ed courses in CCNU, I realized thatstudents also had some wishes for their teachers, so I needto have something changed in my real teaching in thefuture.

Key words: wish forstudentsdifferent roleswish for teacher

As a teacher, I have beenteaching for seven years. when I was working, I often asked mystudents to do things according to my own ideas and thoughts ofteaching and learning, during which I really have lots of wishesfor my students, I wish they can listen carefully on the class; Iwish they can be active; I wish they can be interested in mylesson; I wish they can pass the examination which is important toevaluate both students’ learning and teachers’ teaching; I wishthey perform as I expected; I wish……

But after I attended the Ma.Edcourses, I realized that I really had wished too much for mystudents, especially on the course of INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN by myteacher Eudora, she gave chances for us to be teachers, studentsand observers, during her course she mentioned us to pay muchattention to the feeling of being different roles as a teacher, asa student and as an observer. She also taught us how to record andsummarize as different roles. Because of this, I felt I became astudent again, especially a student with lots of responding,feeling and thinking.

If I am a student, first Iwish my teacher have a nice pronunciation on the Engligh languageclass, which I think is firstly most important for me to getgenuine English with correct pronunciation, good intonation anduseful stress, and so on, which I think is a basic language qualityfor a good English teacher.

Secondly, If I am a student, Iwish the lesson which is going to be learned can be well organized.It’s useful to help me to follow and get my thinking abilitytrained along with the logical and well order-arranged teachingplan by my teacher’s good organization for his or her teachingplan. Because teacher’s plan is something that the students will gowith.

Thirdly, If I am a student, Iwish I can be given more chances to use what I learn by differentactivities: sole-speech, pair work, group discussion, so on and soforth. Proficient language use need practicing more on the class,because we students often have few chances to use English afterclass. What’s more, using language after class is greatly based onmore practice on the class, thus setting a good example for us toknow how to use language and contributing to forming a good habitof using it.

Fourthly, If I am a student, Iwish my teacher can be understood by clear instructions when askingus to do something on the class, especially when giving tasks forus. Clear instruction can make us quickly involved in what weshould do and interested in what we are doing. If I don’tunderstand what the teacher asks us to do, how can I behave myself,maybe I will pretend to do something relevant, but in fact I amjust pretending without being known by the teacher because of thelarge-sized classroom, which will cause a serious problem that Iwill lose interest in this language class in the long run. I can’timagine how I can improve my English.

Next , if I am a student, Iwish my teacher can give us some extra help in time by walkingaround instead of standing only on the stage without anyinteraction with us after he or she assigns a task for us to do,it’s very necessary for us to get teacher’s help and encouragement,especially positive evaluation.

Finally, If I am a student, Iwish my students can be helpful, kind and hardworking, which canmakes me live and learn in a good atmosphere, thus can help me alot when I learn a foreign language. When joining a task of groupor with my partner, we can smoothly go on with it by harmoniouscooperation with each other.

If I am a student, Iwish……

If I am a student, I reallyhave lots of wishes just as I have too much wishes as ateacher.

I really learned a lot byexperiencing different roles as a observer, a teacher and astudent, which I believe is a precious treasure for me tounderstand my students , myself, my teaching and my teaching plan.And it will make me do thinking how to improve my teaching and howto make my students easily learn with relaxation and stronginterest and motivation. I will always be thinking andthinking……

[1] 高敬华,女,湖北鹤峰县人。湖北省鹤峰县第一高级中学一级教师。


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