for的用法 for of to的用法区别



一、prep. 介词

1. (表示目的、用途)为了;供。例如:

He went out for a walk. 他出去散步了。

He does everything only for money.他干什么都是为了钱。

We did it just for fun.我们做此事只是为了好玩而已。

For further details, write to thisaddress. 欲知详情,请致函下列地址。

She was too ill to get up for dinner.她病得无法起床吃饭。

These tickets are for next week.这些票是下个星期的。

They have tools and garden equipmentfor hire. 他们有工具和园艺设备出租。

This machine is used for cuttingmetals. 这台机器是用来切割金属的。

These books are for the children.这些书是儿童读物。

2. (表示对象) 为,给;对于;关于;至于,对……而言。例如:

What did you get for your birthday?你收到了什么生日礼物?

I’ve got a present for you.我有一件礼物要送给你。

We bought some new chairs for theoffice. 我们给办公室买了一些新椅子。

Watching TV too much is bad for yourhealth. 看电视太多对你的健康有害。

Are you all right for money? (=Do youhave enough money?) 你的钱够用吗?

What shall we have for lunch?我们午餐吃什么?

It may be a little too difficult for achild like him. 对于他这样的孩子来说,这可能有点太难了.

For a beginner, he drives well.就初学者来说,他开得不错。

3. (表示目标、去向)往;到……。例如:

Is this train for Shanghai?这是开往上海的火车吗?

My father has left for work.我爸爸去上班了。

I’m for bed.(=I’m going to bed.)我打算去睡觉。

4. (表示时间、距离、数量等)达;记。例如:

We have stayed here for two months.我们已在这儿呆两个月了。

For miles and miles we saw nothing buttrees. 走了好长好长的路,除了树什么也看不到。

The diamond was insured for2,000dollars. 这颗钻石投保了2,000美元。

5. (表示约定的时间) 在……(时间)。例如:

I’ve invited them for 9 o’clock.我已经邀请他们9点来。

We’ve made an appointment for October18th. 我们已经约定10月18日见面。

It’s time for supper. 是吃晚饭的时候了。

6. (=in favor of)赞成;支持;同意。例如:

How many people voted for the proposal?多数人投票赞成这项提议?

Are you for this plan or against it?你是支持还是反对这个计划?

I’m all for people enjoying themselves.我完全赞成人们享乐。

7. (=instead of)代替;代表。例如:

I looked after the kids for her.我替她照看小孩。

Mr Johnson attended the meting for ourschool. 杰克逊先生代表我校参加了会议。

Let me carry the box for you.我来替你搬这个箱子吧。

8. (表示解释理由,=because of; by reasonof)因为,由于。例如:

We could hardly see for the mist.由于起雾,我们几乎看不见了。

A certain amount must be deducted fordepreciation. 因贬值,必须扣除一些金额。

She was angry with him for being late.她因他迟到而生气了。

Thank you for helping me with myEnglish. 谢谢你帮我学习英语。

She wanted to change her job for purelypersonal reasons. 她想换工作纯粹出于个人原因。

9. 适合于。例如:

City life is not for me. 城市生活不适合我。

也用下列短语“be fit for; be suitable for; beappropriate for”表示“适合于”。例如:

I don’t think he is fit for the job.我认为他不适合这项工作。

Dr Yuan’s kind of rice is the mostsuitable for China’s farmland. 袁博士发明的水稻品种是最适合中国土地耕种的。

His casual clothes were not appropriatefor such a formal occasion. 他的便服不适宜在这样正式的场合穿。

10. 用于for sb./sth. to dosth.结构,引出动词不定式的逻辑主语。例如:

It is really unusual for Michael to getcross. 迈克尔发脾气确实是不寻常的。

I can’t bear for you to be unhappy.看到你不高兴我受不了。

There’s nothing worse than for a parentto ill treat a child. 没有什么比父母虐待小孩更恶劣的了。

The plan is for us to leave in themorning. 按照计划我们应在上午离开。

There is an urgent need for someone totackle this problem. 急需有人来解决这个问题。

There will be another opportunity forthem to do it again. 他们还将有一次机会做这件事。

He must have had some bad news for himto be so quiet. 他这么沉默,一定是听到了什么坏消息。

I’ve sent off my coat for it to becleaned. 我已经把大衣送去洗了。

It’s easy for a computer to keep arecord of this information. 要电脑记录下来这种信息很容易。

The dolphin was near enough for me toreach out and touch it. 海豚近得我伸手就可以摸到。

It’s too difficult for me to explain.这太难了,我无法解释。

但在一些系表结构的句子中,如果形容词是用来形容人的性格、智力、修养等特征的,则用of sb. 作逻辑主语。例如:

It is utterly stupid of her not tofollow your advice. 她不听你的劝告,愚蠢之极。

It is wise of him to have marriedLucia. 他娶露西亚为妻是明智之举。

for的用法 for of to的用法区别

It was brave enough of her to fightagainst the scoundrel by herself. 她孤身跟歹徒斗,可真够勇敢的。

It is kind of you to come and see meoff. 你来给我送行真是太好了。

Isn’t it unwise of Bob to lie to hisfather? 鲍勃对他父亲撒谎不是很不明智吗?

How silly it is o…f them to idle awaytheir youth! 他们这样浪费青春,多愚蠢!


