电影《阿波罗13号》-真实故事的系列照片 阿波罗13号 电影

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• 奥斯卡最佳剪接奖

• 奥斯卡最佳音效奖


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• 奥斯卡最佳剪接奖

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• 奥斯卡最佳效果,视觉效果奖

• 奥斯卡最佳编剧奖

《阿波罗13号》(Apollo13)(1995)是環球影片公司于1995年出品的一部电影,由朗•霍華执导,凱文•貝肯、湯姆•漢克斯等主演,是一部取材真实事件的电影,脚本的依据是当事人宇航员吉姆.洛弗尔(JimLovell) 和Jeffrey Kluger.的回忆录《与月球失之交臂》(LostMoon)。那次登月飞行虽然失败,但飞船的返回本身在美国太空探索史上却具有极为深远的意义。


《阿波罗13号》(Apollo13)(1995)是環球影片公司于1995年出品的一部电影,由朗•霍華执导,凱文•貝肯、湯姆•漢克斯等主演,是一部取材真实事件的电影,脚本的依据是当事人宇航员吉姆.洛弗尔(JimLovell) 和Jeffrey Kluger.的回忆录《与月球失之交臂》(LostMoon)。那次登月飞行虽然失败,但飞船的返回本身在美国太空探索史上却具有极为深远的意义。

1969年7月20日,经验丰富的宇航员詹姆斯.洛弗尔(Jim Lovell),其他宇航员和他们的家人在詹姆斯的家中有一个party,party上, 他们在看阿波罗11号登月和尼尔.阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong) 在月球上的第一步的电视。詹姆斯曾经乘阿波罗8号绕月行程, 他告诉他的妻子玛丽莲他打算回去。

在作为贵宾参观了美国国家航空航天局的车辆装配大楼的同时, 德科(Deke Slayton)告诉吉姆和他的团队将乘阿波罗13号登月。詹姆斯和他的团队弗雷德(Fred Haise) 和托马斯 (Ken Mattingly)开始为自己新的使命培训。发射前的日子里, 托马斯得了德国麻疹, 他的备份指令舱驾驶员约翰(John “Jack” Swigert)取而代之。


1970年4月11日,詹姆斯, 弗雷德和约翰在阿波罗13做好了准备,在休斯敦控制中心的挥基因.克兰兹(Gene Kranz) 命令发射。火箭升空后, 第二级的发动机过早断火,但火箭仍然成功地到达轨道。第三级点火后, 阿波罗13号发送到月球轨迹。约翰将指令/服务舱和登月舱靠在一起。航行了三天,宇航员们从Odyssey发送电视直播, 认为登月对公众已成为惯例, 不需要广播直播。

作为例行程序的一部分,约翰开启开关搅拌服务舱的两个液氧罐,其中一个意外的引爆了。另一个很快就发现漏气,这促使休斯敦控制中心取消阿波罗13的登月任务。宇航员们匆匆关闭了服务舱,这样可以使他们活着回家。当宇航员们在登月舱看到他们脚下的月球, 詹姆斯想象自己走在月球的表面。在控制中心,飞行主任宣布“失败不是一种选择(failure is not an option)”, 飞行主任让宇航员们准备一旦阿波罗13接近地球,重新启动指令舱。

宇航员们关闭登月舱以节省电力。 约翰怀疑控制中心搞错了,没有听控制中心的指导, 弗雷德一阵愤怒, 指责约翰的事故经验不足。詹姆斯很快平息了争辩。另一个问题是宇航员呼出二氧化碳的积累,宇航员们迅速制定了解决方案,他们让登月舱的圆形插座用于指令舱的方形空气净化器。接着指令舱的系统关闭, 机舱内的冷冻,弗雷德发烧, 宇航员们成功地自制一个简要点燃登月舱的发动机。

与此同时,控制中心寻找到了用有限的电源点燃指令舱的方法,程序落实, 约翰点燃了指令舱。目睹抛弃损害后的服务舱后, 宇航员们重新进入不确定是否有损害的指令舱, 在指令舱重新进入地球大气层时,他们释放了登月舱。在一个不寻常的长时间的无线电停止通信后, 阿波罗13宇航员们的报告,他们都活得很好。任务控制中心和宇航员的家属获得极大的安慰。在指令舱溅落在太平洋后, 硫磺岛号航空母舰救了宇航员们。


