One of the most popular American authors of her day,humanitarian, crusader for women's rights, editor of Asiamagazine, philanthropist, noted for her novels of life in China.Pearl S. Buck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938.The decision of the Swedish Academy stirred controversy, especiallyamong critics who believed that Buck lacked the stature the NobelPrize was intended to confirm. Nowadays Buck's books are generallyconsidered dated although attempts have been made to rehabilitateher work. "One does not live half a life in Asia without return. When itwould be I did not know, nor even where it would be, or to whatcause. In our changing world nothing changes more than geography.The friendly country of China, the home of my childhood and youth,is for the time being forbidden country. I refuse to call it enemycountry. The people in my memory are too kind and the land toobeautiful." (from A Bridge for Passing, 1963) Pearl S. Buck was born in Hillsboro, West Virginia. She spenther youth in China, in Chinkiang on the Yangtse River. She learnedto speak Chinese before she could speak English. Her parents weremissionaries. Buck's father, Absalom Sydenstricker, was ahumorless, scholarly man who spent years translating the Bible fromGreek to Chinese. Her mother, the former Caroline Stulting, hadtravelled widely in her youth and had a fondness for literature.Buck's life in China was not always pleasant. When she was only achild, the family was forced to flee from the rebel forces of theBoxer Rebellion. After being educated by her mother and by a Chinese tutor, whowas a Confucian scholar, Buck was sent to a boarding school inShanghai (1907-09) at the age of fifteen. She also worked for theDoor of Hope, a shelter for Chinese slave girls and prostitutes.Buck continued her education in the United States at Randolph-MaconWoman's College in Virginia, where she studied psychology. Aftergraduating in 1914, she returned to China as a teacher for thePresbyterian Board of Missions. Her mother was seriously ill andBuck spent two years taking care of her. Buck married Dr. John Lossing Buck, an agricultural expert,devoted to his work. When her mother recovered, they settled in avillage in the North China. Buck worked as a teacher andinterpreter for her husband and travelled through the countryside.During this period China took steps toward liberal reform,especially through the May4th Movement of 1917 to 1921. In the 1920s the Bucksmoved to Nanking, where she taught English and American literatureat the university. In 1924 she returned to the United States toseek medical care for her first daughter, who was mentallyretarded. In 1926 she received her M.A. in literature from CornellUniversity. The Bucks went back to China in 1927. During the civil war, theywere evacuated to Japan - Buck never returned to China. In 1935Buck divorced her first husband and married her publisher and thepresident of John Day Company, Richard Walsh, with whom she movedto Pennsylvania. As a writer Buck started with the novel EAST WIND: WEST WIND(1930), which received critical recognition. She had earlierpublished autobiographical writings in magazines and a storyentitled 'A Chinese Woman Speaks' in the Asia Magazine. Herbreakthrough novel, THE GOOD EARTH, appeared in 1931. Its style, acombination of biblical prose and the Chinese narrative saga,increased the dignity of its characters. The book gained a wideaudience, and was made into a motion picture. ![]() In 1936 Buck was made a member of the National Institute of Artsand Letters. She became in 1938 the third American to win the NobelPrize in Literature, following Sinclair Lewis and Eugene O'Neill.In 1951 she was elected to the American Academy of Arts andLetters. During World War II she lectured and wrote on democracyand American attitudes toward Asia. Through her personalexperiences, Buck had much first-hand knowledge of therelationships between men and women from different cultures. In herbooks one of the major themes was interracial love. In THE ANGRYWIFE (1949) she wrote about the love of Bettina, a former slave,and Tom, a southerner who fought for the army of the North. In THEHIDDEN FLOWER (1952) a Japanese family is overset when the daughterfalls in love with an American soldier. Buck and Walsh were active in humanitarian causes through theEast and West Association, which was devoted to mutualunderstanding between the peoples of Asia and the United States,Welcome House, and The Pearl Buck Foundation. A friend of EleanorRoosevelt, Margaret Mead, and Paul Robeson, she also advocated therights of women and racial equality before the civil rightsmovement. As a consequence of these activities, the F.B.I. keptdetailed files on her for years. After the communist revolution in China, Buck becamedisillusioned about the chances for international cooperation. THEPATRIOT (1939) focused on the emotional development of anuniversity student, whose idealism is crushed by the brutalities ofwar. Buck gradually shifted her activities to a lifelong concernfor children. She coined the word ''Amerasian'' and raised millionsof dollars for the adoption and fostering of Amerasian children,often abandoned by their American fathers stationed in the FarEast. Buck's own family included nine adopted children as well asher biological daughters. THE CHILD WHO NEVER GREW (1950) told apersonal story of her own daughter, whose mental developmentstopped at the age of four. The subject is also dealt with inBuck's famous novel The Good Earth. The book was filmed in1937. Irving Thalberg had wanted to produce the novel since the1931 publication. Thalberg employed many Chinese as extras andauthentic