我们的询盘案例 InquirySamples
- 客人要你报300个SiliconeBracelet,美国当地价格是$300元,你卖客人的价格是$270元。虽然便宜$30元,但你在中国,客人应该不会为了省30元而向你买货,那怎么办?
- 二周要交十个Sales Package, 后来你发现完成不了,交不出来,怎么办?
NO.1 Discussion
Hello :
Thank you for returning my call regarding the Velvet bag! Perour conversation, below is the info I will need. If there are anyquestions or additional pricing I would need, please let me know onthe front end so I can calculate all costs.
FYI – we are looking at a quantity of 350. These must be velvetbags that can hold a box that we are inserting (box size is 8” x5.5” x 2.5”). We will need these in our hands by the first week ofJune. I understand you are overseas – can you confirm if this canbe done and if it is a rush, what the charges would be.
Item Quoting:
Item Info
1. Size = ???? 2. Material = Velvet 3. Color = Black 4.Weight of Item (we need to estimate shipping charge to include inquote to our client)
Imprint options:
1. Method of imprint = 2. Available Foil Colors = 4.Imprint size = ? 5. Imprint location
Pricing Info on 350 quantity:
1. Set up charge = 2. Proof charge = 3. Run Charge - 4.Card Boar insertion = 5. 2 week rush charge = 6. Shipping Charge=
Time Info Needed:
1. Once artwork is received, how long for an art proof?2. Upon artwork approval, production time? 3. FOBlocation?
NO.2 Need Quotation
I left a message for you. I have a customer who is looking fortwo of your products DH0730194 and DH0730197.
For right now they are looking for 50 pieces of each UNIMPRINTED- They need these by 5/23.
If everyone likes these they are looking at doing 5,000 of each.Please let me know what my cost will be for 50 pieces of each andif this is possible.
If you can get back to me today that would be wonderful.
Thank you.
NO.3 Need Quotation
I have a client looking to order 100-150 eye masks. This is fora hospital, and would be an initial order to see how they go over.I found you on ESP and was looking at product #LLBAA73707. Do youprovided these in this quantity? If so, what is my net price, netset up fee, and any other fees? Imprint would be one color.
Thank you for your prompt response!
NO.4 Need Quotation
Project: Recyclable 100 gram polypropylene bags or recyclablecanvas bags.
I have a custom job that I need quoted:
12" wide x 24" long x 6" deep....must have 2 grommets on eachside...these will be used by distribution centers and hang onforklifts to collect tras
h in....
Originally we need 2-3 of each material in the final format tosend to my client (and pricing). Then we go into test mode and wewould need 500 bags (and pricing) to see how long they last andthen the initial order quantity would be a minimum of 50,000 pieces(and I need pricing for this).
Please let me know.
NO.5 Need Inquiry Assist
Good Morning! I hope you are doing well this morning! I amhoping you can assist me on a rather large opportunity I am workingon. We have a meeting next week and we would like to have somevirtuals done up of a custom beach ball, for an idea we arepitching at our meeting.
We would like the beach ball to be an actual cranberrylook-a-like. Attached is the Ocean Spray logo, which would also beimprinted on the beach ball, but not too large, as we want the WOWfactor to be that it looks exactly like a cranberry. Can you pleaselet me know if this is possible? If so, can you also let me knowwhat the minimum order quantity, lead time and pricing would be?The virtual comp is very important, because we would like theclient to be able to see it done than to actually image it.
We have a meeting set up next week, so if it is possible to havethe virutals done by Friday I would greatly appreciate it. Pleaselet me know if this will be possible.
Inquiry Sample
Hello! I have a client who is interested in getting 2500 woodenhangers with their logo imprinted on them. Size is 17 x 1/2" glosswalnut finish. Can you do these overseas? Please contact me if youcan. I am in a competitive bid situation so it would be great if wecould work on this!!!
Pearlee Coty
Inquiry Sample
10 designs x a dozen of each = 120 sets of flip flops Mediumcheap not super expensive White flop with full color or four colorprocess Can you please send me prices and recommendation.
Thank you,
Shannon Dillinger
Inquiry Sample
Hi Jeffrey, Per our conversation a moment ago, please give us aquote on the following specifications for a stainless steel mug.Mug S/S with Black Handle and Lid Black Logo on two sides 36 c/s –14 oz. Quantity: 87,264 pieces Cases: 2724 Desired Price: US $0.82or better. We would order 6 times a year in quantities of14,544.
Please respond to me no later than Sunday/Monday in China. Ineed to quote on June 1st Monday Regards,
Similar to the image
Inquiry Sample
Hi there,
I’m looking for promotional items in the shape of a red apple,green grapes or purple grapes. Some items I’m interested in areUSB, stress ball, pen holder, mobile phone holder, and any otheritem that would work in an office environment. The quantity is 1000units. Please include 1 color and/or 6 color logo cost. Can youplease send images and quotes of any items that may match thedescription?
Lainie Rother
Inquiry Sample
Please quote Size 1-10 1-18 1-22 With custom shaped body ANWwill provide 3 d pictures 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 Please visit us onthe web at http://www.anwinc.com/
Hal Narotzky
Similar to the image
Inquiry Sample
Hi! I am looking for a certain type of clog for a client and waswondering if you carry this item. I have attached a picture andwould like the item in black with no imprint.
Please let me know if you have this ————product or something similarand I would like pricing for quantities of 50-200 as well.
Thank you!
Inquiry Sample
Please see below call in details & attachmentASI Credit Connect Item: SGZUK186
Req: 20k qty
- Freight to 94954
- Engraved or silkscreen
- Where is the imprint location
- Time: In hands Oct
- Base color: Green is ok.
- What other color options available?
Inquiry Sample
Please see below call in details & attachmentSAGE Info Item:CTCR00191003
Req: 25~30 qty. Doable?
- 7 in each color
- What color are available
- For the umbrella body, what color inside/outside?
Inquiry Sample
Please see below call in details & attachmentASI Credit Connect & SAGE Info
- can cooler Req:
- Qty 5k - base color: Green
- Any green is fine, no need for PMS match
- 2 color imprint 1 location
- Need to know setup charges - zip: 91301
- time: No info. Wish to have estimate timeline.
Inquiry Sample
Please see below call in details & attachmentASI Credit Connect & SAGE Info Item: SWAIAS83037Slap bracelets
Req: Qty: 1500/2k/5k
- Imprint: 4 color process
- base color: Not sure yet, but will be just one color
- What's min for PMS match
- zip: Chicago
- Time: No info yet
- Plz make timeline
Inquiry Sample
Please see below call in details& attachment ASI Credit Connect
Item: DWNC81020 Playing cards
Req: Confirm pricing of 3k 1.50 at R
- Need package(ctn) - Ship to Hawawi
- 1 color - on box or on every card
- least expensive - 3k/5k qty
- Standard card type
- ZIP: honolulu 96815
- Will need a box(no shrink wrap)
- Hawaii Sunset theme