用for引出间接宾语的动词一般表示“为;替”的含义,常用的有:make,order, find, spare, save, play, sing, paint, fetch, buy, do, cook,get, build, fix, keep, choose, reserve, book, call, cash, catch,change, cut, prepare, reach等。例如:

Will you do a favour for me? (=Will youdo me a favour?) 你能帮我一个忙吗?

She ordered a cake for him. (=Sheordered him a cake.) 她为他点了一个蛋糕。

I bought a bike from that shop for myson (=I bought my son a bike from that shop.)我从那家商店给我儿子买了一辆自行车。

如果动词表示“给;传达”的含义,则用to引出间接宾语,常用的有:bring,throw, award, accord, pay, lend, teach, read, tell, show, return,write, promise, send, give, offer, pass, hand, suggest, relate,whisper, submit, point out, mutter, shout, mention, say, introduce,repeat, express, dedicate, explain, disclose, announce, dictate,communicate, describe, demonstrate, assign, grant, leave, sell,allow, deny, recommend, telephone, quote, cable, cause,refuse等。例如:

She offered a cup of coffee to me.(=She offered me a cup of coffee.) 她给我倒了杯咖啡。

Could you lend some money to me?(=Could you lend me some money?) 你能借给我点钱吗?

The master didn’t allow any freedom tothe slaves. (=The master didn’t allow the slaves any freedom.)奴隶制不给奴隶任何自由。

但owe, wish等一般不用介词引出间接宾语。例如:

I owe him a lot of money. 我欠他很多钱。(一般不说Iowe a lot of money to him.)

I wish you a happy marriage.祝你新婚愉快!(一般不说I wish a happy marriage to you.)

二、conj. 连词 因为(表示推测或附加的原因,前后为并列句)。例如:

It must have rained last night, for theground is wet. 昨晚一定下过雨,因为地面是湿的。

Kuntta knew day broke, for he heard thebirds singing. 昆塔知道天亮了,因为他听到了鸟的叫声。

I apologized to her, for I had wrongedher. 我向她道歉,因为我错怪她了。


1. 动词+for

ask for 请求,要求,寻求。account for对……做出解释;说明……的原因。 answer for对……负责。allow for 考虑到;允许有。 change …for把……换成。call for 要求;需要;提倡;邀请。care for 喜欢;关心,照顾。cut outfor适合于;准备;面对。go for 去找;被认为;主张;拥护;努力获取。 go in for 参加,从事;追求;赞成。headfor 出发;前往;取向于。 leave for 动身去。 set out for出发去…… long for渴望。foragefor 搜查;四处搜寻。look for寻找。 hunt for搜寻,寻找。 search for搜索;寻找。 make for有助于;促进;走向。make up for 弥补。pay for为…而付钱;赔偿;为…付出代价。 prepare for为…准备。provide …for供给,为……提供。 send for派人去拿;召唤,派人去叫。stand for代表;支持;象征。 watchfor当心;守候;等待。 wait for等候。

2. 形容词+for

be famous for因……而著名。be goodfor对……有好处;有益于。be bad for对……不利;对……有害。be late for因……而迟到。be usedfor被用于……。be/get ready for 为……做准备。be bound for往;前往。be availablefor对……有用;有效。

3. 介词+for

as for关于,至于。but for要不是;如果没有。exceptfor除了…以外;要不是由于。

4. 名词/代词+for

the reason for ……的原因/理由。whatfor为什么;为何目的。

5. for+名词/代词

for example/for instance 例如。 fo r fun为了娱乐;开玩笑地。for sale 待售;出售。for all(=in spite of)虽然;尽管。for all I know就我所知。 for nothing 白白地;免费。for some reason由于某种原因;由于某个理由。for one thing/ for another 首先/其次。for a while/moment 一会儿;片刻。for aninstant片刻,瞬间。for the moment/for now/for the present/for the timebeing 暂时;目前。 for the sake of为了……起见,看在……的份上。for anything无论如何。for one就个人来说。for oneself为自己;独自地。for effect 做样子;为了给人良好的印象;装门面。for lackof/for want of因缺乏…… for the first time 第一次;首次。for the mostpart在极大程度上;多半。for the asking 只要要求。for fear of /that 生怕;以免。

6. for+其他

for sure/for certain 确切地;确凿地。for free免费。 for ever/for good 永远。 for the better好转,向好的方向发展。 for each/forevery每……就有。


1. It’s time for sth.该做某事了;是做某事的时候了。例如:

It’s time for class. 到上课的时间了。

It’s time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。

2. If it weren’t for sth.要不是;如果没有。表示同现在事实相反的假设,主句用虚拟语气。例如:

If it weren’t for the rain, the cropsshould(would) have withered. 要是没有雨,庄稼就枯萎了。

3. If it hadn’t been for sth.要不是;如果当时没有。表示与过去事实相反的假设,主句用虚拟语气。例如:

If it hadn’t been for you, I would nothave been alive. 要不是你,我早就没命了。

If it hadn’t been for your timely help,I would have been bankrupt. 如果没有你及时的帮助,我早就破产了。

4. That’s/There’s …for you!那正是……的特点!那恰好跟……相反!例如:

That’s foreign hotels foryou!外国旅馆就是这种德行!

I gave it to her and she just threw itaway; there’s gratitude for you!我把它给了她,她却扔掉;这就是所谓的好心有好报!

5. be (in) for it可能要挨骂;可能要受罚;倒霉。例如:

You will be in for it if she finds outwhat you have done! 要是她发现你做的事,你就要挨骂了!


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