电影《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13) 1995年获9项奥斯卡提名,最后获2项奥斯卡奖(最佳剪接, 最佳音响)。



阿波罗13号(Apollo 13)是阿波罗计划(ProjectApollo)中的第三次载人登月任务。发射后两天,服务舱的氧气罐发生的爆炸严重损坏了航天器,使其大量损失氧气和电力;三位宇航员使用航天器的登月舱作为太空中的救生艇。指令舱系统并没有损坏,但是为了节省电力在返回地球大气层之前都被关闭。三位宇航员在太空中经历了缺少电力、正常温度以及饮用水的问题,但仍然成功返回了地球。


这是阿波罗13号登月任务的徽章 (This is theinsignia of the Apollo 13 lunar landing mission. Represented in theApollo 13 emblem is Apollo, the sun god of Greek mythology,symbolizing how the Apollo flights have extended the light ofknowledge to all manking. The Latin phrase Ex Luna, Scientia means"From the Moon, Knowlege".)

阿波罗13号登月任务的指挥官,宇航员詹姆斯阿波罗13号登月舱驾驶员, 宇航员弗莱德
(James A. Lovell Jr.)(Fred W. Haise Jr. )

阿波罗13号指令舱驾驶员,宇航员托马斯阿波罗13号指令舱驾驶员, 宇航员约翰

(Thomas K. MattinglyII)(JohnL. “Jack” Swigert Jr.)

(从左至右) 詹姆斯, 托马斯, 弗莱德


•吉姆•洛威尔(James A. Lovell),指挥官
•托马斯•马丁利(Thomas K. Mattingly II),指令/服务舱驾驶员
•弗莱德•海斯(Fred W. Haise),登月舱驾驶员


约翰•杨(John Young),指挥官

约翰•斯威格特(John L. "Jack"Swigert),指令/服务舱驾驶员
查尔斯•杜克(Charles Duke),登月舱驾驶员



詹姆斯(左)和弗莱德 (Astronauts JamesA. Lovell Jr. (left) and Fred W. Haise Jr., Apollo 13 prime crewcommander and lunar module pilot, respectively, carry out asimulation of a lunar traverse at Kilauea, Hawaii, site. Both crewmembers were carrying cameras and communications equipment duringthe simulated traverse. They maintained contact with men in theroles of spacecraft communicators throughout the traverse. Lovellholds a scoop from the Apollo Lunar Hand Tools (ALHT), and agnomon, also from the ALHT is deployed in front of Haise. The ALHTcarrier is at left background, almost obscured by Lovell.)



托马斯(左到右) 詹姆斯, 托马斯和弗莱德



詹姆斯(Lovellis attached to a Six Degrees of Freedom Simulator. He is carryingan Apollo Lunar Hand Tools (ALHT) carrier in his right hand.)

弗莱德(Haise is attached to a SixDegrees of Freedom Simulator. Using mock-ups, he simulatestraversing with the two subpackages of the Apollo Lunar SurfaceExperiments Package (ALSEP) via a barbell mode.)


(中) 詹姆斯使用阿波罗月球表面实验包的两个子包模拟月球表面行走,(左)弗莱德模拟挖一个3米的热流探孔


Astronaut Fred W. Haise Jr. (on left), lunarmodule pilot, simulates fueling a Radioisotope ThermoelectricGenerator (RTG) of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package(ALSEP). Astronaut James A. Lovell Jr., commander, assists Haisewith this EVA task ; Lovell, wearing an EMU, simulates lunarsurface EVA. He is holding an Apollo Lunar Hand Tool (a set oftongs) in his left hand. A gnomon is in front of his right foot. Atool carrier is in the right background ; Astronauts Lovell andHaise simulate lunar surface extravehicular activity .


阿波罗13号登月任务的舱外活动的预定计划(Aphotographic illustration of the Fra Mauro area showing thescheduled traverses planned for the extravehicular activity (EVA)on the Apollo 13 lunar landing mission. The larger red dot markedLM indicates the landing point of the Apollo 13 Lunar Module. Thered line shows the path of the first EVA traverse. The second EVAtraverse is marked with a black line. The yellow line denotes theextension of each traverse in the event a decision is made to doso. The red dots indicate the points of interest for samples andfor observation.)


