大角星人 2012-10-7《参观我们的星际飞船》 星际迷航飞船

【大角星人】2012-10-7《参观我们的星际飞船》 星际迷航飞船

Dear Ascending Ones,Many of you visited our Starship last nightbecause important decisions were being made, and we wanted toconfer with our Ground Crew. You may have remembered the experienceif you woke up in the middle of the night, or upon your awaking,but forgot it when you began your day.亲爱的扬升存有们,昨晚你们有许多人参观了我们的星际飞船、因为重要决策已经下达,我们想要与我们的地勤人员协商,如果你在半夜醒来或是半梦半醒时或许你们会记得这个体验,但当你开始新的一天时不要太在意它。Because of past traumas, and or because it isdifficult to stay grounded when you remember the myriad activitiesof your Multidimensional SELF, you may have difficulty clearlyremembering your nightly visits to our Ship. However, many of yourpast traumas have been healed and you have improved your groundingabilities and expanded your consciousness.因为过去的创伤、或因为很难保持清醒的头脑、当你记得以往你们自身的多维度活动内容时、你可能很难清楚的记得你们曾在夜间参观过我们的飞船。无如如何、许多过往的创伤已经治愈了、你已经增强了你们的基础能力并扩展了你们的意识。Therefore, you are ready to begin the processof multidimensional memory in which you can live in more than onereality at a time. You have always done so in your imagination, butnow you are ready to progress into the next phase in which you cansimultaneously remember your galactic realities and humanreality.因此,你已经为多维度的记忆准备好了、此时你可以生活在不止一个的现实中。在你们的想象中你一直在这么做,但是现在你已经准备好要进入下一个阶段、你可以同时记住你们的星系现实和人类现实。Many of you visit us on a regular basis, butdo not remember – yet. However, those of you who have completedparts one and two of integrating your Multidimensional OperatingSystem will begin to remember, and simultaneously live, your higherdimensional experiences. http://www.youtube.com/user/suzannelie.The third phase of integrating your Multidimensional OperatingSystem will soon be released.你们许多人会定期拜访我们,但是全部不记得了,不管怎样,你们那些人已经完成了其中一部分并且你们集合了多维度的操作系统都将开始会被记住、同时生活于你们更高维度的体验中。(http://www.youtube.com/user/suzannelie)经过第三阶段的整合你们多维度的操作系统即将被释放。Now, please allow yourself to access any dreammemories of last night. You may vaguely remember being in a meetingabout the Landings. We do not choose to discuss the process ofDisclosure, for we know that no one is ready to take on thisresponsibility. However, the time of waiting is coming to an endand humanity must prepare for their return to a Galactic Society,which they were before the fall of Atlantis.此刻,请允许自己接入有关于昨晚任何的梦境记忆。你或许会模糊的记得有关于降落的会议。我们选择不去讨论揭露的过程,因为我们知道还没有人准备好承担起这个责任。不管怎样,等待的时间已经结束了、人类必须为返回星际社会做好准备,在亚特兰蒂斯沉没之前他们已取得的位置。Humanity’s planetary evolution was greatly setback by the low frequency of Earth after the fall of Atlantis.However, it is the NOW for those who are on the Path of Ascensionto accept the assistance that we wish to give them. May of thehumans in power will not surrender their power-over-others, and toomany still slumber in third dimensional consciousness to realizethe urgency of this moment.亚特兰蒂斯的沉没严重阻碍了人类行星的进化、让地球跌落到了低维度振动中,无如如何、现在是时候了、我们想要为那些行径在扬升道路上并愿意接受援助的存有们提供帮助。可能会有那些将权利凌驾于他人之上的人类会拒绝投降,许多人仍然沉睡在第三维度意识之中、并没有意识到这一刻的紧迫性。Hence, many are still trapped by the rules andregulations of the third dimensional world and too downtrodden tolook up into the skies to even see our Ships. Consequently, we willneed to bring our Scout Ships closer to the Earth. The meeting youattended was about us considering the best manner in which to landand cause the least amount of fear and confusion.