任何一段有关地理位置的描述自然离不了以下几个词:位于……,.地处……, 与…… 接壤等等,首先我们来看一下下面这段话。
银川平原位于宁夏回族自治区北部,地处黄河中上游,南起青铜峡 ,北至石嘴山,西依贺兰山,东邻鄂尔多斯台地,南北长约165km,东西宽42-60km,总面积6704.22km2,地理坐标为东经105°45′-106°56′,北纬37°46′-39°23′,海拔高度1100-1400m,。
Yinchuan Plain is located in the northern part ofNingxia Hui Autonomous Region and the upper and middle reaches ofthe Yellow River. It starts from Qingtongxia in the south andreaches Shizuishan in the north, bordering on Helan Mountain to theWest and Ordos Platform to the east. It is 165 km long from Northto South, 42-60 km wide from East to West, with a total area of6704.22 km2. The geographical coordinate of YinchuanPlain is within east longitude105 ° 45 '-106 ° 56' and north latitude 37 ° 46'-39 ° 23 ', with the altitude between1100-1400 m.
对照前面的中文,我们发现有很多地方相似,比如位于……,地处.….,这样我们可以来套用一些相应句型比如: ……belocated between ….. and ……, be situatedin……,与…… 接壤,东临…,西靠…相应的句型有it borders on……, it neighbors ……, it is adjacent to……,it is contiguous to……南北长,东西宽,总面积,地理坐标均可以参照上文:it is ……km from north to south, and …….km from east to west, with a total area of……km2, 有了这些基本句型,我们就可以把相应的内容填充进去,参考译文如下:
The city of Hulun Buir is located betweenNen River and Eerguna River, within the eastlongitude 115°31 ' - 126°04 ' and the north latitude 47°05' - 53°20 '.It is about 630km from east to west and 700km from north to south, with a total area of 253,000km2. It neighbors Russia in the west and Mongolia in thenorth; with the border’s total length of 1723.8 km. Hulun Buir isone of the northernmost regions with the highest latitude inChina.