(A photographic replica of the plaque which the Apollo 13astronauts will leave behind on the Moon during their lunar landingmission. The plaque will be attached to the ladder on the landinggear strut on the Lunar Module's descent stage.)






1970年4月11日2:13时,阿波罗13号在肯尼迪航天中心发射升空,开始其登月任务(The Apollo 13 (spacecraft109/Lunar Module 7/Saturn 508) space vehicles lifts off from Pad A,Launch Complex 39 at Kennedy Space Center at 2:13 p.m., April 11,1970 ; Apollo 13 space vehicle is shown almost past the launchtower, fire coming from its engines as it lifts off ; The Apollo 13space craft is shown passing the launch tower as it lifts off tobegin its lunar landing mission .)


载人飞船中心(MSC)的控制室第四次电视转播太空行动-阿波罗13号登月任务(Overallview of the Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) in the MissionControl Center at Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) during the fourthtelevision transmission from the Apollo 13 mission in space. EugeneF. Kranz (foreground, back to camera), one of four Apollo 13 FlightDirectors, views the large screen at front of MOCR. Astronaut FredW. Haise Jr., lunar module pilot, is seen on the screen.)

载人航天中心(MSC)航务处处长奥斯陆在控制中心大厦的一个控制台看阿波罗13号升空。宇航员托马斯被发现他曾接触麻疹,在最后几个小时被替换。他也坐在控制台看阿波罗13号升空。(Sigurd A. Sjoberg, Director ofFlight Operations at Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), views theApollo 13 liftoff from a console in the MSC Mission Control Center,bldg 30. Apollo 13 lifted off at 1:13 p.m., April 11, 1970;Astronaut Thomas F. Mattingly II, who was scheduled as a primecrewman for the Apollo 13 mission but was replaced in the finalhours when it was discovered he had been exposed to measles,watches the liftoff phase of the mission. He is seated at a consolein the Mission Control Center's Mission Operations Control Room.Scientist-Astronaut Joseph P. Kerwin, a spacecraft communicator forthe mission, looks on at right .)


在飞行测试前, 2号氧气罐显示异常, 可能是由于损坏的填充线, 清空罐不正确 (在地面上,清空罐靠氧气强行进入氧气罐,并迫使液氧在不需清空的地方流出) 。罐内加热器通常很短的时间用来加热, 略有增加罐内压力,保持氧气流动。65伏直流电源需要8小时使热水器“开锅”用掉过量的氧气。设计只有28伏的加热器可能损坏恒温控制开关。恒温控制开关失控可以使氧气罐内的温度上升到超过1000F度。罐内温度仪表测量设计只有80 F度。高温清空氧气罐也造成聚四氟乙烯绝缘电线严重损害。(During pre-flighttesting, tank no. 2 showed anomalies and would not empty correctly,possibly due to the damaged fill line. (On the ground, the tankswere emptied by forcing oxygen gas into the tank and forcing theliquid oxygen out, in space there was no need to empty the tanks.)The heaters in the tanks were normally used for very short periodsto heat the interior slightly, increasing the pressure to keep theoxygen flowing. It was decided to use the heater to "boil off" theexcess oxygen, requiring 8 hours of 65 volt DC power. This probablydamaged the thermostatically controlled switches on the heater,designed for only 28 volts. It is believed the switches weldedshut, allowing the temperature within the tank to rise to over 1000degrees F. The gauges measuring the temperature inside the tankwere designed to measure only to 80 F, so the extreme heating wasnot noticed. The high temperature emptied the tank, but alsoresulted in serious damage to the teflon insulation on theelectrical wires to the power)

1970年4月14日(4月13日下午10:06,美国东部时间), 阿波罗13号进入使命约56小时,氧气罐内的电源扇打开进行第三个“低温搅拌”, 搅拌罐内氧气分层。暴露的电源扇电线短路, 在纯氧环境中聚四氟乙烯绝缘起火, 火迅速加热,并增加了氧气罐内的氧气压力,并可能沿着电线蔓延到罐壁, 压力下氧气罐破裂, 造成2号氧气罐爆炸。爆炸破坏了1号氧气罐和服务舱内部零件,炸毁4号盖。(56 hours into the mission, at about 03:06 UT on 14 April1970 (10:06 PM, April 13 EST), the power fans were turned on withinthe tank for the third "cryo-stir" of the mission, a procedure tostir the oxygen slush inside the tank which would tend to stratify.The exposed fan wires shorted and the teflon insulation caught firein the pure oxygen environment. This fire rapidly heated andincreased the pressure of the oxygen inside the tank, and may havespread along the wires to the electrical conduit in the side of thetank, which weakened and ruptured under the pressure, causing theno. 2 oxygen tank to explode. This damaged the no. 1 tank and partsof the interior of the service module and blew off the bay no. 4cover.)


