


1. The teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven.

A. mustfinish B.would be finished C. befinished D. must be finished

2. She made the demand that the journalists _____ at once ______Iraq.

A. leave;forB. leave;toC. left;toD. to be left; for

3. He is talking so much about America as if he _____ there.

A. hadbeenB. hasbeenC.wasD. has gone

4. The young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____free.

A. did;setB. had done; should beset

C. should do; besetD. had done; must be set

5. I suggested there ____ be a kind of language all couldunderstand and use ____ .

A. can;itB. /;/C. would;itD. may; /

6. The suggestion has been made _____ the basketball game _____put off.

A. for;toB. that;beC. which; shouldbeD. to; being

7. The order came that the medical supplies _____ to Beijing forthe Sars soon.

A. would besentB. shouldsendC. besentD. must be sent

8. It is important that we _____ wild animals.

A. willprotectB. shouldprotectC. shallprotectD. are protecting

9. Had you listened to the doctor, you _____ all right now.

A.areB.wereC. wouldbeD. would have been

10. _____ any change about the date, please tell meimmediately.

A. Will there be B. Should therebe C. There willbe D. Thereshould be

11. _____ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would heleaveB. Was he leaving

C. Were he toleaveD. If he leave

12. Should it rain, the crops _____ .

A. would besavedB. would have beensaved

C. will besavedD. had been saved

13. You _____ come earlier. The bus left a moment ago.

A.wouldB. shouldhaveC.mayD.have

14. He treated me as though/as if _____ his own son.

A. IamB. I wouldbeC. IwasD. I were

15. I _____ you some money, but I hadn’t any on me then.

A. wouldlendB. would have lent C. couldlend D. may have lent

16. A few minutes earlier and we _____ the train.

A. havecaughtB. had caught C. could havecaught D. were to catch

17. --- “Have you ever been toBeijing?”

--- “No, but I wish I _____”


C.doD. had

18. I’m glad I went over all my notes; otherwise _____ .

A. I may have failed B. I’dfail C. I’d havefailed D. I’ll have failed

19. --- “What will you do during the summer holiday?”

--- “I don’t know, but it’shigh time _____ something.”

A. I’mdecidingB. I’lldecideC. IdecidedD. I decide

20. What should we do if it _____ tomorrow?

A. shouldsnowB. wouldsnowC.snowD. will snow

21. If only I _____ my watch!

A. hadn’tlostB. haven’tlostC. didn’tlostD. don’t lose

22. You _____ such a serious mistake if you had followed hisadvice.

A. may notmakeB. might not make

C. shouldn’t havemadeD. might not have made

23. We _____ the work on time without your help.

A. hadn’t hadfinishedB. didn’t have finished

C. couldn’t havefinishedD.can’t have finished

24. --- “Where have you been?”

--- “I got caught in traffic; otherwise _____ sooner.”

A. I would behereB. I have been here

C. I had beenhereD.I would have been here

25. If it were not for the fact that you _____ ill, I would askyou to do this right now.

A.wereB. hadbeenC.areD. should be

26. It’s high time that we ___ to school.
A. would go B. went C. go D. will go
27. It seems as if it ___ rain.
A. will to B. is going to C. is to D. were goingto
28. I’d rather you ___ right away.
A. leave B. left C. will leave D. to leave
29. He is working hard for fear that he___.
A. fails B. failed C. would fail D. fail
30. It is really strange that the girl ___ soearly.
A. has been married B. has married C. be marriedD. would marry
31. Supposing I ___ this gift, what would hesay?
A. accept B. accepted C. should accept D. wouldaccept
32. The teacher agreed to the suggestion that thestudents ___ two weeks to prepare for the exam.
A. give B. should give C. be given D. would begiven
33. I was busy yesterday, otherwise I ___ yourbirthday party.
A. attended B. had attended C. would attend D.would have attended
34. He insisted that he ___ me before.
A. see B. should see C. had seen D. saw
35. The two strangers talked as if they ___friends for years.
A. were B. would be C. have been D. hadbeen
36. We ___ our lives had it not been for thepoliceman.
A. would have lost B. should lose C. might loseD. could have lost
37. ---- I thought you would come backtomorrow.
---- I would if I ___ to attend a meeting.
A. don’t have B. didn’t have C. will not have D.would not have
38. He wishes ___ mistakes.
A. he doesn’t always make B. he isn’t alwaysmaking
C. he didn’t always make D. he wouldn’t always making
39. It ___ very nice if only it werepossible.
A. will be B. would be C. is D. were
40. Without your help, our team ___ the lastmatch.
A. won’t win B. will lose C. wouldn’t have won D.can’t win
41. I wish I ___ what to do.
A. knew B. have known C. know D. would know
42. ___, I would take an umbrella with me.
A. Had I been you B. I were you C. Were I you D.I had been you
43. If I had hurried, I ___ the train.
A. would catch B. could catch C. would havecaught D. had caught
44. He insisted that John ___ it.
A. do B. does C. did D. would do
45. It is high time we ___ off.
A. are B. were C. be D. will be
46. He felt as if he ___ more time to study forthe test.
A. needs B. were needed C. needed D. need
47. It is important that I ___ with Mr. Williamsimmediately.
A. speak B. spoke C. will speak D. to speak
48. James wishes he ___ the football game insteadof the film.
A. saw B. see C. had been seen D. had seen
49. I wish ___.
A. he left B. he leaves me alone C. he be left D.he would leave me alone
50. If I had known that, I ___ so.
A. wouldn’t do B. wouldn’t have done C. won’t doD. have not done
51. The doctor suggested that she ___.
A. will not smoke B. not smoke C. would not smokeD. did not smoke
52. If I ___ you, I wouldn’t return thecall.
A. be B. am C. was D. were
53. You talk as if you ___ there.
A. were really B. has really been C. had reallybeen D. would really be
54. He suggested that the work ___ at once.
A. would started B.would be started C.shouldstarted D. should be started
55. It is strange that such a thing ___ in yourschool.
A. will happen B. happens C. should happen D.happened
56. It is imperative(命令的) that you ___ ontime.
A. are B. will be C. be D. would be
57. I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I ___there.
A. was B. were C. had been D. went
58. It is time we ___ up our results.
A. sum B. summed C. will sum D. would sum
59. If the doctor had been available, the child___.
A. would not die B. would not have died C. couldnot die D. could not have died
60. Dr. Bethune worked hard as if he ___.
A. never had felt tired B. had never felttired
C. never felt tired D. was tired never