因此,仍有很多人被第三维度的规则和法规限制着、以至于仰望着天空、甚至想要看到我们的飞船。为此、我们必须将我们的侦察飞船尽可能的靠近地球。你所参加的这个会议是有关于我们如何才能以最佳方式降落并尽量减少其带来的恐惧和混乱。As you are aware, we have increased ourmeetings with influential members of your planet. We have, also,been uncloaking ourselves everywhere, as that which is familiar isnot as frightening. However, many humans are so frightened by themany challenges of third dimensional life, and so brainwashed bythe mainstream news, that they cannot tolerate anything newentering their reality.相信你已经知道了,我们增加了会见你们星球上具有影响力成员的次数,我们已经、另外、普遍的揭露了我们自己,一经熟悉就不再会感到恐惧。不管怎样、许多人类还是如此的惧怕着第三维度生活中出现的许多挑战。仍然被主流媒体洗脑,他们不能容忍任何新鲜事物进入他们的现实中。We realize that many of these people will notchoose Ascension, for they are far from gaining mastery of even thethird dimension. Because of the above reasons, we have decided tobegin our landings in a frequency range just beyond the thirddimensional resonance.我们了解到有许多这样的人并没有选择扬升,因为他们远远还没有撑握第三维度的课程,正因为以上所述的种种原因,我们已经决定仅在超越第三维度振动频率范围开展我们的登陆计划。This dimensional landing is, actually, muchbetter for us, as our Scout Ships resonate to the upper fourth andfifth dimensions. Therefore, if we land just beyond the fourthdimensional overlay of the physical plane, often known as theetheric plane, only those who have expanded their consciousnesswill be able to perceive us.这个维度登陆只是、实际上、为我们好,正如我们的侦察飞船频率处于第四和第五维度。因此,我们只会登陆超越第四维度的物理层面,就是熟知的以太层面,只有那些扩展了意识的存有能够觉察到我们。In this manner, those of you who are sufferingdoubt that you have been “crazy” or “wrong” in your belief in ourLandings, will gain much-needed assurance. Conversely, those whoare deeply enmeshed in the toils of the third dimensional worldwill not even perceive us. Landing our Scout Ships in a slightlyhigher frequency than your daily life has another benefit, as itinitiates your expanded perceptions.以这样的方式、我们的登陆会让那些质疑的人们认为你们的信念是“疯狂地”或“不正常的”,将获得更多必要的保证。相反地、那些沉睡于第三维度世界中的存有们将对我们毫不知情。相较于你们日常生活的另一个好处是、登陆我们的侦察飞船只是频率稍微有一点提高,因为它将启发扩展你们的认识。(译者:信念、意志坚定的人会更加的坚信、相反、持有怀疑不坚定的人就什么也看不到。)Ascension is the process of recalibrating yourconsciousness to perceive the reality that is resonating to ahigher frequency than that of the physical world. Imagine you arean Avatar logged into a video game with consciousness,self-awareness. In fact you are, as Earth at this frequency is aholographic projection.扬升是一个过程、相较于另一个物理世界来说、重新调校了你们对于现实的意识认知、与更高频率的现实产生共鸣。想象你是一个进入化身的可视化的意识游戏,自我意识,事实上你就是,地球上的频率就是一个全息投影。(译者:参考阿凡达电影情景)Since you are a projection from therepresentative of your Multidimensional SELF who decided to copyand paste its consciousness into the 3D Game, you can ask your SELFto assist you to log out of the Game. On the other hand, you willassist your higher dimensional SELF by attaching your awareness tohigher and higher frequencies of the Game.因为你就是一个代表着你们自身的多维投射、你自己决定着复制和粘贴意识进入第三维度的游戏中,你可以要求你们自己来协助你退出这个游戏。换句话说,你将协助你们更高维度的自我、伴随着你们的意识提高到越来越高的振动频率游戏中。You will accomplish this task by expandingyour attention and intention into the parts of your current realitythat you love. At the same time, you will release ALL attachmentsto that which is fearful, distracting and or no longer important.In other words, you will be the Master of your Energy in that youchoose NOT to engage in that which you no longer wish toexperience.