Article 1: Applicability第1条:适用性
1.1.applyingthese Terms & Conditions is referred to as ‘the Supplier’. Thecounter party is referred to as ‘the Customer’.
1.2. Inthe event of any conflicts between the substance of the agreementconcluded between the Customer and the Supplier on the one hand andthese Terms & Conditions on the other, the provisions set outin the agreement have precedence.
Article 2: tenders and offers第2条:投标及报价
2.1. Noobligations are attached to any tenders and offers.
2.2. Ifthe Customer supplies the Supplier with data, drawings etc., theSupplier may rely on their accuracy and shall base the tender onthat information.
2.3. Allprices specified in the tender are based on delivery ex works, inaccordance with the Incoterms 2000. Prices are stated exclusive ofVAT and packing materials.
按照国际贸易术语解释通则 2000,招标中指定的所有价格为出厂价,均不含增值税和包装材料。
2.4. Ifthe tender is not accepted, the Supplier is entitled to charge theCustomer for all costs incurred in order to submit thetender.
Article 3: Intellectual propertyrights第三条:知识产权
3.1.Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the Supplier retains thecopyrights and all industrial property rights to all tenders,offers and agreements , designed submitted, illustrations,drawings, trial models, programs, etc.
3.2. Therights listed in Article 3.1 remain the property of the Supplier,regardless of whether costs have been charged to the Customer fortheir production. The relevant information may not be copied, usedor shown to third parties without the Supplier’s explicit priorconsent. The Customer will be liable to pay the Supplier a penaltyfor each instance of violation of this provision, to the amount ofRMB 250,000. This penalty may be demanded in addition to anycompensation damages awarded by law.
3.3. TheCustomer must return all data provided as meant in Article 3.1 ondemand, within the period specified by the Supplier. If thisprovision is violated, the Customer is liable to pay the Supplier apenalty of RMB 10,000 per day. This penalty may be demanded inaddition to any compensation damages awarded by law.
Article 4: Advice, designs andmaterials第四条:咨询设计和材料
4.1. TheCustomer cannot derive any rights from advice or informationprovided by the Supplier that has no direct bearing on theengagement.
4.2. TheCustomer is responsible for all drawings, calculations and designsmade by or on behalf of the Customer, and for the functionalsuitability of all materials prescribed by or on behalf of theCustomer.
4.3. TheCustomer indemnifies the Supplier for any claims from third partiesarising in connection with the use of the drawings, calculations,designs, materials, samples, models, etc. provided by or on behalfof the Customer.
4.4. TheCustomer may examine (or arrange for the examination of) thematerials that the Supplier intends to use before they areprocessed, at the Customer’s own expense. Any damages incurred bythe Supplier as a result are for the Customer’s expense.
Article 5: Delivery times第五条:交货
5.1. Thedelivery deadline and/or work period stated by the Supplier areestimates.
5.2. Indetermining delivery deadlines and/or work periods, the Supplierassumes that the engagement can be carried out under thecircumstances as they are known to the Supplier at thatmoment.
5.3.Delivery deadlines and/or work periods do not commence until theParties have agreed on all commercial and technical details, allnecessary data, final and approved drawings, etc. are in theSupplier’s possession, the payment or instalment agreed has beenreceived and the conditions necessary for the performance of theengagement have been met.
5.4.a. Inthe event of circumstances that are different to those known to theSupplier when the delivery deadline and/or work period weredetermined, the Supplier may extend the delivery deadline and/orwork period by the time that is required in order to perform theengagement under those circumstances. If the work cannot be fittedinto the Supplier’s work schedule, it will be carried out as soonas the Supplier’s schedule permits.
b. In theevent of contract extras, the delivery deadline and/or work periodwill be extended by the time required to supply (or arrange for thesupply of) the materials and parts necessary for those contractextras and to carry out the contract extras. If the contract extrascannot be fitted into the Supplier’s work schedule, they will becarried out as soon as the Supplier’s schedule permits.
c. In theevent that the Supplier’s obligations are suspended, the deliverydeadline and/or work period will be extended by the duration thatthe obligations are suspended. If resumption of the work cannot befitted into the Supplier’s work schedule, the work will be carriedout as soon as the Supplier’s schedule permits.
d. In theevent of weather conditions that prevent work being carried out,the delivery deadline and/or work period will be extended by theresulting delay.
