六级作文范文OnMaintainingTrust 六级作文范文

Trust is a typical topic that everyone of us is quite familiar with. However it has been giving muchmore emphasis nowadays because it is really in a critical time forus to appeal for maintaining trust between people.

As aside-effect of the prosperity of the market economy, the absence oftrust is partly contributes to the dishonesty of some businessmenand manufacturers who make or sale shoddy and unqualified productsto pursuit a bigger profit. It resulted in the untrusting betweenpeople. While the untrusting, in return, make it more difficult topursuit a bigger profit for it takes more time and energy toconvince people into buying their commodities. What’s worse, it maylose the potential customers and result in its collapse. It goesfor the interpersonal relationship. Can we imagine what it wouldlook like if we live in a world without trust? It must be cold andmisery.

Therefore, it is high time for us to streng then the importance ofmaintaining trust to create a better life.


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