冰与火之歌巴利斯坦·赛尔弥 巴利斯坦爵士





Ser Barristan felt very tired,very old. Where have all the years gone? Of late, wheneverhe knelt to drink from a still pool, he saw a stranger’s facegazing up from the water’s depths. When had those crow’s-feet firstappeared around his pale blue eyes? How long ago had his hairturned from sunlight into snow? Years ago, old man.Decades.

Yet it seemedlike only yesterday that he had been raised to knighthood, afterthe tourney at King’s Landing. He could still recall the touch ofKing Aegon’s sword upon his shoulder, light as a maiden’s kiss. Hiswords had caught in his throat when he spoke his vows. At the feastthat night he had eaten ribs of wild boar, prepared the Dornish waywith dragon peppers, so hot they burned his mouth. Forty-sevenyears, and the taste still lingered in his memory, yet he could nothave said what he had supped on ten days ago if all seven kingdomshad depended on it. Boiled dog, most like. Or some other fouldish that tasted no better.

Not for the first time, Selmy wondered at the strange fates thathad brought him here. He was a knight of Westeros, a man of thestormlands and the Dornish marches; his place was in the SevenKingdoms, not here upon the sweltering shores of Slaver’s Bay.I came to bring Daenerys home. Yet he had lost her, justas he had lost her father and her brother. Even Robert. Ifailed him too.
冰与火之歌巴利斯坦·赛尔弥 巴利斯坦爵士


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/263970.html



基本资料冰与火之歌Ⅴ:魔龙的狂舞作者: 乔治·马丁出版社:出版年:页数:定价:装帧:ISAN:内容简介魔龙的狂舞是美国作家乔治·R·R·马丁所著的七卷系列史诗奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》中的第五卷。尽管本书可能早在2006年就完成了,但是最终于2011

冰与火之歌 之“我爱你”:瑟曦与詹姆


冰与火之歌全景透析2——权利的游戏 权利游戏和冰与火之歌

在切入正题前,请允许我再次膜拜一下马丁大叔,好作家很重要的一个特征是厚积薄发,在写出这么一个令人激动的故事的同时,又能克制住表达的冲动,为书起一个简洁、切中主题而且还很有气势的名字——A Game of Thrones。(彻底折服了。。。)1.PO

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