英译《扁鹊见蔡桓公》 扁鹊见蔡桓公教案



扁鹊见蔡桓公,立有间,扁鹊曰:“君有疾在腠理,不治将恐深。”桓候曰:“寡人无疾。”扁鹊出。桓侯曰:“医之好治不病以为功。”居十日,扁鹊复见,曰:“君之病在肌肤,不治将益深。”桓侯不应。扁鹊出。桓侯又不悦。居十日,扁鹊复见,曰:“君之病在肠胃,不治将益深。”桓侯又不应。扁鹊出。桓侯又不悦。居十日,扁鹊望桓侯而还走。桓侯故使人问之。扁鹊曰:“疾在腠理,汤熨之所及也;在肌肤,针石之所及也;在肠胃,火齐之所及也;在骨髓,司命之所属,无奈何也!今在骨髓,臣是以无请也。”居五日,桓公体痛;使人索扁鹊,已 逃秦矣。桓侯遂死。

A Story about a Doctor and a Duke

by Han Fei

---许景城(Peter CooperXu)

Bian Que, a very famous doctor, came to see the duke of Qi Kingdomalso known as Duke Cai. Standing in front of the duke, he advised,“Your majesty, there is something wrong on your skins. If it is notcured, I’m afraid it will get worsened. ” Duke Cai refused, “I amabsolutely fit and healthy.” Without further ado, Bian bowedhimself out. Then, the duke grumbled, “Doctors are always enjoyingcuring those who have no diseases, from which they could seekmerits.” Ten days rolled by before Bian paid a second visit to theduke and said, “Your majesty, there is something wrong beneath yourskins. If it is not cured, I’m afraid it will become worsened.”Duke Cai refused again and turned his back on him, unhappy. Bianhad nothing but to bow himself out. Another ten days passed bybefore he paid a third visit, and said to the duke, “Your majesty,now the disease comes to your intestines and stomach. If it is notcured, I’m afraid it will be worsened. ” Once again, he encounteredDuke’s ignoring and unpleasure. Another ten days flew away beforethe doctor ran away when he saw the duke, who felt extremelysurprised and sent a soldier to inquire him. Bian Que explained,“When the disease is on the skins, it can be cured by hot compressof medicines. When it slips beneath the skins, it can be healed byacupuncture. When it comes to the intestines and stomach, it can betreated with hot drug soups. Now the disease has come to Duke’sspine, which is at the hands of God, and there is nothing I can do.” Five days strode by before Duke felt pains all through his body,and sent for Bian Que, who had run away to Qing Kingdom. Thus, DukeCai tragically passedaway.

Note: Han Fei (280BC- 233BC) born from a noble family, was a famousthinker and philosopher of naïve materialism, and a majorrepresentative of Legalist School as well as an essayist during theterminal period of Warring States.

英译《扁鹊见蔡桓公》 扁鹊见蔡桓公教案


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