(Representation of the Apollo 13 explosion painted by astronautAlan Bean)


在载人飞船的任务控制中心,专家向宇航员的妻子解释阿波罗13号宇航员们在修复几个小时前发现的氧气罐的问题(The Astronauts’wife receives an explanation of the revisedflight plan of the Apollo 13 mission from the experts in theViewing Room of Mission Control Center, bldg 30, Manned SpacecraftCenter (MSC). Her husband, Astronaut Fred W. Haise Jr., was joiningthe fellow crew members in making corrections in their spacecraftfollowing discovery of an oxygen cell failure several hours earlier)


在飞行任务控制中心的任务操作控制室, 阿波罗13号任务的几个重要人物,几个小时之前阿波罗13号任务的机组成员报告了氧气罐的麻烦(Several persons important to theApollo 13 mission, at consoles in the Mission Operations ControlRoom of the Mission Control Center (MCC). Seated at consoles, fromleft to right, are Astronaut Donald K. Slayton, Director of FlightCrew Operations; Astronaut Jack R. Lousma, Shift 3 spacecraftcommunicator; and Astronaut John W. Young, commander of the Apollo13 back-up crew. Standing, left to right, are Astronaut Tom K.Mattingly, who was replaced as Apollo 13 command module pilot afterit was learned he may come down with measles, and Astronaut VanceD. Brand, Shift 2 spacecraft communicator. Several hours earliercrew members of the Apollo 13 mission reported to MCC that troublehad developed with an oxygen cell in their spacecraft.)

阿波罗13号登月舱的“信箱”,阿波罗13号宇航员使用指令舱的氢氧化锂罐从登月舱清除二氧化碳。氢氧化锂是用于擦洗从飞船中的二氧化碳。由于登月舱的氢氧化锂数量有限,宇航员偷工减料的从指令舱用氢氧化锂罐。“信箱” 是在地面有人建议阿波罗13号的宇航员设计和测试的, 由于服务舱的一个氧气罐爆炸,阿波罗13号宇航员不得不使用登月舱做“救生艇”。(Interior view of the Apollo 13 LunarModule (LM) showing the "mail box", a jerry-rigged arrangementwhich the Apollo 13 astronauts built to use the Command Modulelithium hydroxide canisters to purge carbon dioxide from the LunarModule. Lithium hydroxide is used to scrub CO2 from thespacecraft's atmosphere. Since there was a limited amount oflithium hydroxide in the LM, this arrangement was rigged up toutilize the canisters from the CM. The "mail box" was designed andtested on the ground at the Manned Spacecraft Center before it wassuggested to the Apollo 13 crewmen. Because of the explosion of oneof the oxygen tanks in the Service Module, the three crewmen had touse the LM as a "lifeboat".)

这张照片显示三名宇航员从指令舱转移到登月舱, 登月舱内一些临时软管连接和必要设备, 登月舱将是三名宇航员回地球的“救生艇”,左是宇航员弗莱德 。(Interior view of the Apollo 13 Lunar Module (LM) duringthe trouble-plagued journey back to Earth. This photograph showsome of the temporary hose connections and apparatus which werenecessary when the three astronauts moved from the Command Moduleto use the LM as a "lifeboat". Astronaut John L. Swigert Jr.,command module pilot, is on the right. On the left, an astronautsholds in his right hand the feed water bag from the Portable LifeSupport System (PLSS). It is connected to a hose (in center) fromthe Lunar Topographic (Hyson) camera. in the background is the"mail box”.)


