最近nagios的开发环境老是莫名其妙的采集不到数据,或者根本就没后续检查动作了检查日志发现异常的监控状态日志如下:[1362854664] Warning: The check of host 'webst1' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).I'm scheduling an immediate check of thehost...[1362854667] Warning: Check result queue contained results forhost 'webst1', but the host could not be found!Perhaps you forgot to define the host in yourconfig files?[1362855324] Warning: The check of host 'webst1' looks like itwas orphaned (results never came back). I'mscheduling an immediate check of the host...[1362855327] Warning: Check result queue contained results forhost 'webst1', but the host could not be found!Perhaps you forgot to define the host in yourconfig files?[1362855984] Warning: The check of host 'webst1' looks like itwas orphaned (results never came back). I'mscheduling an immediate check of the host...[1362855987] Warning: Check result queue contained results forhost 'webst1', but the host could not be found!Perhaps you forgot to define the host in yourconfig files?[1362856366] EXTERNAL COMMAND:SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK;webst1;nginx_status;1362856363[1362856367] Warning: Check result queue contained results forservice 'nginx_status' on host 'webst1', but the service could notbe found! Perhaps you forgot to define theservice in your config files?
使用 ps -ef|grep "bin/nagios" 可以看到启动了两个 nagios,解决的问题应该不用说就已经出来了。nagios 3643 1 0 Mar09 ? 00:00:05 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfgnagios 17074 1 02012 ? 00:33:43/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
1. 先使用 killall nagios 杀掉 nagios 进程
2. 启动 nagios 服务,这样即可解决了。