1.If you       (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you couldhave seen them off.

2.It's time that we       (go) to the railwaystation.

3.If they       (not help) us ,our experimentwould have failed.

4.You're five minutes late.I suggested thatyou       (come )earlier tomorrow.

5.Mather often tells us that it is necessary thatwe       (drink) a glass of water after we get up.

6.She insisted that she        (send) to work in thefaraway small town.

7._________ I not       (forget) his telephone number, Iwould have rung him.

8. He is busy now. If he        (be) free,he      (go) with you.

9. The manager was in his office then. If he       (be)here, everything(settle)in a minute.

10.Noisy as it was, he went on reading as if nothing       (happen). 


1.It is necessary for college students to master at least oneforeign language.

It is necessary        collegestudents          at least one foreign language.

2.Without sunlight, there would be neither plants noranimals.

           sunlight, there would be neither plants noranimals.

3.She insisted on translating the sentence this way.

She insisted that the sentence             this way.

4.The students suggested going there on foot.

The students suggested         there on foot.

5.She suggested that we should go to his help.

          is that we        to hishelp.

6.Lucy didn't come to class today because she didn't feelwell.

    she     well, she          to classtoday.

7.I don't know French, so I can't talk to the Frenchfriends.

If I        French, I could talk to the Frenchfriends.

8.He didn't take his parents' advice and he is not a collegestudent now.

If he         his parents' advice, he          acollege student now.

9.The professor helped me a lot and I finished the work.

I couldn't           the work       theprofessor's help.



1-5. CAABB 6-10.BCBCB 11-15.CABDB 16—20. CDCCA 21-25. ADCDC26.B 27. B 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. D 36. A37. B 38. C 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. C 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. C 47. A48. D 49. D 50. B 51. B 52. D 53. C 54. D 55. C 56. C 57. C 58. B59. B 60.B

二、1.had arrived
  2.went (should go)
  3.had not helped
  4.(should) come
  5.(should) drink
  6.(should) be sent
  7.Had; forgotten
  8.were;would go
  9.had been;would have been settled
  10.were happening

三、 1.that; should master
   2.If there were no
   3.should be translated
   4.they go
   5.Her suggestion; go
   6.Had; felt; would have come
   8.had taken; would be
   9.have finished; without


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非谓语动词练习题精选1.She pretended me when I passed by.A. not to see B.not seeing C. to not see D.having not seen2. -Have you decided when ?-Yes, tomorrow morning.A. to leave B.to be leavingC.


C1. If only he ____quietly as the doctorinstructed, he would not suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lieb2. How I wish every family ____a large house with a beautifulgarden.A. has B. had C. will

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1. 从键盘上输入两个整数,求出它们的和#include "stdio.h"void main(){int x,y,s;scanf("%d",&x);scanf("%d",&y);s=x+y;printf("n s=%d",s);}2. 已知三角形的


虚拟条件句的三种基本类型:与现在事实相反、与过去事实相反、与将来事实相反。条件句有真实条件句和非真实(虚拟)条件句两种。真实条件句所表示的假设是有可能发生的,而非真实条件句则通常表示一种假想,与事实相反或不大可能会发生:If I