载人航天中心的任务控制中心反映的在阿波罗13号任务关键时刻的两个阶段, 这张照片拍摄时,阿波罗13号登月已经取消,试图使阿波罗13号宇航员飞残废的飞船回家。( Two phases of busy activity during criticalmoments of the Apollo 13 mission are reflected in this view in theMission Control Center (MCC), bldg 30, Manned Spacecraft Center(MCC). In the foreground, Henry Simmons (left) of Newsweek magazineand John E. Riley, Public Information Specialist, Public AffairsOffice, MCC, man their positions in the Press Room. At extreme leftof photo, Gerald D. Griffin, Shift 2 Flight Director, talks ontelephone in Mission Operations Control Room. When this photographwas taken, the Apollo 13 lunar landing had been cancelled, and theproblem-plagued Apollo 13 crewmen were in transearth trajectoryattempting to bring their crippled spacecraft back home.)

任务控制中心的控制室的人们在讨论南太平洋的着陆地点的天气图, 这张照片拍摄时,阿波罗13号登月已经取消( A group offlight controllers gather around the console of Glynn S. Lunney(seated, nearest camera), Shift 4 Flight Director, in the MissionOperations Control Room of Mission Control Center (MCC). Theirattention is drawn to a weather map of the proposed landing site inthe South Pacific. Among those looking on is Dr. Christopher C.Kraft, Deputy Director, Manned Spacecraft Center (standing, inblack suit, right). When this photograph was taken, the Apollo 13lunar landing had been cancelled, and the problem-plagued Apollo 13crewmen were in transearth trajectory attempting to bring theircrippled spacecraft back home.)

阿波罗13号登月任务取消, 阿波罗13号返家

在阿波罗13号返家时, 从阿波罗13号飞船拍摄的月球倾斜图片(This oblique view of the lunar farside was photographed from the Apollo 13 spacecraft as it passedaround the Moon on its hazardous journey homeward. This view islooking East. The large crater in the center at the horizon isInternational Astronomical Union (IAU) crater no. 221. The nextlarger crater just south of IAU no. 221 is IAU 220. This area ofthe Moon is located southeast of Mare Moscoviense. IAU 221 islocated at 164 degrees east longitude and 10 degrees northlatitude.)

从阿波罗13号拍摄的月球齐奥尔科夫斯基陨石坑(Excellent view of the lunar far side showingthe crater Tsiolkovsky, as photographed by the crew of the Apollo13 mission during lunar pass. The view is looking southeast towardthe lunar horizon. The approximate coordinates of Tsiolkovsky are128.5 degrees east longitude and 20.5 degrees south latitude.)

从阿波罗13号拍到的月球明亮的光照射陨石坑(This bright-rayed crater on the lunar farsidewas photographed from the Apollo 13 spacecraft during its passaround the Moon. This area is northeast of Mare Marginus. Thebright-rayed crater is located at about 105 degrees east longitudeand 45 degrees north latitude. The crater Joliot-Curie is locatedbetween Mare Marginus and the rayed crater. This view is lookinggenerally toward the northeast.)

在阿波罗13号返家时, 从阿波罗13号飞船拍摄的满月的图片, 一些的突出包括月球功能的危机海, 生育海,宁静海洋, 接器海,蒸气海,边防海,史密斯海,Langenus陨石坑, 齐奥尔科夫斯基陨石坑。(This view of a near full Moonwas photographed from the Apollo 13 spacecraft during itstransearth journey homeward. Though the explosion of the oxygentank in the Service Module forced the cancellation of the scheduledlunar landing, Apollo 13 made a pass around the Moon prior toreturning to Earth. Some of the conspicuous lunar features includethe Sea of Crisis, the Sea of Fertility, the Sea of Tranquility,the Sea of Serenity, The Sea of Nector, the Sea of Vapors, theBorder Sea, Smyth's Sea, the crater Langenus, and the craterTsiolkovsky.)

这对地球的照片是从阿波罗13号飞船返家时,拍摄的地球的图片。最明显的陆地面积包括美国西南部和墨西哥西北部。下加利福尼亚半岛是看得很清楚。(This photograph ofthe Earth was taken from the Apollo 13 spacecraft during itstransearth journey home. The most visible land mass includessouthwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. The penisula ofBaja California is clearly seen. Most of the land area is underheavy cloud cover.)

