区分定理(Theorem)、引理(Lemma)、推论(Corollary)等概念 lemma


Theorem:就是定理,比較重要的,簡寫是 Thm。




Proposition:有人翻譯為「命題」, 有些作者喜歡用,大概也可以算是比較簡單的定理的一種稱呼。



Remark:涉及一些結論,比較起來 "Note" 比較像說明, "remark" 則常是非正式的定理。





就如doppler 说的,

"Theorem" 本身是一个大 result
"Lemma" 是 prove “Theorem“ 之前用的一个 result
区分定理(Theorem)、引理(Lemma)、推论(Corollary)等概念 lemma
"Corollary" 是可以从 "Theorem" 里直接 deduce/prove 出来的 result
" Proposition" 是一个还无法大到变成 "Theorem" 的一个 result (当作小 theorem )

(1)Definition(定义)------a precise and unambiguous description of themeaning of a mathematical term. It characterizes the meaning of aword by giving all the properties and only those properties thatmust be true.
(2) Theorem(定理)----a mathematical statement that is proved usingrigorous mathemat-ical reasoning. In a mathematical paper, the termtheorem is often reserved for the most important results.
(3) Lemma(引理)----a minor result whose sole purpose is to help inproving a theorem. It is a stepping stone on the path to proving atheorem. Very occasionally lemmas can take on a life of their own(Zorn's lemma, Urysohn's lemma, Burnside's lemma,Sperner'slemma).
(4) Corollary(推论)-----a result in which the (usually short) proofrelies heavily on a given theorem (we often say that this is acorollary of Theorem A").
(5) Proposition(命题)-----a proved and often interesting result, butgenerally less important than a theorem.
(6) Conjecture(推测,猜想)----a statement that is unproved, but isbelieved to be true (Collatz conjecture, Goldbach conjecture, twinprime conjecture).
(7) Claim(断言)-----an assertion that is then proved. It is oftenused like an informal lemma.
(8) Axiom/Postulate------(公理/假定)a statement that is assumed to betrue without proof. These are the basic building blocks from whichall theorems are proved (Eu-clid's ve postulates, Zermelo-Frankelaxioms, Peano axioms).
(9) Identity(恒等式)-----a mathematical expression giving the equalityof two (often variable) quantities (trigonometric identities,Euler's identity).
(10) Paradox(悖论)----a statement that can be shown, using a givenset of axioms and de nitions, to be both true and false. Paradoxesare often used to show the inconsistencies in aawed theory (Russell's paradox). The term paradox is often usedinformally to describe a surprising or counterintuitive result thatfollows from a given set of rules (Banach-Tarskiparadox, Alabama paradox, Gabriel's horn).


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