渣打银行邮件门-认识婚姻本质 婚姻家庭的本质属性是














I understand that you are going through a difficult time in yourpersonal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find
a way to deal with it that is the best for you and yourchildren.

I do understand how you feel. I also understand,however, that a marriage can only break apart from theinside. I do
not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me asthe home wrecker. You know as well as Yaledoes
that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I evenmet. Whether or not I am in Yale's life hasnothing todo
with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I amsure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought toburn
me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which Ido not believe is a mature thing todo.

Your description of the emotional damage your children havesuffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help butwondering
what you have been telling them. I would thinkthat a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect herchildren
from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargainingchips with a spouse or as props to winpublic
sympathy. Yale is the children's father and willalways be. I am sure he will always love them andbe the best father
he can be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense,for the sake of the children's wellbeing, to emphasize to themthat
both their parents will always love them even though one parentwill not be living with them all the time? I donot
see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children tohate their ownfather.

You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale'sarms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why wouldyou want to hang on to
someone who clearly does not want to be with you atall? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educatedand you havea
high-paying and well-respected job. So why didyou spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who doesnot
care about you to stay with you? As a fellowwoman I want to ask you this, don't you think you deservebetter?If
there's anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of anotherwoman's husband, it is sleeping in the armsof
someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run awayfrom you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, whywould
you want to put yourself in that situation? Onceagain, don't you think you deservebetter?

I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling willsubside soon and you can turn a new leaf in yourlife.
Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but youshould never lose yourself. And please, donot
vent your negative feelings on your children.They are innocent. Please always keep in mindtheir bestinterests
rather than your own. You deserve true happiness,and I hope that you will find itsoon.




娓f墦閾惰鑰佹澘鍜屼笅灞炲嚭杞?鑰佸﹩缁欏皬涓夌敤鑻辨枃鍐欎簡閭欢, 骞惰浆鍙戝叕鍙告墍鏈変汉. 浠ヤ笅涓哄叏

Dear friends,
After 13 years and 2 beautiful children together, Yale and I haveparted
our ways. Yale moved out last week.

Dear Diane/Tao Dan Yang,
Over the past couple of years, you knew everything about my family.You
knew when my kids had their soccer tournaments, you knew when theyhad
their swimming practices. You even knew their baby nicknames. OnDecember
18th, 2009, on a noon flight, I took my children to the U.S. forChristmas
vacation. On the very same day, December 18th, 2009, on anafternoon
flight, you and Yale took off for the beaches of Phuke t andshopping
streets of Bangkok for Christmas vacation. Diane, as a fellowwoman, I
often wondered if the level of ecstasy this vacation had broughtyou
equates to the level of devastation this vacation had brought tomy
children and me. Diane, I often asked myself what was it like foryou to
sleep in the arms of another woman's husband, other children'sfather? I
wondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife,that we
are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that we couldget hurt,
very hurt, devastatingly hurt. I pondered if you knew you weredestroying a
family, if you knew your joy would bring endless tears to us.

We went to Beijing last week for Chinese New Year. Your clotheswere in our
Beijing home. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touch those, theyare
disgusting! Set them on fire, burn them to hell. They are thedevil's
cloth!" My children are hurt. My daughter, 9 years old, now says"Mommy, I
don't ever want to get married." My s on, 8 years old, says "Dianeis our
Voldemort!" The psychological damage this affair has done to mychildren is
catastrophic. They are forever emotionally damaged. With this, Iannounce
you the winner.
How do I feel, Diane? This affair is like 10 thousand knivesstabbing and
chopping my heart all at once. This affair has left me in so muchpain that
I don't know how to heal myself. This affair has taught me tearsupply can
actually be infinite. This affair has crushed me, leaving me acorpse
walking around with no heart. I don't know how to deal with thiskind of
pain. I don't know how to move on. But I have children. I must moveon.
Diane, I pray to God that you will never have to experience thiskind of
betrayal and hurt. I wish you and Yale a happy life togetherbecause, after
all, we are all women and we all deserve to be happy.

With sincere regards,



Please do not b ring the personal issues to the public. Thetruth of the
facts is that our marriage had been falling apart 8 years ago,divorce had
been in discussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known to all thepeople in
the word! Diane had done nothing wrong for her part! I am firmlystanding
by and behind Diane. I will certainly hope she will marry me oneday soon!

Trying to tell the people how evil I am and Diane is in this wayis not
going to succeed! All the people, who knows you, me and ourmarriage,
supported my divorce, including my good friend Zhu Wei. I am sorryI have
dragged everyone into this. Lily please move on!

Sincerely yours



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