Thomas Carlyle lived from 1795 until 1881. He was a Scotessayist and historian. During his lifetime he became one of theworld's greatest writers. But he was a human and humans makemistakes.
On October 17, 1826, Carlyle married his secretary Jane Welsh.She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamentaldaughter of a well-to-do doctor. They had their quarrels andmisunderstandings, but still loved each other dearly.
After their marriage, Jane continued to serve as hissecretary. But, after several years of marriage, Jane became ill.Being a hard worker, Carlyle became so absorbed in his writingsthat he let Jane continue working for several weeks after shebecame ill. She had cancer, and though it was one of the slowgrowing kind, she finally became confined to her bed. AlthoughCarlyle loved her dearly, he very seldom found time to stay withher long. He was busy with his work.
When Jane died they carried her to the cemetery for theservice. The day was a miserable day. It was raining hard and themud was deep. Following the funeral Carlyle went back to his home.He was taking it pretty hard. He went up the stairs to Jane's roomand sat down in the chair next to her bed. He sat there thinkingabout how little time he had spent with her and wishing so much hehad a chance to do it differently. Noticing her diary on a tablebeside the bed, he picked it up and began to read it. Suddenly heseemed shocked. He saw it. There, on one page, she had written asingle line. "Yesterday he spent an hour with me and it was likeheaven; I love him so."
Something dawned on him that he had not noticed before. He had beentoo busy to notice that he meant so much to her. He thought of allthe times he had gone about his work without thinking about andnoticing her. Then Carlyle turned the page in the diary. There henoticed she had written some words that broke his heart. "I havelistened all day to hear his steps in the hall, but now it is lateand I guess he won't come today."
Carlyle read a little more in the book. Then he threw it downand ran out of the house. Some of his friends found him at thegrave, his face buried in the mud. His eyes were red from weeping.Tears continued to roll down his cheeks. He kept repeating over andover again, "If I had only known, if I had only known." But it wastoo late for Carlyle. She was dead.
卡莱尔再读了一会儿,然后丢下了日记本,冲出了屋外。朋友们在墓地里找到了他。他的脸粘满了泥浆,眼睛哭得红肿不堪,眼泪不停地在他脸庞上滑落,他不停地念叨着, "如果我知道, 如果我知道……," 但一切对于卡莱尔来讲都太晚了,简已经不在人世了。
After Jane's death, Carlyle made little attempt to writeagain. The historians say he lived another 15 years, "weary, boredand a partial recluse." I share the story with in the hope that youwill not make the same mistake. While our loved ones must have themoney we make to live, it is the love we have that they reallywant. Give it now before it is too late.
自从简死后, 卡莱尔就没怎么再写作了。据这位历史学家称,在他妻子死后的15年, 他的生活完全变了样, 生活对于他来讲是“苦闷、无趣、寂寞的”。我把这个故事告诉大家,就是希望大家不要重蹈覆辙,悲剧重演。爱人是需要我们努力工作赚钱,但其实他(她)们更需要的是我们的爱。趁还来得及,去关怀你的爱人吧。