Jack Ma became the richest man in China, when the company hefounded floated on the stock market last year with a value ofaround £140billion - the largest public offering inhistory.去年阿里巴巴公司上市以后,市直达到1400亿英镑,这让马云成了中国最富有的人。
Alibaba, often referred to as China's answer to eBay and Amazon,now has 100 million visitors every day, said Ma at this year'sWorld Economic Forum inDavos.阿里巴巴,相当于美国的易趣和亚马逊。在今年的世界达沃斯经济论坛上,马云称阿里巴巴现在的日访问量可达1亿人次。
Ma was interviewed by Charlie Rose, and revealed a uniqueinsight into the story behind hissuccess...马云接受了著名主持人查理·罗斯的采访,为大家讲述了成功背后的一些趣事以及他个人的一些独到见解。
1."Beer" was the first word that Jack Ma searched for on theinternet
Back in 1995 Ma made his first trip to the US and used theinternet for the first time. After searching for "beer", he sawthat no results came up relating to China. When he then searchedfor "China" and still saw no results, he decided to set up aChinese website - the seed for Alibaba had beensown.1995年马云第一次去美国并第一次使用了互联网。当时他用网络搜索了“啤酒”,没有看到跟中国有关的东西。之后他又搜索了“中国”,没看到任何结果。那时候他就下决心要建立一个中文网站,这也许就是创立阿里巴巴的初衷。
2. Jack Ma applied to study at Harvard 10 times and was rejectedeach time
Ma said he has had to deal with rejection many times in hislife: He failed the entry exams for colleges in China three timesand was also rejected for many jobs in China, including one atKFC.马云说他一生中经历过各种拒绝:高考考大学时考了三次,找工作时多次被肯德基等多家公司拒绝。
The billionaire said he was turned down by the prestigiousHarvard 10 times after applying, in reply Charlie Rose quipped"they're sorrynow".现在已经是亿万富翁的马云说他曾经十次次申请哈佛,可每次都被拒绝了。主持人查理说“哈佛现在肯定会觉得遗憾的”。
3. Forest Gump is Jack Ma's hero
Forest Gump "never gives up" and believes in what he is doing,said Ma. He also quoted the phrase "Life is like a box ofchocolates because you never know what you're going to get", addingthat he could never have foreseen that he would end up at Davostalking about hissuccess.马云说他最敬佩的是阿甘那种决不放弃的精神以及对自己正在做的事情所持有的那种信心。马云还引用了电影中那句台词“生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块儿会是什么味道”,并说他根本没有想到他会在达沃斯论坛这里讲述自己的成功故事。
4. Jack Ma learnt English by giving tourists free guides - everyday for nine years
Limited resources meant it was difficult to learn English whenMa was younger. However, he found that he could learn the languageby giving tourists free tours around his hometown of Hangzhou-something that he did during his teenage years every morning fornine years. Ma said that the tourists "opened my mind" becauseeverything they said and did was so different to what he had beentaught at school and by hisparents.马云小的时候,因为各种资源有限所以学英语比较困难。但是当时十几岁的他发现,在他的家乡杭州通过给外国游客当导游可以学习英语,于是他坚持了九年每天早上给外国游客做义务导游。马云说那些游客开阔了他的眼界,因为他们所说所做的一切都不同于他从学校和父母那里学到的东西。
5. A tourist gave Jack Ma his English name
Jack Ma's Chinese name is Ma Yun; he was given the name Jack bya tourist who later became a pen-friend. She struggled with hisChinese name and asked if she could call him Jack, because both herhusband and father were also calledJack.马云的英文名字是“Jack”,这个名字是一位外国游客给他取的,两人之后还成为了笔友。那位外国游客因为觉得“马云”这个词挺难读的,就问能不能喊他“Jack”,因为这位游客的父亲和丈夫的名字都是“Jack”。
6. Jack Ma wants to make movies
After being seen in Hollywood, Ma admitted that he's interestedin making movies for Chinese youngpeople.在去过好莱坞之后,马云表示他确实有兴趣为中国的年轻人做电影。
He said that Hollywood has inspired him because in Americanfilms the heroes always start off down on their luck beforereaching success, but in Chinese films all the heroes end up dead -Ma joked that this is why Chinese people don't aspire to be heroes.Ma also said that he enjoys reading and writing Kung Funovels.马云说好莱坞让他有做电影的想法,因为在美国电影中,很多英雄因为一点运气而走向成功,而中国电影里大部分英雄人物最后都死掉了,马云开玩笑说这也许是为什么中国人不愿意做英雄的原因。他还说他很喜欢看功夫小说,也喜欢自己写。
7. "Be in love with the Government... but don't marry them,"said Jack Ma.
Ma described his relationship with the Chinese government as"very interesting" and said that at the beginning of startingAlibaba he told employees to be "in love with the Government, butdon't marrythem".马云形容他和中国政府的关系“非常有趣”,在阿里巴巴创建之初,他就跟员工讲“跟政府谈恋爱,但不要跟政府结婚”。
He said that he has never taken any money from the ChineseGovernment or Chinese banks.马云说他从来没跟中国政府或银行那里拿过一分钱。
8. Jack Ma loves Tai Chi
Ma said that Tai Chi is a philosophy about how you balance andhe applies it to his professional and business life, using it todraw inspiration about how to compete in themarket.马云说太极是一种关于如何保持平衡的哲学,他将这种哲学智慧运用在生活及市场竞争中。
9. Jack Ma named his company Alibaba because it's a globallyknown story
Ma simply wanted his company to have a global and interestingname, and realised that Alibaba is a story known across the world.As an added bonus, Ma said that because it begins with A, it alsoappears top oflists.马云只是想让公司的名字既有趣又全球化,他发现阿里巴巴的故事几乎全世界的人都知道。而且,阿里巴巴以字母A开头,这样无论何时阿里巴巴总是排在前面。
The company was founded in 1999 and since then has grown from 15employees to more than30,000.阿里巴巴公司创建于1999年,员工数量从最初的15个人发展到现在的3万多人。
Ma said that Alibaba has directly and indirectly created40million jobs for China. It floated on the New York Stock Marketin September 2014 for $25billion (£17billion), the largest IPO intheworld.马云说阿里巴巴直接或间接的为中国创造了4000万个工作岗位。公司于2014年9月在纽约证券交易所上市,融资规模达250亿美元,是世界上最大的IPO。
Ma said he hopes to keep expanding Alibaba outside of China (thecompany is already big in Russia and Brazil) and is aiming for2billion consumers and 10million small businesses to use thecompany outs ide ofChina.马云说他希望阿里巴巴能继续开拓海外市场(目前已经进入俄罗斯和巴西市场),目标是在中国之外消费者人数能达到20亿,小商店能达到1000万。