通过你们扩展的注意力你将会完成这个任务并且试图进入你们当前现实的部分就是你的爱。同时,你将释放所有的附着的恐惧,分散注意力、已不在重要,换句话说,你将会主宰你们的能量、你不再选择你不想要的体验。This letting go is much like crossing the“monkey bars” of your childhood. Monkey bars are a horizontalladder above and attached to two vertical bars. As an adult, youcan easily stand on the ground and touch the horizontal ladder, butwhen you were a child, the ground was far beneath you. This analogyis perfect for your current situation.这种放手就好像你们童年时期的“攀吊架”,攀吊架是一个水平向上的阶梯所连接而成的竖线,作为一个成年人,你可以很容易的从到地面上触及到水平梯,但当你还是孩子时,你是够不着地面的,这个比喻很适合你们当前的情况。To proceed with your process of letting go ofthe old and attaching to the new is similar to crossing the monkeybars when one hand was attached to the ladder, while the other handwas in the air, ready to reach for the next rung of the ladder. Inthis manner, you are ascending by removing your attention from thatwhich you no longer wish to experience and reaching out with yourconsciousness to grasp that which you know is of a higherfrequency.继续释放你们老旧的过程、伴随着新的攀吊架、当一只手触及到阶梯时,而另一只手还在空中,准备够到下一个阶梯,以这样的方式,你正透过移除你们不在想要体验的注意力而获得提升、伸出你们意识的手去抓住、你所知道的更高频率。You know it is a higher frequency because youcan feel the unconditional love. Thus, your consciousness willexpand when you release your third dimensional worries andillusions. This release frees your mind to find the FEEL ofunconditional love that has been calling you for years.你知道它是更高频率、因为你能感觉到无条件的爱。因此,当你释放你们第三维度的忧虑和幻觉时、你们的意识将得到扩展。这将会自由的释放你们思维、让你们发现无条件爱的感受、这正是你多年来一直呼求的。You have ignored the CALL too often, for youthought it was not real. We tell you NOW that your thirddimensional fears and worries are NOT REAL! Only the higher lightof unconditional love, and all that love creates is REAL. We areasking you to shift your focus away from your worries of physicallife and into the fifth dimension and beyond.你常常会忽略这个召唤,因为你认为它并不真实。现在我们告诉你、你们第三维度的恐惧和忧虑才是不真实的!只有更高的光、无条件的爱、一切由爱所创造的才是真实的。我们请求你转变你们的注意力从物理生活的担忧上移开、进入第五维度并且超越它。We suggest that you take baby steps so thatyou can totally ground yourself to each octave of Gaia’s ascendingplanet. If you are having doubt, follow the animals and thechildren. They have not been tainted by the power-over-otherssystem of your world governments. They do not believe that theyhave to DO something to be “good enough” and still hold theinnocence and purity of being connected to the land, as well as theONE.我们建议你采取小步、这样你才能够完全伴随着盖亚行星每一个八度音阶的提升。如果你有疑问,参照动物们和孩子。因为他们还没有受到你们世界上政府权利凌驾于他人之上的系统而污染。他们并不相信、他们必须做一些“足够好”、仍然保持着清白、与大地保持着连接的纯洁的生命,如同合一。Therefore, we recommend that you release yourattachment to the myriad years of indoctrination that you havereceived at the close of the Kali Yuga. We suggest that you returnto the pure innocence of your inner Divine Child, and take the riskto LET GO of your attachment to that which drags your consciousnessinto fear, anger and/or sorrow. These emotions attach you to the 3DMatrix.因此,我们建议你释放你们经受无数年的灌输、你正接近于卡利年代的末期。(译者:Kali Yuga卡利年代指的是古印度历法,类似于玛雅历法周期,Kali是印度教的女神,Yuga是时代循环)我们建议你返回孩童时天真无邪内在纯真的状态,冒险揭开你们所依恋、处于恐惧、愤怒和悲伤的意识。这些情绪都依附在三维度巨阵中。On the other hand, you can still pay yourbills, go to work, put gas in your automobile while you will knowthat NONE of these actions are real. ALL of these actions areillusions of the third dimensional paradigm. Hence, you will dothese actions with NO attachment or emotion.