如何在GTA3中开直升机,教程 我的世界直升机教程

这里声明一下,gta3只有Dodo这飞机可以开的,你见到一些有飞机的是GTAVC或者GTASA里的安装了GTA3MOD的,这里的直升机是借用了gta3 admin console运行的.




autoinstallerz这个文件夹是自动安装的,而manual install是自动安装的,里面有说明:

1. Add this line to the default.dat file below MODELFILEMODELSGENERICwheels.dff.


2. Change this line in the default.ide

# wheels: 160-169

Change it to

# wheels: 160-169, 89

3. Add this file to the modelsGenericfolder.


4. Add this line below the line 166,wheel_smallcar, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0 in the default.ide

89,wheel_lightmod, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0

5. Changes this line i n the default.ide

# peds:0-89


# peds:0-88

1. Run the DMagic1wheelmod.exe to install the wheel mod or usethe manual istall

DO NOT use both.

2. When every you want to use a car that has its own wheels inthe model,

you have to set the wheeltype to 089 in the default.ide file. Here is an example:

92, stinger, stinger, car,STINGER, STINGER,executive,10,6,2ff0,166, 0.8

The stinger above has it'swheel type set to 166. That means that the wheel_smallcar

will appear on the stingeringame. If you added wheels to the stingers model then

you would need to changethe wheel type to 089. That way your wheels that are on the

stinger model will be thereingame. If you set a cars wheel type to 089 and it doesn't

have any wheels modeled on,it will appear with no wheels.

二. 解压geqxon_helicoper.zip




1. Replace the mr whoopie with my (yes I ripped it from thegame) car by using the manual or auto

If you choose manual, you also have to change these:

Default.ide (fixes the wheels):

113,mrwhoop,mrwhoop,car,MRWHOOP, WHOOPEE,special, 3,4,0, 089,0.7

Handling.cfg (fixes the no door)

MRWHOOP1700.0 2.0 5.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 85 0.75 0.75 0.5 4 145.0 12.0 F D4.17 0.80 0 35.0 1.2 0.1 0.24 0.9 29000 0.35-0.15 0.5 0110 0 1

2. Start gta3

3. Start admin console

4. Go to your portland, staunton or shoreside garage

5. If the garage is to small to get the chopper out (portlandand shoreside) just press numpad 2 to go to the helipad

6. Open keyboard keyboardlayout.gif for the controls.

Happy flying!

Made by Geqxon

如何在GTA3中开直升机,教程 我的世界直升机教程


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/270833.html


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