三本英语词源字典那本更适合初学者? 词源字典



Klein’s comprehensive etymologicaldictionary of the English language


See tr. And in--tr. V., to perceive withthe eyes. – ME.seen, sen, fr, OE. seonrel. to OS., OHG. sehan, MHG., G.sehen, OFris. sia, MDu. Sien, Du. zien, ON. sja,Norw. sjaa, Dan.,Swed. se, Goth. saihan, and prob. Cogn. With Hitt. Sakwa-,’eye’;fr. Teut. Base *sehw-, corresponding to I.-E. base*seqw-, ‘to see’, which is etymologically identical with*seq w- in the sense ‘to point out, to say’. See say,v., and cp. Seem, sight.


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三本英语词源字典那本更适合初学者? 词源字典


See O.E. seon (contracted class V strong verb; pasttense seah, pp. sewen), from P.Gmc.*sekhwanan (cf. O.S., O.H.G.sehan, M.H.G., Ger.sehen, O.Fris. sia, M.Du. sien, O.N. sja, Goth. saihwan), from PIE base*sekw- "to see," which is "probably" the same basethat produced words for "say" in Greek and Latin, and also wordsfor "follow" (cf. L. sequor), but "opinions differ in regard to thesemantic starting-point and sequences" [Buck]. Thussee could originally mean "follow with theeyes." Used in M.E. to mean "behold in the imagination or in adream" (c.1200), "to recognize the force of (a demonstration),"also c.1200, "often with ref. to metaphorical light or eyes" [OED],and "to learn by reading" (early 15c.). Past tensesaw developed from O.E. pl.sawon.


Word Origins -The secret histories ofEnglish words from A to Z.


See English has two words see. The older is the verb,‘perceive visually’ [OE]. Like its Germanic cousins, Germansehen, Dutchzien, and Swedishand Danish se, itgoes back to a prehistoric *sekhwan, which was descendedfrom an Indo-European base *seq-. This may have been thesame *seq- thatproduced Latin sequī ‘follow’ (source of Englishsequence,sue, etc), inwhich case seewould denote etymologically ‘follow with the eyes’. See ‘diocese’ originallysignified ‘bishop’s throne’. It came via Anglo-Norman se from Vulgar Latin*sedem ‘seat’,descendant of classical Latin sēdem, the accusative case of sēdes ‘seat’. This in turn went back to theIndo- European base *sed- ‘sit’, which alsoproduced English sit.


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