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第壹部分: 单选题( 占72分)
一、词汇题( 占15分)
1. Lost andscared, the little dog ______ along the streets, looking for itsmaster.
(A) dismissed(B) glided (C) wandered (D) marched
2. On a sunnyafternoon last month, we all took off our shoes and walked on thegrass with _____ feet.
(A) bare (B) raw(C) tough (D) slippery
3. It is bothlegally and _______ wrong to spread rumors about other people onthe Internet.
(A) morally (B)physically (C) literarily (D) commercially
4. These warm-upexercises are designed to help people _____ their muscles andprevent injuries.
(A) produce (B)connect (C) broaden (D) loosen
5. Mei-ling hasa very close relationship with her parents. She always ______ thembefore she makes
(A) impresses(B) advises (C) consults (D) motivates
6. Therestaurant has a _____ charge of NT$250 per person. So the four ofus need to pay at least
NT$1,000 to eatthere.
(A) definite (B)minimum (C) flexible (D) numerous
7. At the BookFair, exhibitors from 21 countries will _______ textbooks, novels,and comic books.
(A) predict (B)require (C) display (D) target
8. Before Johngot on the stage to give the speech, he took a deep ________ tocalm himself down.
(A) order (B)rest (C) effort (D) breath
9. Most youngpeople in Taiwan are not satisfied with a high school _____ andcontinue to pursue further
education incollege.
(A) maturity (B)diploma (C) foundation (D) guarantee
10. Residentsare told not to dump all household waste _____ into the trash can;reusable materials should
first be sortedout and recycled.
(A) shortly (B)straight (C) forward (D) namely
11. Kevin hadbeen standing on a ladder trying to reach for a book on the topshelf when he lost his and
fell to theground.
(A) volume (B)weight (C) balance (D) direction
12. If studentenrollment continues to drop, some programs at the university maybe to reduce the
(A) relieved (B)eliminated (C) projected (D) accounted
13. People inthat remote village feed themselves by hunting and engaging in_____ forms of agriculture. No
modernagricultural methods are used.
(A) universal(B) splendid (C) primitive (D) courteous
14. Thegovernment issued a travel _____ for Taiwanese in response to theoutbreak of civil war in Syria.
(A) alert (B)monument (C) exit (D) circulation
15. The babypanda Yuan Zai at the Taipei Zoo was separated from her motherbecause of a minor injury
that occurredduring her birth. She was ______ by zookeepers for awhile.
(A) departed (B) jailed (C)tended (D) captured
二、综合测验( 占1 5分)
第16 至20 题为题组
Aesop, theGreek writer of fables, was sitting by the roadside one day when atraveler asked him what
sort of peoplelived in Athens. Aesop replied, “Tell me where you come from andwhat sort of people live
there, andI’ll tell you what sort of people you’ll find in Athens.” 16, the man answered, “I come from
Argos, andthere the people are all friendly, generous, and warm-hearted. Ilove them.”
17this, Aesop answered, “I’m happy to tell you, my dear friend, thatyou’ll find the people of Athens
much thesame.”
A few hourslater, 18 traveler came down the road. He too stopped andasked Aesop the same
question.19 , Aesop made the same request. But frowning, the mananswered, “I’m from Argos and
there thepeople are unfriendly, 20 , and vicious. They’re thieves andmurderers, all of them.” “Well,
I’m afraidyou’ll find the people of Athens much the same,” repliedAesop.
