大天使麦克20150313神,绝对的真理 真理的绝对性与相对性

大天使麦克20150313神,绝对的真理 真理的绝对性与相对性

In my Light human Beings heal, due to my powerwhat has been connected in an inappropriate manner is detached andin my presence every life retains its original form.




God is and God is theabsolute truth.Now this truth is revealed on earth.Layer by layerthe half-truths and the falsities detach and what appears is theglory of human Beings in God’s countenance, and the beauty of humanBeings in the Light of the absolute and of His all-eternalindivisible and inseparable truth.


Truths andRealities


It issaid that there are many truths, and the assumption that everyhuman Being may have “hisown truth”, because every human Being is capable to create his owntruth, is widely distributed. I say to you: This is a fallacy andwill now be remedied and will be recognized as a fallacy by those,who are willing, by those, who are ready.


The truths of humanBeings are gross deceptions, because truly: there is only one truthin God and this one is absolute.


Which human Being canclaim to have the absolute truth?Therefore all half-truths andfalsities, all fallacies and all imaginations of the truth and ofthe absolute divine must yield. Because indeed, there is only onetruth, there are not many and there is only one reality, as thereare not many.


There is only onetruth and the one reality in God – absolute and omnipresentconsciousness of Creation.


Each human Beingcreates his own reality, it is said.This is correct and happens, aslong as a human Being ceases from the need for a creator in hislife, because he has lost this wish and because God’s Odem hasabsorbed him.Such a human Being lives solely in God’s reality andhis own reality has been merged with God’s reality.


Enlightenment alwaysmeans the dissolution of the human I am. If the I am dissolved, theeternal divine, the absolute divine appears and the truth of alllife becomes visible.


One’s own truths withthe self-created realities dissolve in the instance of theencounter with God.


The truth is absoluteand the reality is God. Once human Beings recognize this fact,enlightenment occurs immediately and in that very moment the wholelife changes. Do no longer be preoccupied with half-truths.Do notcall this or that the “truth” and foremost never lift your manyassumptions, which you give out as your truth, to be “thetruth”.


The absolute onlybecomes visible in God’s countenance and the absolute truth, theone unchangeable truth, which is God, can only be revealed to thehuman mind as it is willing to let go of all humanconditioning.Today it is time for you beloved Ones to get up and todissolve all imaginations, the narrow boundaries of yourconsciousness. Concepts and old belief patterns no longer help youany further, because these days are dedicated to the truth andeverything is exposed to God’s Light.


Begin to let go ofyour truth, say goodbye to your opinions and orient yourselfentirely toward the absolute, which is God and HisGlory.


It is insignificantwhat you have created in this world as you remain far from thistruth, because your reality is in God and beyond that nothing andnobody exists.


I stand at your side;I remove your illusions and bring clarity into your life. I redeemyour energetic entanglements, structures, which keep you in humanand self-chosen slavery.And while you believe to be free, becauseyou have already lifted yourself above some fallacy, you remainnonetheless in chains, it is the chains of the human mind, whichmake you believe that your life as Creator God is in your hands andnot in God’s hands.


Create your ownworld; create your own illusions as long as you enjoy thegame.


Yet the wise one andthe enlightened one only enjoy the Glory of the Creator and arespiritualized with the desire to enter in the absolute truth of allLife.This soul is imbued with the desire for God and attains blisswhereby it itself dissolves in the primal Source ofAll-That-Is.


Today a new fundamental and far-reaching accessto spiritual self-awareness is necessary, because the lightwarriors of the first and last hours get lost in useless fights inthis world and thereby neglect their own perfection– thereby they remain away from thelast insight, which is the truth in God. Light which heals, Love,which enlivens all, freedom, which burst open all chains – God’sreality reveals itself to you beyond the human spirit, God,who

is the Great One, andwho is ALL.


CreatorGod is the one, who entrusts himself to the Creator and not theone, who himself gets lost in the creation of many worlds, becausehe is guided by this unbridled wish.


Whoever dedicateshimself unconditionally to God, whoever has been liberated from hiswishes on all levels of All-That-Is, will be gifted with God’slimitless freedom: the freedom, which does not belong to any world,because one belongs only to God.God is absolute, absolute is Histruth, and absolute is the reality in the Source of allLife.


Begin to let go ofyour truth and orient yourself toward God’s absolutetruth.


I am ARCHANGELMICHAEL, I am part of this reality and I am in service to everyhuman Being.I am the healing and transforming Light for all Life inCreation.


What I bring are:courage, protection, transformation, truthfulness and Love. What Idemand from human Beings are: dedication, a pure heart, clearintention and endurance.





通灵:Jahn J Kassl



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