Section I Use ofEnglish
1. [A] grants
2. [B] external
3. [C] picture
4. [D] For example
5. [B] fearful
6. [D] on
7. [A] if
8. [A] test
9. [D] success
10. [C] chosen
11. [A] otherwise
12. [C] conducted
13. [B] rated
14. [C] took
15. [B] then
16. [C] marked
17. [D] before
18. [D] drop
19. [B] undo
20. [A] necessary
Section II ReadingComprehension
Part A
Text 1
21. [B] insensitivity to fashion
22. [D] shop for their garments morefrequently
23. [A] accusation
24. [D] Pricing is vital to environment-friendlypurchasing.
25. [C] Criticism of the fast-fashion industry
Text 2
26. [B] lower their operational costs
27. [A] online advertisers
28. [C] will not benefit consumers
29. [A] DNT may not serve its intendedpurpose.

30. [D] skepticism
Text 3
31. [B] our faith in science andtechnology
32. [A] a sustained species
33. [D] Our Immediate future is hard toconceive.
34. [C] draw on our experience from thepast
35. [C] The Ever-bright Prospects ofMankind
Text 4
36. [C] overstepped the authority of federalimmigration law
37. [C] States’ legitimate role in immigrationenforcement.
38. [D] stood in favor of the states
39. [A] outweighs that held by thestates
40. [B] Justices intended to check the power ofthe Administration.
Part B
41.[ E] These issues all have root causes in humanbehavior. All require behavioral change and social innovations, aswell as technological development . Stemming climate change, forexample, is as much about changing consumption patterns andpromoting tax acceptance as it is about developing cleanenergy.
42.[ F] Despite these factors , many socialscientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems . And in Europe,some are up in arms over a proposal to drop a specific fundingcategory for social-science research and to integrate it withincross-cutting topics of sustainable development.
43.[ B ] However, the numbers are still small:in 2010,about 1,600 of the 100,000 social-sciences papers publishedglobally included one of these Keywords.
44. [G]Duringthe late 1990s , national spending on social sciences and thehumanities as a percentage of all research and developmentfunds-including government, higher education, non-profit andcorporate -varied from around 4% to 25%; in most European nations ,it is about 15%.
45. [C] the idea is to force social to integratetheir work with other categories, including health and demographicchange food security, marine research and the bio-economy, clear,efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and securesocieties.
Part C
Dear Mr. Smith,
On behalf of the Students’ Union, I am sending this e-mailto you to invite you to act as our judge of English Speech Contestto be held in our university on May 5 .
To be more specific, our contest is on the topic of how toembrace tough challenges in digital era. During this competition,ten participants will deliver their speeches with respect to thistopic .
It is widely acknowledged that you are a top expert in thisfield, so we sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation .For further information, please call me at 8888888.
I am looking forward to your reply and arrival.
The picture jumping into mysight is fairly compelling. In this cartoon , after graduation, ahost of graduates may face diverse choices , ranging frompostgraduate entrance exam to study abroad to job-hunting and so on. But when approaching a junction, which direction should onechoose ? The caption, summarizing the message conveyed by thiscartoon in a couple of words, reads “choice” This picture inspiresme hugely.
The cartooniststrives to bring home to us a single clear message: making choicematters much for a person’s success. Stated in another way, a folkwould be permanently locked out of the league of successful elitesif he or she lacks the awareness of choice. To be more specific, onthe basis of self-evaluation and development goal in theforeseeable future , different folks possess different options.
From my ownperspective, option is truly among the most important of elementsthat drive individuals to success. Losing sight of the crucialimportance of option would be a major obstacle to one’s success.Meanwhile, when making every option , we are supposed to takeself-evaluation and interest into consideration. On a broaderlevel, a persistent atmosphere of placing a high value oncultivating of making options is sorely needed. Only in this waycan we embrace a brighter future.