16. (A)Amazing (B) Smiling (C) Deciding (D) Praying
17. (A) At (B)By (C) For (D) Into
18. (A) a (B)the (C) other (D) another
19. (A) Again(B) Indeed (C) Together (D) Moreover
20. (A) brave (B) lonely (C) mean(D) skinny
Every yeartens of thousands of tourists visit Mount Kilimanjaro, the highestmountain in Tanzania,
Africa, towitness the scenes depicted in Earnest Hemingway’s The Snows ofKilimanjaro. They are attracted
by theAmerican writer’s 21 of the millennia-old glaciers. However,this tourist attraction will soon
22 .According to the Climate Change Group, formed by environmentalistsworldwide to document the
effects ofglobal warming, Mount Kilimanjaro’s snows and glaciers are meltingand are 23 to disappear
by 2020. Notonly will the summit lose its tourist attraction, but thedisappearance of the snows will also
cause majordamage to the ecosystem on the dry African plains at its base.24 the snow covering the
peak, therewill not be enough moisture and water to nourish the plants andanimals below. Rising
temperatures,an effect of global warming, 25 threaten the ecosystem ofthis mountain area. The loss of
snows on the5,892m peak, which have been there for about 11,700 years, couldhave disastrous effects on
21. (A)situations (B) descriptions (C) translations (D)calculations
22. (A)operate (B) expand (C) recover (D) vanish
23. (A)capable (B) ready (C) likely (D) horrible
24. (A) Among(B) Besides (C) Inside (D) Without
25. (A) thus (B) just (C) instead(D) otherwise
Most humanbeings actually decide before they think. When people encounter acomplex issue and form
an opinion,how thoroughly have they 26 all the important factorsinvolved before they make their
decisions? Theanswer is: not very thoroughly, 27 they are executives,specialized experts, or ordinary
people in thestreet. Very few people, no matter how intelligent or experienced,can 28 all the
possibilitiesor outcomes of a policy or a course of action within just a shortperiod of time. Those who take
pride in beingdecisive often try their best to consider all the factorsbeforehand. 29 , it is not unusual
for them tocome up with a decision before they have the time to do so. And30 an opinion is formed,
most of theirthinking then is simply trying to find support for it.
26. (A)conveyed (B) examined (C) solved (D) implied
27. (A)whoever (B) because (C) whether (D) rather
28. (A) setout (B) turn out (C) put into practice (D) take intoaccount
29. (A)However (B) Furthermore (C) Conditionally (D) Similarly
30. (A) though (B) unless (C)once (D) even
三、文意选填( 占1 0分)
說明:第31题至第40题,每题一个空格,请依文意在文章后所提供的(A) 到 (J)选项中分别
InEnglish-speaking cultures, the choice of first names for childrencan be prompted by many factors:
tradition,religion, nature, culture, and fashion, to name just afew.
Certain peoplelike to give a name that has been handed down in the family to show31 for or to
remember arelative whom they love or admire. Some families have a traditionof 32 the father’s first
name to thefirst born son. In other families, a surname is included in theselection of a child’s given name to
33 afamily surname going. It may be the mother’s maiden name, forinstance.
For a longtime, 34 has also played an important role in namingchildren. Boys’ names such as
John, Peter,and Thomas are chosen from the Bible. Girls’ names s uch as Faith,Patience, and Sophie
(wisdom) arechosen because they symbolize Christian qualities. However, forpeople who are not
necessarilyreligious but are fond of nature, names 35 things of beautyare often favored. Flower and
plant nameslike Heather, Rosemary, and Iris 36 thiscategory.
Another factorthat has had a great 37 on the choice of names is the spreadof culture through the
media. Peoplemay choose a name because they are strongly 38 a characterin a book or a television
series; theymay also adopt names of famous people or their favorite actors andactresses. Sometimes, people
pick foreignnames for their children because those names are unusual and willthus make their children
more 39and distinctive.
Finally, somepeople just pick a name the sound of which they like, 40 ofits meaning, its origins,
or itspopularity. However, even these people may look at the calendar topick a lucky day when they make
(A) drawn to(B) fall into (C) impact (D) involving (E) keep
(F) passingdown (G) regardless (H) religion ( I ) respect (J)unique
四、阅读测验( 占32 分)
Americanwriter Toni Morrison was born in 1931 in Ohio. She was raised in anAfrican American
family filledwith songs and stories of Southern myths, which later shaped herprose. Her happy family life
led to herexcellent performance in school, despite the atmosphere of racialdiscrimination in the society.
Aftergraduating from college, Morrison started to work as a teacher andgot married in 1958. Several
years later,her marriage began to fail. For a temporary escape, she joined asmall writers’ group, in which
each memberwas required to bring a story or poem for discussion. She wrote astory based on the life of a
girl she knewin childhood who had prayed to God for blue eyes. The story waswell received by the group,
but then sheput it away, thinking she was done with it.
In 1964,Morrison got divorced and devoted herself to writing. One day, shedusted off the story she had
written forthe writers’ group and decided to make it into a novel. She drew onher memories from childhood
and expandedupon them using her imagination so that the characters developed alife of their own. The
Bluest Eye waseventually published in 1970. From 1970 to 1992, Morrison publishedfive more novels.
In her novels,Morrison brings in different elements of the African American past,their struggles,
problems andcultural memory. In Song of Solomon, for example, Morrison tellsthe story of an African
American manand his search for identity in his culture. The novels and otherworks won her several prizes.
