HebeSheistheone歌词 hebe自嘲被宠坏

HebeSheistheone歌词 hebe自嘲被宠坏

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
and if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one
if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one

we were young we were wrong
we were fine all along
if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one

when you get to where you wanna go
and you know the things you wanna know
you are smiling
when you said what you wanna say
and you mnow the way you wanna play
you will be so high you will be flying

though the sea will be strong
I know we will be strong
I know we will carry on
cos if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one

when you get to where you wanna go
and you know the things you wanna know
you are smiling

when you said what you wanna———— say
and you know the way you wanna say it
you will be so high you will be flying

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
and if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one
if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one

if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one
she is the one

if there is somebody calling me on
she is the one


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/281735.html




亦舒《玫瑰的故事》 玫瑰的故事 亦舒 mobi

第一部 玫 瑰第一章我的名字叫黄振华。黄玫瑰是我的妹妹玫瑰。她比我小十五岁,而我再也没见过比玫瑰更像一朵玫瑰的女孩子。她是我唯一的妹妹,母亲在三十八岁那年生下她,父亲当时的生意蒸蒸日上,一切条件注定玫瑰是要被宠坏的。玫瑰三

孩子易怒、无法接受批评? 孩子脾气暴躁易怒


琴曲《阳关三叠》不同版本。 阳关三叠 古琴教学


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