换句换说,你仍然可以支付你们的帐单,去工作,让你们的汽车加满油、你会知道所有这些行为都是真实存在的。所有这些行为都是第三维度模式的幻觉。因此,你做这些行为时不在带有依恋或情感。The play is over and you are leaving thetheater. You are just taking a moment of your “time” to pick upyour program, push up your seat, stand in line and leave thetheater. The theater is not disappearing yet. In fact, many peopleare still staring at the empty stage, as if they are waiting forone more act to commence.表演结束了、你离开了电影院。你仅仅是花费了你们计划当中的片刻“时间”,抬高你们的座位,排队等候离开电影院。这个电影院并不会消失,而实际上,许多人仍然会处于无知的阶段,就好像他们正等候着另一场表演的开始。If you wish, you can tell them that the playis over. However, most of them will not hear you and may evenbecome angry that you are telling them what they do not want tohear. They are used to this play. They don’t want this play to end.They did not understand this play and need to watch more of it inorder to know why they even entered this theater in the firstplace.也可以说、你可能告诉它们这场表演已经结束了。不管怎样、它们几乎都不会听你说、甚至可能变得很生气、你所告诉它们的是他们不希望听到的。他们沉浸在表演中,他们不希望这个表演结束,他们并不理解这个剧本、还需要继续看更多才能够理解、甚至为什么当初要进入这个电影院。Therefore, you politely step past them, maybesend them some unconditional love as you leave the theater, andstep out into the light of that which awaits you. Those who are notready for this new light will remain in a version of the “theater”which is in resonance with their state of consciousness.因此,你要客气的经过它们,或当你离开电影院时向它们发送一些无条件的爱,步入正等待着你的光中。那些还没为新的光准备好的存有将继续留在这个版本的“电影”之中、处于与他们意识相共振的状态中。On the other hand, YOU – the ones who chooseto face the unknown – will meet the adventure for which your hearthas always longed. We know that you have heard many promises andbeen disappointed when they did not come to pass. But you have notnoticed how much your world has changed.换句话说、你---那些选择面对未知---你们心中一直期盼的冒险将会获得满足。我们知道你曾听过许多的承诺并经受了许多的失望、它们一直没有应验。只是你还没有注意到你们的世界已经发生了许多的改变。Remember your life just ten years ago. Go backin your memory just ten years. It was October of 2002. What was thestate of your world then? It was less than one year after thedebacle of 9-11. How many lies were being disseminated and largelybelieved, in spite of vast evidence to the contrary?回忆下你们十年前的生活。回想你们十年前的记忆。2002年10月,你们的世界正处于什么状态中呢?当时正处于911 崩溃后一年,在很大程度上有多少的谎言被传播,尽管证据都与之相反?How many people had died a violent death andwere dying in that manner every day? What do you think the primaryemotion was on that the planet at that time?有多少人死于暴力、每天都以这样的方式死去?当时是什么样的情绪主宰着这颗行星呢?Do you think it was fear? If so, you aretotally correct.你认为它是恐惧吗?如果是这样、你是完全正确的。Now look at the predominant state ofconsciousness on Earth NOW. In spite of all that you may be seeing,we see that the primary emotion on Earth NOW is Love and Hope! Inonly ten years, you – our brave grounded ones – have once againbrought Gaia from the threshold of total destruction. How did youdo that?目前再来看看地球上的意识状态。无论你所看到的一切是什么,目前我们所看到的是地球上的情绪充满了爱和希望!仅仅十年,你---我们勇敢的地勤人员---再次让盖亚远离了毁灭的边缘。你是怎么做到的呢?In fact, we ask each and every one of you togo inside and remember how you found a way to rise above theimmense fear and wars to somehow change from fear, anger and sorrowinto the growing world-wide love and hope. We say to YOUpersonally, “YOU are a miracle!”