background shots were made in China. Luise Rainer won anAcademy Award for best actress. Buck did not first complain hersmall royalty, until years later, when MGM ignored her plea for asubstantial donation to help Amerasian children. The Good Earth (1931) sold 1,800,000 copies in its firstyear. It has been translated into more than thirty languages andwas awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1932. The storyfollows the life of Wang Lung, from his beginnings as animpoverished peasant to his eventual position as a prosperouslandowner. Wang Lung collects a slave, O-lan, from the prosperoushouse of Hwang. O-lan's parents sold her to Hwang because they werepoor and needed money. According to an old Chinese custom, WangLung's and O-lan's marriage is pre-arranged. The fiancée is notbeautiful, she is humble but shares with him the devotion to land,to duty, and to survival. First year is happy: the crop is good andthey have two sons. Then the crops fail, and O-lan gives birth to agirl. The family moves to south, and the man abandons the plan tosell the child. Revolution breaks out, houses are plundered, andWang Lung gets in his possession a silver treasure. The familyreturns to their home region. Wang Lung buys land and soon ownsalso the house of now impoverished Hwang. The only problem is theirretarded child, a girl, who don't speak. O-lan gives birth totwins, a boy and a girl. The elder boys go to school. Wang Lungbuys another wife, Lotus. O-lan is not well after the birth of thetwins, and she dies after the wedding of her sons. In his old days,Wang Lung gives his love to a young slave girl, who also takes careof the retarded girl. His youngest son moves from the house tobecome a soldier and because he also loves the young slave girl.Old Wang Lung witnesses for his sorrow that his children do notshare his unyielding devotion to the land. - The novel was followedby two sequels, SONS (1932), which focused on the youngest son,Wang the Tiger, and A HOUSE DIVIDED (1935), which was Yuan's story.The three novels were published in 1935 in one volume as THE HOUSEOF EARTH. At her death Buck was working on 'The Red Earth', afurther sequel to The Good Earth, presenting the modern-daydescendants of that novel's characters. After Walsh's death, Buck formed a relationship with Ted Harris,a dance instructor 40 years her junior, who took charge of thePearl S. Buck Foundation. Buck died at the age of eighty in Danby,Vermont, on March 6, 1973. Her manuscripts and papers are at thePearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation, Hillsboro, West Virginia andthe Lipscomb Library of Randolph-Macon Women's College, Lynchburg,Virginia. "I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in humanbeings, Buck said in 1939. "Like Confucius of old, I am so absorbedin the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think ofheaven and the angels... If there is no other life, then this onehas been enough to make it worth being born, myself a human being."During her career as an author, spanning forty years, Buckpublished eighty works, including novels, plays, short storycollections, poems, children's books, and biographies. She alsowrote five novels under the name John Sedges and translated LoGuangzhong's (1330-1400) The Water Margin / Men of theMarshes, which appeared in 1933 under the title All Men AreBrothers. The book depicts adventures of outlaws and was bannedby Sung rulers. COMMAND THE MORNING (1959) concerned the efforts ofthe Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb and the ethics ofdropping it on Japan. THE CHINESE NOVEL (1939) was largely anexplanation of her own writing style. For further reading: Pearl S. Buck by Kang Liao (1997);Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography by Peter Conn (1996);World Authors 1900-1950, ed. by M. Seymour-Smith and A.C.Kimmens (1996); The Several Worlds of Pearl S. Buck, ed. byElizabeth J. Lipscomb (1994); Pearl S. Buck: Good EarthMother by W. Sherk (1992); Pearl Buck. A Woman inConflict by N.B. Stirling (1989); Pearl S. Buck: The FinalChapter by Beverly E. Rizzon (1988); The Lives of PearlBuck by I. Block (1973); Pearl S. Buck by P. Doyle(1980; Pearl S. Buck: A Biography by T. Harris (1971);Pearl S. Buck by T.F. Harris (1969); Pearl S. Buck byP.A. Doyle (1965); The Image of the Chinese Family in PearlBuck's Novels by C. Doan (1964) - Other film adaptations:China Sky, 1945, dir. by Ray Enright, starring RandolphScott, Ellen Drew Selected works: |
赛珍珠(Pearl S. Buck或PearlBuck,1892年6月26日—1973年3月6日),美国作家。1932年借其小说《大地》(The GoodEarth),成为第一位获得普利策小说奖的女性;1938年获诺贝尔文学奖。她也是唯一同时获得普利策奖和诺贝尔奖的女作家,作品流传语种最多的美国作家。
《桥》(A Bridge for Passing)
《来吧,亲爱的》(Come, My Beloved)
《命令与清晨》(Command the Morning)
《东风:西风》(East Wind: West Wind)
《流亡》(The Exile)
《搏斗的天使》(Fighting Angel)
《十四个故事》(Fourteen Stories)
《群芳庭》(Pavilion of Women)
《大地》(The Good Earth)上海译文出版社 2002 ISBN 7532729273
《归心》和其它故事(Hearts Come Home and Other Stories)
《匿花》(The Hidden Flower)
《帝国女性》(Imperial Woman)
《北京来信》(Letter from Peking)
《生芦苇》(The Living Reed)
赛珍珠(1892-1973)女。出生于美国弗吉尼亚州,3个月时即被身为传教士的双亲带到中国。在双语环境中长大,是以中文为母语之一的著名美国作家。曾回美四年接受高等教育。自1919年至1935年,她与丈夫卜凯(J. L. Buck) 长期居住在所执教的金陵大学分配给他们的两层楼房里。在这里她写出了于1938年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的长篇小说《大地(Gread Earth)三部曲》等小说,并最早将《水浒传》翻译成英文在西方出版。一生著译作品70余部。她病逝后,按其遗愿,墓碑上只镌刻“赛珍珠”三个汉字。
在这段时间,赛珍珠除了教学之外,就是埋头翻译《水浒传》。前后耗时五年,终于将《水浒传》翻译成了一千多页的英文。而书的原名“水浒”通常被译成“WaterMargin”,指的是书中许多事件的发生地。赛珍珠认为书名这样去译,西方读者肯定不知所云,她先后试用过《侠盗》、《义侠》等名,但自己都不甚满意。直到出版前不久,她才突来灵感,想到了《论语》中的一句名言:“四海之内,皆兄弟也。”于是在纽约庄台公司1933年出版这本上、下两卷的译著时即以AllMen AreBrothers为名。这是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,在美国很是畅销,从中国杀将过去的这批“梁山好汉”,一下子就“窜”上了美国权威的“每月图书俱乐部”的排行榜。