作为阿波罗13号的船员进入他们在太空中的最后24小时,从在华盛顿美国航空航天局总部的重要人物仍然留在载人航天中心任务的控制中心的行动控制室(Asthe Apollo 13 crewmen entered their final 24 hours in space,several persons important to the mission remained attentive atconsoles in the Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) of theMission Control Center (MCC) at Manned Spacecraft Center. Amongthose monitoring communications and serving in supervisorycapacities were (from left)Thomas H. McMullen, Office of MannedSpace Flight, Shift 1 Mission Director; Dale Myers, AssociateAdministrator, Manned Space Flight; Chester M. Lee of the ApolloProgram Directorate, OMSF, Apollo 13 Mission Director; and Dr.Rocco A. Petrone, Apollo Program Dirctor, OMSF. All four were fromNASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.)

在阿波罗13号任务的最后24小时的飞行, 行动控制室的几个美国航天局/ MSC官员( Overall view showingsome of the activity in the Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR)of the Mission Control Center (MCC) during the final 24 hours ofthe Apollo 13 mission. Here, flight controllers and severalNASA/MSC officials confer at the flight director's console. Whenthis picture was made, the Apollo 13 moon landing had beencancelled and the Apollo 13 crewmen were in transearth trajectoryattempting to bring their crippled spacecraft back home ;Discussion in the MOCR dealing with the Apollo 13 crewmen duringtheir final day in space. From left to right are Glynn S. Lunney,Shift 4 Flight Director; Gerald D. Griffin, SHift 2 FlightDirector; Astronaut James A. McDivitt, Manager, APollo SpacecraftProgram, MSC; Dr. Donald K. Slayton, Director of Flight CrewOperations, MSC; and Dr. Willard R. Hawkins, M.D., Shift 1 FlightSurgeon ).

宇航员詹姆斯在登月舱。服务舱的两个氧气罐爆炸,造成宇航员依赖登月舱作为“救生艇”。登月舱在再入地球前被指令舱抛弃。(Astronaut James A. Lovell Jr.,commander of the Apollo 13 mission, is pictured at his position inthe Lunar Module (LM). The Apollo 13 crew of Astronauts Lovell;John L. Swigert Jr., command module pilot; and Fred W. Haise Jr.,lunar module pilot, relied on the LM as a "lifeboat". Thedependence on the LM was caused by an apparent explosion of oxygentank number two in the Service Module. The LM was jettisoned justprior to Earth re-entry by the Command Module.)


1970年4月17日上午, 从阿波罗13号登月舱拍到的被弃的损坏的服务舱, 损坏的服务舱被弃几分钟, 短短一个多小时后,指令舱将要溅落在南太平洋(This view of the Apollo 13 Lunar Module (LM) wasphotographed from the Command Module (CM) just after the LM hadbeen jettisoned. The jettisoning occurred a few minutes after 11a.m., April 17, 1970, just over an hour prior to splashdown of theCM in the South Pacific Ocean. )

从阿波罗13号的登月舱/指令舱拍到的抛弃的受损的服务舱。正如在这里看到的,两个氧气罐爆炸刮走服务舱整个面板上,三个燃料电池中的两个可见严重损坏(上), 受损区域位于S波段高增益天线的上面。 (This view of the damagedApollo 13 Service Module (SM) was photographed from the LunarModule/Command Module following SM jettisoning. As seen here, anentire panel on the SM was blown away by the apparent explosion ofoxygen tank number two located in Sector 4 of the SM. Two of thethree fuel cells are visible just forward (above) the heavilydamaged area. Three fuel cells, two oxygen tanks, and two hydrogentanks are locate in Sector 4. The damaged area is located above theS-band high gain antenna. Nearest the camera is the ServicePropulsion System (SPS) engine and nozzle.)

从阿波罗13号的登月舱拍到的抛弃的受损的服务舱, 照片是登月舱和指令舱再入地球前分离后拍到的(This view of thedamaged Apollo 13 Service Module (SM) was photographed from theCommand Module (CM) just after the CM/SM separation prior to Earthre-entry.)