实际上、我们请求你们每一位存有进入内在并记住、你是如何找到方法来克服这个巨大的恐惧的、恐惧以某种方式发动着战争,愤怒和悲伤转化为全球日益增长的爱和希望。我们当面对你说,“你就是一个奇迹!”You could have chosen to attach yourconsciousness to a reality based on revenge, war, fear anddomination. However, instead you have chosen to resonate to anotherreality. You are living a reality in which a critical component ofthe world population, which includes plants, animals and GaiaHerself, is preparing and/or is fully prepared for the transitioninto New Earth.你可以选择你们基于复仇、战争、恐惧和统治的现实。不管怎样,反而你选择了另一个与之共鸣的现实,你正生活的现实中有一个关键性问题就是世界人口问题,包括植物、动物和盖亚本身,正准备、充分过渡到新地球当中。Do you know how short only ten years is inCosmic Time? How long does it take a 3D planet to form? How longdoes it take a 3D planet to be ready to support life? How long hasEarth been created? How long ago did the dinosaurs roam Her landand fly in Her sky?你知道吗、相较于宇宙时间来说十年是多么的短暂?多久可以形成一个三维度的行星呢?让一个三维度行星为生命提供支持又要多久呢?地球的创建经过了多久?恐龙在她的大地上和天空中又翱翔了多久呢?Now think, how long is ten years? How muchhave you changed yourself in the last ten years? How much have youchanged your thinking, your mastery of emotions and your state ofconsciousness in JUST ten years? Do you see now why we call you aMiracle?现在想一想,十年有多长?你在过去十年间为自己作出了多少改变?你的想法改变了多少,这十年间你们情绪的控制和你们意识的状态改变了多少呢?现在你看到了、为什么我们会称你是一个奇迹?Yes, we have helped you, but we ARE you! We,your Galactic and Celestial Family are higher frequency expressionsof your Multidimensional SELF. If we are you, and we are helpingyou, then YOU are helping yourself. Therefore, take credit for thegreat Wisdom you have gathered, the immense Power you havedisplayed and the beautiful Love that you have shared with everymember of Gaia’s planetary world.是的,我们在帮助你,我们就是你!我们、你们星系和天体家人是你们多维自我的更高频率的表达。如果我们是你,并且我们正在帮助着你,那么你正帮助着你们自己。因此,你聚集了如此非凡的智慧,你已经呈现了巨大的力量、并且你正与盖亚行星世界中每一位存有分享着美丽的爱。When you go back into your past only tenyears, you can see how time is beginning to collapse. To accomplishsuch an expansion of consciousness in such a short time isimpossible for a reality founded on time. However, time and theslow spin of polarities that time has created is ending.当你回到过去的十年间,你能看到、时间正开始崩溃。对于一个基于现实的时间来说在这么短的时期内完成这样一个意识的扩展是完全不可能的。不管怎样,时间正缓慢的旋转着两极、时间正创造着结局。Time is an expression of the resonantfrequency of the planet. As Earth is resonating to higher andhigher frequencies, polarities are collapsing into the ONE and timeis collapsing into the NOW. You, our grounded ones, are greatlyfacilitating this process by expanding your states ofconsciousness.时间只是一个行星和谐共振的表达方式,正如地球正与越来越高的频率相共鸣,极性正崩溃成为一、而当前时间也正在崩溃。你,我们的地勤人员,正透过扩展你们的意识状态极大的推动着这个过程。It is for this reason, as well as because ofthe great courage of the Beings, human and non-human, that havechanged so vastly in such a short amount of time. This closing ofpolarities and termination of time is exponentially accelerating.Therefore, hold on to your hope and unconditional love, as youlisten to us – your SELF!正是这个原因,正因为伟大勇敢的存有们,人类和非人类,在如此短暂的时期内发生了如此巨大的变化。这个极性的关闭和时间的崩塌正以指数极加速。因此,坚持你们的希望和无条件的爱,每当你倾听我们时---就是在聆听你们自己!The Arcturians大角星人原文:http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/suzanne-lie-the-arcturians-visiting-our-starships/通灵:Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie翻译:lightwork129


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