IamSam(不一样的爸爸) 不一样的爸爸迅雷下载



   《I amSam》是一部相当不错的影片,Sam虽然只有7岁的智商,说话与表达也不甚清晰,但这并不影响他对女儿的爱,也就是因为他是个特殊的父亲,让他有了更多的时间去和女儿沟通,父女两人就在这份爱中相互依靠,共同成长。这让我看到,爱只要是发自内心的,就会积聚力量散发光芒。也让我找看到对女儿教育上自身上存在的不足,缺乏毅力与耐心,缺少倾听,更多采用主观方式让女儿接受自身观点。我想,Sam是一面镜子,会照亮我今后的行动方向。


Lucy: All you need is love.

  Rita: Sam, I can go at leastanother nine rounds, but you got to let me in.

  Lucy: [being observed] I want noother daddy but you.

  [turns to the glass]

  Lucy: [shouts] Did you hearthat? I said I didn't want any other daddy but him. Why don't youwrite that down?

  Rita: It's like every morning Iwake up and I FAIL!

  Rita: Home.

  Phone Voice: Dialingoffice.

  Rita: HOME!

  Phone Voice: Dialingoffice.


  Phone Voice: Dialing Dr.Sloan.


  Rita: That's right.

  Sam: OKAY!

  Sam: You think what theythink.

  Rita: It doesn't matter what Ithink. It matters that we win.

  Sam: No, you think what theythink. You think Sam can't take care of Lucy!

  Rita: Sam, it doesn't matterwhat I think!

  Sam: It matters tome!

  Sam: You're going a littlefaster than everybody else. I was wondering if you noticedthat.

  [Sam buys a "preowned" answeringmachine]

  Ifty: Yeah. It's an outgoingmessage so I think you need to sound a little moreoutgoing.

  Lucy: Daddy, did God mean foryou to be like this or was it an accident?

  Sam: Ok, what do youmean?

  Lucy: I mean you'redifferent.

  Sam: But what do youmean?

  Lucy: You're not like otherdaddies.

  Sam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah,I'm sorry.

  Lucy: It's ok, daddy. It's ok.Don't be sorry. I'm lucky. Nobody else's daddy ever comes to thepark.

  Sam: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, we arelucky. Aren't we lucky? Yeah!

  [in Rita's car]

  Rita: On the Porsche the doorhandle is a little hidden by that thingamajig, so if you're havingtrouble finding it...

  Annie: NO!

  Sam: Ok, I think maybe Annie'snot exactly ready to go yet.

  Rita: Can you grasp the conceptof manipulating the truth... not lying, just a little tweak hereand there?

  Sam: [thinks for a few seconds ]No.

  Sam: You don't know what it iswhen you try, and you try, and you try and you never getthere!

  Sam: You've grown.

  Lucy: Have I?

  Sam: Yeah, 'cause your ears arebigger and your eyes are older.

  Rita: Sam, I worry. I worrysometimes.

  Sam: Yeah... do you worry thatyou did something wrong?

  Rita: No. I worry that I'vegotten more out of this relationship than you.

  Rita: It's just... I've neverlost at anything.

  Rita: Where is yourfather?

  Willy Harrison: Where do youthink?

  Rita: Now, Ms. Cossell, in allthe time that you've known them, have you ever questioned Sam'sability as a father?

  Annie: Never.

  Rita: Never?

  Annie: Never. Look at Lucy.She's strong. She displays true empathy for people, all kinds ofpeople. I know that you all think she's as smart as she is despitehim, but it's because of him.

  Rita: So what you're saying isyou don't worry about Lucy's future?

  Annie: No, I do.

  Rita: Ah...

  Annie: I worry all the time. Iworry if they take Lucy away from her father they will take away anenormous piece of her, and I worry that she will spend the rest ofher life trying to fill that hole.

  Lucy: I won't read theword!

  Sam: I'm your father and I'mtelling you to read the word. Cause I can tell you to because I'myour father.

  Lucy: I'm stupid.

  Sam: You are notstupid!

  Lucy: Yes, I am.

  Sam: No, you are not stupid'cause you can read that word.

  Lucy: I don't wanna read it ifyou can't.

  Sam: No, because it makes mehappy! It makes me happy hearing you read. Yeah, it makes me happywhen you're reading.

  Lucy: [Lucy readsagain]

  Conner Rhodes: Are you a retardtoo?

  Lucy: No!

  Conner Rhodes: How do youknow?

  Lucy: Because he toldme.

  Conner Rhodes: But he's aretard!

  Lucy: It takes one to knowone.

  [making fun of Lucy'sdad]

  Conner Rhodes: Sorry, Mr.Egg.

  Joe: Do we getballoons?

  Shoe Salesman:...Yeah

  Joe: All of us or justher?

  Conner Rhodes: Why does yourfather act like a retard?

  Lucy: He is.

  Lucy: Why are menbald?

  Sam: Sometimes they're baldbecause their head is shiny and they don't have hair on it. Sotheir head is just more of their face.

  Daddy,why does the snow flake?What is mustard made of?

  Why are men bald?

  Why does the moon follow mehome?

  Daddy,do i look more like you ormummy……

sam:你还记得Beatles的Paul Mccartney写给John Leon的孩子的歌……他那首歌前面还写了‘I loveyou I love you I love you I love youI loveyou’……朋友告诉我说,如果没有这些话,那首歌就不会那样好听……”.这也是为什么在1970年4月10日披头士解散时,全世界为之痛哭。

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爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/264463.html


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