大天使麦克 8月16日《5D扬升正在加速》 大天使之剑加速器


通灵:Jahn JKassl


The fact that theascension of many people is ongoing, brings a whole newacceleration to this change. This affects the people, who arecalled on day X by name, in the following manner:


1) Theycan no longer stand unexplained energies. This means they start toavoid people and situations that send slow and darkenergy.


2) People, who will ascend and to the very end“must” act in rightly intolerable living and working environments,will get an absolutely impermeable protection during these hours.This protection is removed immediately after the “work” is done andall vibrational impositions will be removed, which means that thesepeople will often perceive this as being exhausted and powerless.They collapse in a way and recover very fast to their originalenergy state. The protection is absolute, but it is felt like aheavy straitjacket that leads to exhaustion.


3) People who will ascend are becoming moresensitive in their perception of the environment with every hour.That is to say, the lines of separation, where the wheat separatesfrom the chaff, will go again through all families and friends. Whohas believed that these divisions are already complete, has beenwrong. A lasting and enduring all events at this time “friendship”is determined solely by the current, constantly lifting vibrationpatterns and no account is taken of any traditions, human behaviorpatterns or connections from past lives. All the old thinking andbehavior no longer function.


4) Theage of wonders also means that many people will wonder howradically the lines of separation will emerge in their hithertostill “paradisaical world”.

4)奇迹的时代也意味着许多人会好奇这个 分离线会多激进地出现在他们目前仍然“天堂般的世界”中。

5) Inall the people who will ascend, dreams, lucid states, fine hearing,clairvoyance and clairsentience will augment.


6) It isalso possible to experience physical symptoms such as palpitations,sudden heat or cold, short-term immobility of the skeleton,migraine or muscle spasms.


7) Every lie, thatis, each persistent maintaining of a life delusion will affectfatally the people who want to ascend:


a) Either they will miss their ascension, as theycan not participate in the higher vibrations or


b) theywill be forced to go through very painful happenings in order to bebrought to their happiness; a “crash course to enlightenment” in asense. Happenings, which truly represent an additional exercise,which are generally superfluous for people, who move boldlyforwards.


8) Thequality of the ascension process increases, the quantity decreases.That is to say, the people who are really ready now accept thisdivine gift with every fiber of her being, so that this world ischanging and their arrival to 5D is sealed. The people who arelukewarm, are left back. This large group of messengers of light,who could not keep the high light vibrations of the truth of Godwill be taken away from the 5D ascension process. This speeds upand simplifies the current process of ascension, as each fickleperson has so far blocked this process by his hesitation and hisdoubts. Thus: this is another separation of the sweet from thebitter grapes on the vine of the Lord.


9) Afterthe time of speeches and talking is over, now also ends the periodof questioning and the questions, which means that everything isgiven to the people at the right time. To those people who acceptvigilant, uncompromising and unconditionally the kind of miraclesthat is prepared this time for them.


10) The light has wonand the people ascend. And those who remain will be reporting aboutthe biggest illusion that ever happened to them, only because theyrefused to enter the light stairs to heaven.


11) Thegreat cosmic curtain – it is the last and the first of its kind –closes for the ones and now opens for the others. You have chosen!Infinite is the love, infinite is the honor that you will beendowed with from the worlds of light. We praise you, you evolvedhuman being,





大天使拉斐尔 20130817改变终于变得明显了



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