安妮.泰特,琳达.海德勒,等人 -- 2012年9月9日--全球领域中心
这声音就是以赛亚书54章。上週恰克说我们需要每日读它。 我已经正在研读它,那声音要被释放出来了:你这不怀孕、不生养的要歌唱 ; 你这未曾经过产难的要发声歌唱,扬声欢呼;因为没有丈夫的比有丈夫的儿女更多,你的儿女将享大福、大平安。现在只要领受得胜的恩典。大声呼喊的恩典,大声呼喊 恩典!恩典!恩典! 恩典!
我听见主的灵说,这地方的影响力,神的恩膏将使人们从世界各地用前所未见过的的尺度听见这声音。主说,预备好,总统要来到此地,大使要来到此地。不要觉得奇怪,因我最近恩膏了你成为那声音,使声音释放出去并降下雨。你要对这世界宣告,你将会看见神的国降临,你会震移动这个国家的选举。要知道我会指派你,这就是你可以见到神国度的大收割的时刻,主如此说。预备好,释放你的信心,知道最后 神必会释放祂的话。
恰克.皮尔斯 -- 2012年9月9日-- 全球领域中心
我对你说,我会使你腹中清澈的水升起来,你会感觉到生命流过你。 我对你说,这时刻你不必为找到地方而争战。灰尘从你混乱的过去留下,但当你睁开眼睛,我对你说,将有一个我会居住的地方。
恰克.皮尔斯、蒂莫利.凯利-- 2012年9月9日-- 全球领域中心
Current Prophecy and Revelation
Anne Tate, Linda Heidler, Others - September 9, 2012 -Global Spheres Center
The Lord says that I’m gonna release sounds that you have neverheard. I’m calling people that you’ve never meet. There are nationsthat are beginning to turn and I’m putting the sound that willcause them to turn within you.
Cause the Lord says after fire comes glory. He says that afteryou’ve walked through the fire I release My Glory. And the Lordsays that this is a day that I’m unlocking, opening and bringingforth all that I have for you in this season.
For I say to you enemy watch that I am preparing a generation thatit will enter lap with the angelic realm. I say to you for Mypeople will rise on the wings of Zion and it will rise on the wingsof El Elyon. So I say to you open the way for there is an army thatit will travail and the army will laugh in your face and you willunderstand there reverential has come upon the earth for there adivision you will sit in one side and My army on the other side. SoI say to you understand that the Divider, the Divider, the Divider,the Divider is in your midst.
And the Lord says that that iron rod of My mouth I am forming andyou are that iron rod. And there are magnetic fields in the earththat are opening up and there are magnetic fields in the atmospherethat have never been unlocked and I am taking the iron rod that youare and I am forming you to align with those magnetic fields. Andyou will move with those fields in a way that has never been seenand there is power unleashed and there is alignment unleashed andthere is a forming and connecting to be seen in days ahead.
Now listen there’s a sound in us that will come forth, there is asound in you that has been blocked and the Lord said it is a soundthat will dethrone the Jezebel structure that’s been rulingyou.
The sound that Dolly just released is the sound of Isaiah 54. Nowlast week Chuck said we need to read that every day. And I’ve beenlooking at it and studying it and as soon as that sound startedcoming forth I knew it was exactly what it say when it says shoutfor joy barren woman, release a joyful shout, break into joyfulshouting for the children of the desolate will be more than thechildren of the married woman and great will be the well-being, theshalom and the peace of your sons.
Now just receive grace for victory. Grace to shout,shout
grace! Grace! Grace! Grace!
I hear the Spirit of the Lord says the influence of this place, theHub of this place, the anointing of God shall bring those fromaround the world to hear in a dimension you’ve never seen. The Lordsays get ready for President’s shall come to this place,Ambassador’s shall come to this place. Don’t think it strange thatrecently that I anointed you as a voice, as a sound to go forth andbring rain. You shall decree to this world you’ll see the Kingdomof God come, you’ll shift the election in this country. Know that Iwill appointed you, this is the hour that you shall see the harvestof the Kingdom saith the Lord. Get ready release your faith knowthis that God shall have the last word.

Chuck Pierce- September 9, 2012 - Global SpheresCenter
I say to You if you’ll cry out I will cause the dust storm that’sbeen around you to begin to part and that which has been dusty andthe dust you’ve been breathing in I say to you clear air will come.But not only will clear air come but I say a fresh drink will cometo you. For this is a week of priming your pump and causing what isdown deep, water that has been crusted over, water that has beenfilled with debris.
I say to you I’m going to cause your clear drink within you to riseup and you will feel life flowing through you. I say to you this isa time that you won’t have to strive to find your place. This is atime that when you open your eyes and the dust settled from yourlast place of confusion I say to you; you will say there is theplace I need to stay.
Chuck Pierce, Timmerle Kelly - September 9, 2012 - GlobalSpheres Center
And I say to you; you feel like you’ve been grabbing hold of thetail of the dragon and you’ve been saying Lord I’m being tossed oneway and tossed the other. But I say to you no longer will you havehold of the tail of the enemy but you will begin to take charge ofthe head that has been speaking wrongly into your life. I say toyou this is the day that My Headship is rising up and I am sayingMy Mind is coming into your confusion. You will have clear thoughtsand that when you one ankle has been cemented in an old place andanother ankle has not been free to move forward I say now MyHeadship will show you how to unlock the block that’s been aroundyour feet and move into the place that I have for you. I say nolonger will that which has accused you rule you saith theLord.
So Lord we proclaim in Jesus name that the concrete blocks aroundour feet are broken in the name of Jesus. Father we proclaim todayin the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that the fog is lifting off ofour minds. Father God we thank You we declare and decree God thatYou’re perfect will, will be heard Father God by our ears that wewill move forward into that which You recreated for us in Jesusname.