In 1993,Morrison received the Nobel Prize in Literature. She is the eighthwoman and the first African
American womanto win the honor.
41. What isthe passage mainly about?
(A) The lifeof black people in the U.S.
(B) The lifeof an African American writer.
(C) Thehistory of African American culture.
(D) Thehistory of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
42. Why didMorrison join the writers’ group?
(A) She wantedto publish The Bluest Eye.
(B) She wantedto fight racial discrimination.
(C) She wantedto be a professional writer.
(D) She wantedto get away from her unhappy marriage.
43. Accordingto the passage, what is one of the themes in Morrison’sworks?
(A) A searchfor African American values.
(B) Divorcedblack women in American society.
(C) Songs andstories of African Americans in Ohio.
(D) History ofAfrican Americans from the 1970s through the 1990s.
44. Which ofthe following statements is true about Toni Morrison?
(A) She hasbeen writing a lot since her adolescent years.
(B) Shesuffered from severe racial discrimination in herfamily.
(C) What shewrote in her novels are true stories of AfricanAmericans.
(D) No AfricanAmerican woman ever received a Nobel Prize in Literature beforeher.
Below is an excerpt from an interview withZeke Emanuel, a health-policy expert, on his famousbrothers.
Interviewer: You’re the older brother ofRahm, the mayor of Chicago, and Ari, an extremelysuccessful
talent agent. And you’re a bioethicist andone of the architects of Obamacare. Isn’t writing a
book about how great your family is a bitodd?
Zeke: I don’t write a book about how greatmy family is. There are lots of idiocies and foolishness—a lotto
make fun of in the book. I wrote BrothersEmanuel because I had begun jotting stories for my kids.
And then we began getting a lot ofquestions: What did Mom put in the cereal? Threesuccessful
brothers, all different areas.
I: To what do you attribute the Emanuelbrothers’ success?
Z: I would put success in quotes. Westrive. First, I think we got this striving from our mother to makethe
world a better place. A second importantthing is you never rest on the last victory. There’s alwaysmore
to do. And maybe the third important thingis my father’s admonition that offense is the bestdefense.
We don’t give up.
I: Do you still not have a TV?
Z: I don’t own a TV. I don’t own a car. Idon’t Facebook. I don’t tweet.
I: But you have four cellphones.
Z: I’m down to two, thankfully.
I: Your brothers are a national source offascination. Where do you think they’ll be in fiveyears?
Z: Ari will be a superagent running thesame company. Rahm would still be mayor of Chicago. Iwill
probably continue to be my academic self.The one thing I can guarantee is none of us will have takena
cruise, none of us will be sitting on abeach with a pina colada.
45. What does Zeke Emanuel have in mindwhen saying “What did Mom put in the cereal?”
(A) The secret to bringing up successfulkids. (B) The recipe for a breakfast food.
(C) The difference among the brothers. (D)The questions from his kids.
46. What does Zeke Emanuel think of themodern conveniences mentioned in the interview?
(A) Better late than never. (B) Practicemakes perfect.
(C) One can live without many of them. (D)They are great inventions.
47. According to Zeke Emanuel, which ofthe following is a reason for the brothers’ success?
(A) They defend themselves by attackingothers.
(B) They learn a lot from great people’squotes.
(C) They are committed to glorifying theirparents.
(D) They keep moving forward even after abig success.
48. Which of the following best summarizesZeke Emanuel’s response to the last question?
(A) The brothers look forward to a familytrip on a cruise.
(B) Nothing much will change in the nearfuture for them.
(C) Higher positions and more power willbe their goals.
(D) None of the brothers will go to thebeach.
第49 至52 题为题组
MOOC, a massive open online course, aimsat providing large-scale interactive participation andopenaccess via the web. In addition to traditionalcourse materials such as videos, readings, and problemsets,MOOCs provide interactive user forums that helpbuild a community for the students, professors,andteaching assistants.
MOOCs first made waves in the fall of2011, when Professor Sebastian Thrun from StanfordUniversityopened his graduate-level artificialintelligence course up to any student anywhere, and 160,000students inmore than 190 countries signed up. This newbreed of online classes is shaking up the highereducationworld in many ways. Since the courses can betaken by hundreds of thousands of students at the sametime,the number of universities might decreasedramatically. Professor Thrun has even envisioned a futureinwhich there will only need to be 10universities in the world. Perhaps the most striking thing aboutMOOCs,many of which are being taught by professors atprestigious universities, is that they’re free. This iscertainlygood news for cash-strappedstudents.