从阿波罗13号的登月舱/指令舱拍到的抛弃的受损的服务舱, 月亮在遥远的背景。(This view of the damagedApollo 13 Service Module (SM), with the Moon in the distantbackground, was photographed from the Lunar Module/Command Modulefollowing SM jettisoning. The Command Module (CM), still dockedwith the Lunar Module (LM), is in the foreground. )

载人航天中心望天文远镜照片显示了阿波罗13号飞船在遥远天空的轨迹, 箭头指的是航天器, 氧气云, 阿波罗13号飞船抛弃的服务舱。(Atelescopic photograph showing the Apollo 13 spacecraft intranslunar trajectory in the distant sky. Arrows point to thespacecraft, to the oxygen cloud, and to the expended Saturn V thirdstage. Apollo 13 was tracked at the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC)using a 16-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with an IO televisoncamera with an S-20 type IO tube, mounted in place of the eyepiece.The TV camera information is stored first on a data disc and playedback on a viewing monitor from which this photograph wastaken.)


1970年4月18日, 在新西兰斐济群岛和奥克兰区域, 新西兰航空公司的DC -8飞机上的一位不愿透露姓名的乘客拍摄到这些明亮的物体, 据信是阿波罗13号服务舱和登月舱。( An unidentifiedairline passenger snapped these bright objects, believed to be theApollo 13 Service Module and Lunar Module as they entered Earth'satmosphere over the Pacific Ocean on April 18, 1970. The aircraft,an Air New Zealand DC-8, was midway between the Fiji Islands (NandiIsland, to be specific) and Aukland, New Zealand when thephotograph was taken.)


阿波罗13号飞船指令舱朝下, 溅落在南太平洋。请注意在乌云的缝隙中可见囊和它的降落伞。(The Apollo 13spacecraft heads toward a splashdown in the South Pacific Ocean.The Apollo 13 Command Module splashed down in the South Pacific at12:07:44 p.m., April 17, 1970. Note the capsule and its parachutesjust visible against a gap in the dark clouds.)

1970年4月17日下午12时07分44秒,在南太平洋, 阿波罗13号指令舱刚刚触水(The Apollo 13 CommandModule splashed down in the South Pacific at 12:07:44 p.m., April17, 1970. In this view the capsule has just hit the water and itsparachutes are still fully deployed.)

阿波罗13号指令舱在在南太平洋水中, 它的三个降落伞在海洋中排一排。(The Apollo 13 Command Modulesplashed down in the South Pacific at 12:07:44 p.m., April 17,1970. In this view the capsule is in the water and its threeparachutes are crumpling into the ocean in a row.)

在阿波罗13号飞船溅落时的任务控制中心。在前面的房间的大屏幕显示在1970年4月17日下午12时07分44秒,飞船与其降落伞溅落在南太平洋(Overall view of Mission Control Center, bldg 30,during the splashdown of the Apollo 13 spacecraft. The large screenin front the front of the room shows the spacecraft with itsparachutes deployed as it heads for splashdown in the PacificOcean. The Apollo 13 spacecraft splashed down at 12:07:44 p.m.,April 17, 1970.)

美国航天局局长托马斯博士(中)和美国宇航局官员为阿波罗13号船员成功溅落南太平洋鼓掌(Dr. Thomas O. Paine(center), NASA Administrator, and other NASA officials joinedothers in applauding the successful splashdown of the Apollo 13crewmen. Others among the large crowd in the Mission OperationsControl Room of the Mission Control Center, Manned SpacecraftCenter (MSC) at the time of recovery were U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen.Samuel C. Phillips (extreme left), who formerly served as Apolloprogram Director, Office of Manned Space Flight, NASA Headquarters;Dr. Charles A. Berry (third from left), Director, Medical Researchand Operations Directorate, MSC; and Dr. George M. Low, AssociateNASA Administrator.)


美国海军水下爆破队协助在南太平洋的阿波罗13号指令舱的三个宇航员进入救生筏 (A water-level view of theApollo 13 recovery operations in the South Pacific. U.S. Navyunderwater demolition team assists the astronauts in egressingtheir Command Module and entering life rafts)

宇航员弗莱德乘坐“比利普格” 救援直升机, 而宇航员詹姆斯, 杰克在救生筏等待。两艘美国海军水下爆破队员在水中。(AstronautFred W. Haise Jr., lunar module pilot, rides the "Billy Pugh" netup to a rescue helicopter while Astronauts James A. Lovell Jr.,commander, and John L. Swigert Jr., command module pilot, wait inthe life raft. Two U.S. Navy Underwater Demolition Team swimmerscan be seen in the water while a third waits in the raft with theastronauts.)

