我们到底该不该上大学?--成都韦沃英语 保险到底该不该买

韦沃英语 成都韦沃英语热线 400-004-8568
我们到底该不该上大学?--成都韦沃英语 保险到底该不该买









400-004-8568 of hot line of language of Chengdu Wei Wo Ying

"Undergraduate obtain employment is difficult, pay is low, this oneharsh reality affected numerous parent directly (especially ruralparent) the confidence that do all one can supplies the universityon him child; Their be thwarted; Still sit in the numerous studentsin the classroom, what is their motivation? Hard student, giveoneself a good future? Do not ensure even basic life, why to comegood? As gardener; They that what comes incentive oneself student,let them try hard to learn? Be to render service to repay kindnessreally the motherland? Too distant hat is too old, in the finalanalysis, still be the individual achieves nation of refer of lifevalue ability first. 80 hind, 90 hind, their social pressure,house, the job, provide for the aged, economy is stagnant etc... "

Whatas the capital education exhibits is hot, the problem of increasingconcerned education and obtain employment cannot evasive, aparagraph of word above is the question that the friend on my richguest raises, acerb, biting do not break however representative.Face obtain employment difficulty to bring " education is panicky ", the person that we do education is not had by borrow.

Aboveall, I should emphasize a bit, if thought to accept highereducation to also cannot find good job, generate suspicion toeducational action, so the give up eating for fear ofchoking-refrain from doing sth necessary for fear of a slight riskthat this kind of thought is a model. Besides, went up theuniversity cannot find the job, that does not have those who hadattended a college with respect to prep let alone!

Wantto face a problem correctly, the state of mind with ability goodnurturance, await the arrival of good luck. At present the main thecrux of the problem of obtain employment difficulty is: Of theworld " financial crisis " setting; Of the student " an unusuallylucky person " state of mind; Of the society " when the river risesthe boat goes up too " the current situation; Of education "religion with be out of line " problem.

Insidethis, some elements we are OK the palm accuses, for instance stateof mind, education, some however when should be solved with time,mechanism of economic depression, choose and employ persons is forinstance unreasonable. So, to apply for a job wants first oneselfbut the element that the palm controls is adjusted best. Ego is forinstance perfect, ignorant and incompetent during the school, thetime with every many smallpox gets online, shop, professionalknowledge and China male full capacity is about the same, andwithout independent ability, if you open the word of the company,believe to also do not want such stuff.

Stillhave state of mind, it is not difficult to apply for a job,difficult is to seek good job, need capability on one handaccumulate; Also need time and lot on one hand. The hardshipsunflinching nerve that strikes good job to also mean you to want toface the job to go up and perseverance, have grandiose aims butpuny abilities is most of delay cause delay in work or business.Even if searched run the job of business, also want total heart totreat, also can accumulate experience at least, can grow horizon,can form human resource of future, can come up against good luck atany time. Present to apply for a job person, most the missingcourage that has from ground floor doing namely.

Opportunity,it is to be able to encounter what cannot beg; Actual strength,oneself can be had hard, return when the opportunity when, it isthe day that your generation ability shows suddenlynamely!

Didnot come to the world, the most competitive talent is: Haveknowledge already capable, be willing to be free from anxietyalready agree to work to be able to create an opportunity again,already can stand the test can bear again successful. Still be thatword: Rich accumulating, not faze heaven and earth; Be latent, itis opportunity of survival only, intellectual itself does not havea fault, always do not ask what it can bring to you, what shouldask oneself can be created with it? !


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/267046.html


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