如何写Introduction和Conclusion转发 introduction怎么写



变成模板就是: The increasing interest in … has heightened the need for…

The … and … of … is well known. … is a common finding in ….

XXX (yyyy) showed that … was impaired. XXX (yyyy) pointed out/demonstrated/ established/ proposed/ examined/ suggested/ thatthere is … in…

However,….. XXX cannot treat …; XXX is limited to …; and XXX isnot sufficiently accurate. Both XXX and XXX suffer from thedependency on …

A key problem is … [OR]The remaining issue is to find a way of…

The aim of the present paper is to give… [OR] This study wasdesigned to evaluate … [OR] The present work extends the use of thelast model … In addition, an effort is made to improve …

The findings …

This paper is structured as follows … [OR] The remainder of thispaper is divided into five sections. Section II describes …

如何写Introduction和Conclusion(转发) introduction怎么写



The study focuses on …

In the course of this analysis, we have demonstrated that …And/But/So/When/If …

The study concluds that …

Additional research should focus not only upon …

Especially, … Such research can estabilish …


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/269816.html


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