Person ofInterest的配乐选择和镜头剪辑编排总有那么一种魔力,仿佛让剧情在最高潮的时候把精彩凝固,之后的整个歌曲时段都能让人沉醉其中,回味无穷。
第二季最让我印象深刻关于Shaw的那一集,英勇正义的探员无奈的被上司暗杀在大庭广众下,仿佛让人惋惜无比的为国捐躯配合TheKills的Future Starts Slow歌曲,
♪You can holler, you can wail
♪You can swing, you can flail
♪You can thump like a broken sail
♪But I'll never give you up
♪If I ever give you up
♪My heart will surely fail
♪After all God can keep mysoul
♪And England have my bones
♪But don't ever give me up
♪I could never get back up
♪When the future starts so slow
♪No longing for the moonlight
♪No longing for the sun
♪No longer will I curse the bad I've d one
♪For if there is a time when thefeeling's。。。。
让人无限感慨,轻快的节奏和排比的句型仿佛是对Shaw个人作风的赞美和表达,更加无限惋惜(虽然最后揭示其实是假死。。Shaw也皆大欢喜的升级成主角之一,,)(另外这里偶一看发现第二个Englandhave my bones的have仿佛语法错误而该是has,但其实这里排比省略了can原句完整应该是England can havemy bones所以没错,这也是前后连起来听或读不会觉得别扭的原因)。
♪Pick it up, pick it allup.
♪And start again.
♪You've got a secondchance,
♪You could go home.
♪Escape it all.
♪It's just irrelevant.
♪It's just medicine.
♪It's just medicine.
♪You could still be,
♪What you want to,
♪What you said you were,
♪When I met you.
♪You've got a warmheart
♪You've got a beautifulbrain
♪But it'sdisintegrating。。
~~You could go home. Escape itall.It's just irrelevant.It's justmedicine.You could stillbe,What you want to,What yousaid you were When I met you.~~~