5.5. Ifthe delivery deadline and/or work period agreed is exceeded, thatcircumstance does not in any instance entitle the Customer tocompensation for damages, unless agreed in writing.
Article 6: Transfer of risk第六条:风险转移
6.1.Deliveries are made ex works, in accordance with the Incoterms2000; the risks attached to the object are transferred at themoment that the Supplier makes the object available to theCustomer.
按照国际贸易术语解释通则 2000,交付为出厂交付。卖方向买方备妥货物时,货物的风险即转移。
6.2. Theprovisions of Article 6.1 notwithstanding, the Customer and theSupplier may agree that the Supplier will arrange transport. Therisks attached to the storage, loading, transport and unloadingremain with the Customer in such instances. The Customer may takeout insurance to cover those risks.
6.3. Inthe event that objects are to be exchanged and the Customercontinues to use the exchangeable object while awaiting delivery ofthe new object, the risks attached to the exchangeable objectremain with the Customer until the moment that possession of theobject has been relinquished to the Supplier.
Article 7: Price changes第七条:价格变动
7.1. TheSupplier may charge any increases in cost-determining factors thatarise after the agreement is concluded to the Customer if theperformance of the agreement has not been completed at the momentof the increase.
7.2. TheCustomer is obliged to pay the price increases as meant in Article7.1 at the same time as the principal sum or the next instalment ispaid.
7.3. Ifthe Customer provides goods and the Supplier is prepared to usethose goods, the Supplier may charge up to 20% of the market priceof the goods provided.
Article 8: Impracticability of theengagement第八条:实施的终止
8.1. TheSupplier is entitled to suspend the fulfilment of any obligationsif any circumstances that could not be foreseen when the agreementwas concluded and that are beyond the Supplier’s influencetemporarily prevent the fulfilment of those obligations.
在签定协议时,如果发生不能预见的且超出卖方影响力, 暂时影响到义务履行的情况,卖方有权中止履行任何义务。
8.2.Circumstances that the Supplier could not foresee and that arebeyond the Supplier’s influence are understood to include (but arenot limited to) the circumstance that the Supplier’s own suppliersand/or subcontractors fail to meet their obligations, or fail to doso in time, the weather, earthquakes, fire, loss or theft of tools,the destruction of materials to be processed, road blocks, strikesor work stoppages and restrictions on import or trade.
8.3. TheSupplier is no longer entitled to suspend the fulfilment of anyobligations when the temporary impossibility of performance haslasted for more than six months. The agreement may not be dissolveduntil that term has lapsed, and only in respect of thoseobligations that have not been fulfilled. In that event, theParties are not entitled to any compensation for damages incurredas a result of that dissolution.
Article 9: Scope of the work第9条:工作范围
9.1. TheCustomer is responsible for ensuring that all licences, permits,dispensations and other administrative decisions that are needed tocarry out the work are obtained in time.
9.2 Theprice for the work does not include the following:工作的报酬不包括以下内容:
a. thecosts of earthwork, pile driving, demolition, foundation work,cementing, carpentry, plastering, painting, wallpapering, repairsor other construction work;
b. thecosts of connecting gas, water, electricity or otherinfrastructural facilities;
c. thecosts of preventing or limiting damages to any objects situated onor near the work site;
d. thecosts of disposing of materials, building materials or wasteproducts;
e. hoteland travelling expenses.
Article 10: Changes to the work第10条:工作的变更
10.1. Anychanges to the work will result in contract variations in at leastthe following instances:
a. if thedesign or the specifications change;
b. if theinformation provided by the Customer does not match the actualsituation;
c. in theevent of deviation from estimated quantities by more than10%.
10.2.Contract extras will be charged based on the value of thecost-determining factors as at the moment that the contract extrais performed.
Contractdeductions will be settled based on the value of thecost-determining factors as at the moment that the agreement wasconcluded.