原创翻译 JAR包格式的介绍 自压原创小格式



JAR file is a file format based on the popular ZIP fileformat and is used for aggregating many files into one.A JAR file is essentially a zip file thatcontains an optional META-INF directory. A JAR file can be createdby the command-line jar tool, or by using the java.util.jar API in the Java platform. There is no restrictionon the name of a JAR file, it can be any legal file name on aparticular platform.


In many cases, JAR files are not just simple archives of javaclasses files and/or resources. They are used as building blocksfor applications and extensions. The META-INF directory, if itexists, is used to store package and extension configuration data,including security, versioning, extension and services.


Java 2平台可以通过META-INF目录的如下文件进行配置:

The following files/directories in the META-INF directory arerecognized and interpreted by the Java 2 Platform to configureapplications, extensions, class loaders and services:


The manifest file that is used to define extension andpackage related data.


This file is generated by the new "-i" option of the jartool, which contains location information for packages defined inan application or extension. It is part of theJarIndex implementation and used by class loaders to speed up theirclass loading process.


The signature file for the JAR file. 'x'stands for the base file name.


The signature block file associated with the signature filewith the same base file name. This file stores the digitalsignature of the corresponding signature file.


This directory stores all the service provider configurationfiles.

键值对Name-Value pairs and Sections


Before we go to the details of the contents of the individualconfiguration files, some format convention needs to be defined. Inmost cases, information contained within the manifest file andsignature files is represented as so-called "name: value" pairsinspired by the RFC822 standard. We also callthese pairs headers or attributes. Groups of name-value pairs areknown as a "section". Sections are separated from other sections byempty lines.


Binary data of any form is represented as base64.Continuations are required for binary data which causes line lengthto exceed 72 bytes. Examples of binary data are digests andsignatures.

Implementations shall support header values of up to 65535bytes.

All the specifications in this document use the same grammar inwhich terminal symbols are shown in fixed width font andnon-terminal symbols are shown in italic type face.


section:*header +newline
nonempty-section:+header +newline
newline:CR LF | LF | CR (not followed by LF)
header:name : value
name:alphanum *headerchar
value:SPACE *otherchar newline *continuation
continuation:SPACE *otherchar newline
alphanum:{A-Z} | {a-z} | {0-9}
headerchar:alphanum | - | _
otherchar:any UTF-8 character except NUL, CR and LF

; Also: To prevent mangling of files sent via straighte-mail, no
; header will start with the four letters "From".

Non-terminal symbols defined in the above specification will bereferenced in the following specifications.

JAR文件的说明 JAR Manifest




A JAR file manifest consists of a main section followed by alist of sections for individual JAR file entries, each separated bya newline. Both the main section and individual sections follow thesection syntax specified above. They each have their own specificrestrictions and rules.

The main section contains security and configurationinformation about the JAR file itself, as well as the applicationor extension that this JAR file is a part of. It also defines mainattributes that apply to every individual manifestentry. No attribute in this section can have itsname equal to "Name". This section is terminatedby an empty line.



例子:微软的SQL Server 2005驱动jar包中META-INF/MANIFEST.MF的节选:

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.2

Created-By: 1.5.0_15-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Name: com/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc/SQLServerException.class

SHA1-Digest: tAQNyqt3kNpnn39kR7KOyEZN0Is=


SHA1-Digest: 5eQKiIrZa1Cd6QeIVaZCCC0qJqA=

The individual sections define various attributes forpackages or files contained in this JAR file. Not all files in theJAR file need to be listed in the manifest as entries, but allfiles which are to be signed must be listed. The manifest fileitself must not be listed. Each section muststart with an attribute with the name as "Name", and the value mustbe a relative path to the file, or an absolute URL referencing dataoutside the archive.

If there are multiple individual sections for the same fileentry, the attributes in these sections are merged. If a certainattribute have different values in different sections, the last oneis recognized.

Attributes which are not understood are ignored. Suchattributes may include implementation specific information used byapplications.

Manifest Specification:

manifest-file:main-section newline *individual-section
main-section:version-info newline *main-attribute
version-info:Manifest-Version : version-number
main-attribute:(any legitimate main attribute) newline
individual-section:Name : value newline *perentry-attribute
perentry-attribute:(any legitimate perentry attribute) newline
newline:CR LF | LF | CR (not followed by LF)

In the above specification, attributes that can appear in themain section are referred to as main attributes, whereas attributesthat can appear in individual sections are referred to as per-entryattributes. Certain attributes can appear both in the main sectionand the individual sections, in which case the per-entry attributevalue overrides the main attribute value for the specified entry.The two types of attributes are defined as follows.



Main attributes are the attributes that are present in themain section of the manifest. They fall into the followingdifferent groups:


Created-By: 创建者



Main-Class :通过java –jar执行jar包时启动的类名,不需要包含.class扩展名














爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101015/258424.html


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