[波]维斯瓦娃 。辛波斯卡作
波译英:沃特 。 威普尔
Love at First Sight
by Wislawa Szymborska
Translated by
Walter Whipple (Polish to English)
H. L. Glennie (English to Chinese)
Bo th areconvinced两人都坚信
that a sudden surge ofemotion突如其来的激情
bound themtogether.将他们连成同心。
Beautiful is such acertainty,都一早确定这是美好的般配,
butuncertainty is morebeautiful.其实确定不了的东西才更美。
I'd like to askthem我想问问他们
whether theyremember--是否记得--
perhaps in a revolvingdoor或许在旋转门
everbeing face toface?圈走中曾经面对面相遇过?

an"excuse me" in acrowd是否在人群中向对方说过“请让下我”
or avoice "wrong number" in the receiver.或许接电话后向对方说过“你拨错号”。
But I know theiranswer:不过我知道他们会如是说:
no, they don'tremember.不,他们记不得这些事曾发生过。
They'd be greatlyastonished他们会大吃一惊地发现
tolearn that for a longtime很久很久以前
chance had been playing with them. 机遇曾经与他俩玩缘。
Not yet whollyready只不过当时机遇还没有准备妥当
to transform into fate forthem来不及为他俩转换宿命的方向
it approached them, then backedoff,它已经走近他们,然后驻足观望
stood in theirway站在他们行进的路上
and, suppressing agiggle,接着,它憋着笑
jumped to theside.迅速往街边一跳。
Therewere doorknobs and bells 那里还有门把和门铃
on which earlier 一人先前已经碰过
touch piled on touch. 另外一个接着触摸。
Bags beside each other in theluggage room. 行李房中行囊并列陈放。Perhaps theyhad the same dream on a certainnight,或许某个夜晚他俩同梦一场,
suddenly erased after waking. 醒时突然将同一梦像擦个精光。