titanium钛合金中英歌词 卡萨布兰卡歌词中英文

titanium钛合金中英歌词 卡萨布兰卡歌词中英文
You shout it loud 你大声呐喊
But I can't hear a word you say 但我什麼都听不见
I'm talking loud not saying much 我大声但寡言
I'm criticized but all your bull is brick ofshame我虽遭受批评但你的狗屁是层层的羞愧
You shoot me down, but I get up 你击落我 但我又重新站起

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose 我防弹武装 什麼都不怕
Fire away, fire away 开火吧 开火吧
Brick of shame, take your rain 层层的羞愧 接受洗礼
Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧
You shoot me down but I won't fall 你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium 我是钛合金
You shoot me down but I won't fall你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium 我是钛合金
I am titanium... 我是钛合金

Cut me down 削减我
But is you who had offered there to fall 但是是你提出那堕落之地
Ghost town, haunted love 鬼之城镇 诅咒之爱
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones 提高声量就算树枝和石头打断我的骨头
I'm talking loud not saying much 我也要大声但寡言

I'm bulletproof nothing t————o lose我防弹武装 什麼都不怕
Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧
Brick of shame, take your rain层层的羞愧 接受洗礼
Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧
You shoot me down but I won't fall你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium我是钛合金
You shoot me down but I won't fall你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium我是钛合金
I am titanium... 我是钛合金

Stone-hard, machine gun 石头般的强硬 机关枪
Firing at the ones who rise 向那些站起的射击
Stone-hard, thus bulletproof石头般的强硬 所以是防弹

You shoot me down but I won't fall你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium是钛合金
You shoot me down but I won't fall你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium是钛合金
You shoot me down but I won't fall你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium是钛合金
You shoot me down but I won't fall你击落我 但我不会倒
I am titanium是钛合金


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/283296.html



By the time you hear this I will have already spiralled up你听到这首歌的时候我已盘旋上升I would never do nothing to let you cowards fuck my world up我不会袖手旁观允许你们这些懦夫搅乱我的世界If I was you, I would du

JLSProud中英歌词 proudofyou歌词

试看地址http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzUxMDc0NDIw.htmlWhen my strength was gone, and I just gave up onlife疲惫不堪时 我对生活心灰意冷In my darkest place you were my guide当我一蹶不振时 是你为我指明方向And you to

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