There is a lot of excitement and fearsurrounding MOOCs. While some say free online courses area
great way to increase the enrollment ofminority students, others have said they will leave manystudentsbehind. Some critics have said that MOOCspromote an unrealistic one-size-fits-all model ofhighereducation and that there is no replacement fortrue dialogues between professors and their students. Afterall,a brain is not a computer. We are not blankhard drives waiting to be filled with data. People learnfrompeople they love and remember the things thatarouse emotion. Some critics worry that online studentswillmiss out on the social aspects ofcollege.
49. What does the word “cash-strapped” inthe second paragraph mean?
(A) Making a lot of money. (B) Being shortof money.
(C) Being careful with money. (D) Spendinglittle money.
50. Which of the following is NOT one ofthe features of MOOCs?
(A) It is free to take the courses. (B)Many courses are offered by famous universities.
(C) Most courses address artificialintelligence. (D) Many students can take the course at the sametime.
51. What is the second paragraph mainlyabout?
(A) The impact of MOOCs. (B) The goal ofMOOCs.
(C) The size of MOOC classes. (D) The costof MOOC courses.
52. Which of the following is a problem ofMOOCs mentioned in the passage?
(A) The disappearance of traditionalcourse materials.
(B) The limited number of courses offeredaround the world.
(C) The overreliance on professors fromprestigious universities.
(D) The lack of social interaction amongstudents and professors.
Today the car seems to make periodic leapsin progress. A variety of driver assistance technologiesareappearing on new cars. A developing technologycalled Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication, or V2V, isbeingtested by automotive manufacturers as a way tohelp reduce the number of accidents. V2V works byusingwireless signals to send information back andforth between cars about their location, speed and direction,sothat they keep safe distances from each other.Another new technology being tested isVehicle-to-Infrastructurecommunication, or V2I. V2Iwould allow vehicles to communicate with road signs or trafficsignals andprovide information to the vehicle about safetyissues. V2I could also request traffic information fromatraffic management system and access the bestpossible routes. Both V2V and V2I have the potentialtoreduce around 80 percent of vehiclecrashes on the road.
More and more new cars can reverse-park,read traffic signs, maintain a safe distance in steadytrafficand brake automatically to avoid crashes.Moreover, a number of firms are creating cars thatdrivethemselves to a chosen destination without ahuman at the controls. It is predicted that driverless cars willbeready for sale within five years. If and whencars go completely driverless, the benefits will beenormous.Google, which already uses prototypes of suchcars to ferry its staff along Californian freeways, once putablind man in a prototype and filmed him beingdriven off to buy takeaway hamburgers. If this works,hugenumbers of elderly and disabled people canregain their personal mobility. The young will not have topaycrippling motor insurance, because theirreckless hands and feet will no longer touch the wheel ortheaccelerator. People who commute by carwill gain hours each day to work, rest, or read anewspaper.
53. Which of the following statements istrue about V2V?
(A) V2V communication has been very welldeveloped.
(B) Through V2V, drivers can chat witheach other on the road.
(C) V2V is designed to decrease crashes bykeeping safe distances.
(D) Through V2V, a car can warn cyclistsnearby of its approach.
54. What does “infrastructure” inVehicle-to-Infrastructure refer to?
(A) Traffic facilities and informationsystems. (B) The basic structure of roads and bridges.
(C) Knowledge and regulations about safedriving. (D) The traffic department of the government.
55. Which of the following is NOT apotential benefit of driverless cars?
(A) The elderly will become more mobile.(B) “Drivers” can sleep in cars all the way to work.
(C) People can race cars to their heart’scontent. (D) A blind man can get into a car and travelsafely.
56. What can be inferred from thepassage?
(A) Cars will refuse to start if thedriver is drunk. (B) The future may be a vehicle-accident-freeera.
(C) Everyone, including children, canafford a car. (D) The production of driverless cars is still faraway.
第贰部分: 非选择题( 占28分)
一、中译英( 占8分)
1. 有些年轻人辞掉都市裡的高薪工作,返回家乡种植有机蔬菜。
2. 藉由决心与努力,很多人成功了,不但获利更多,还过着更健康的生活。
二、英文作文( 占20 分)