在南太平, 阿波罗13名机组人员走出直升机抵达USS硫磺岛号航空母舰( Apollo 13 crew arrive on primerecovery ship U.S.S. Iwo Jima following splashdown and recoveryoperations in the South Pacific. Exiting the helicopter which madethe pick-up some four miles from the Iwo Jima are (from left)Astronauts Fred W. Haise Jr., lunar module pilot; James A. LovellJr., commander; and John L. Swigert Jr., command module pilot.)

阿波罗13号指令舱回收在南太平洋上的U.S.S.硫磺岛号航空母舰( Crewmen aboard the U.S.S. IwoJima, prime recovery ship for the Apollo 13 mission, hoist theCommand Module aboard ship. The Apollo 13 crewmen were alreadyaboard the Iwo Jima when this photograph was taken. )

载人航天飞行太平洋恢复指挥官少将唐纳德在U.S.S. 硫磺岛舰欢迎阿波罗13名机组人员。(左起)弗莱德, 杰克, 詹姆斯。(RearAdmiral Donald C. Davis, Commanding Officer of Task Force 130, thePacific Recovery Forces for the Manned Spacecraft Missions,welcomes the Apollo 13 crew aboard the prime recovery ship U.S.S.Iwo Jima following splashdown and recovery operations in the SouthPacific. The crewmen (from left) Astronauts Fred W. Haise Jr.,lunar module pilot; John L. Swigert Jr., command module pilot; andJames A. Lovell Jr., commander, were transported by helicopter tothe ship following a smooth splashdown only about four miles fromthe Iwo Jima.)

电影《阿波罗13号》-真实故事的系列照片 阿波罗13号 电影
载人飞船中心控制中心的任务控制中心的特派行动室看U.S.S. 硫磺岛舰美国海军欢迎阿波罗13号宇航员仪式(Overall viewof Mission Operations Control Room in Mission Control Center at theManned Spacecraft Center (MSC) during the ceremonies aboard theU.S.S. Iwo Jima, prime recovery ship for the Apollo 13 mission. Dr.Donald K. Slayton (in black shirt, left of center), Director ofFlight Crew Operations at MSC, and Chester M. Lee of the ApolloProgram Directorate, Office of Manned Space Flight, NASAHeadquarters, shake hands, while Dr. Rocco A. Petrone, ApolloProgram Director, Office of Manned Space Flight, NASA Headquarters(standing, near Lee), watches the large screen showing AstronautJames A. Lovell Jr., Apollo 13 commander, during the on-boardceremonies. In the foreground, Glynn S. Lunney (extreme left) andEugene F. Kranz (smoking a cigar), two Apollo 13 Flight Directors,view the activity from their consoles.)


尼克松总统和四个阿波罗13号宇航员。尼克松总统将国家的最高荣誉-总统自由勋章赠给四个阿波罗13号宇航员(PresidentRichard M. Nixon introduces Sigurd A. Sjoberg (far right), Directorof Flight Operations at Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), and thefour Apollo 13 Flight Directors during the Presidnet's post-missionvisit to MSC. The Flight Directors are (l.-r.) Glynn S. Lunney,Eugene A. Kranz, Gerald D. Griffin and Milton L. Windler. Dr.Thomas O. Paine, NASA Administrator, is seated at left. PresidentNixon was on the site to present the Presidential Medal of Freedom-- the nation's highest civilian honor -- to the Apollo 13 MissionOperations Team; A wide-angle, overall view of the large crowd thatwas on hand to see President Richard M. Nixon present thePresidnetial Medal of Freedom to the Apollo 13 Mission OperationsTeam. A temporary speaker's platform was erected beside bldg 1 forthe occasion )

由尼克松总统签署给阿波罗13号任务小组的总统自由奖奖章的照片。(Photograph of the PresidentialMedal of Freedom award given to the Apollo 13 Mission OperationsTeam signed by President Richard M. Nixon.)


阿波罗13号任务的三个宇航员在载人航天中心的飞行后的情况汇报活动第一天。( The three crewmen of theApollo 13 mission are photographed during the first day of theirpost-flight debriefing activity at the Manned Spacecraft Center(MSC). Left to right, are Astronauts James A. Lovell Jr.,commander; John L. Swigert Jr., command module pilot; and Fred W.Haise Jr., lunar module pilot ; Dr. Donald K. Slayton (centerforeground), MSC Director of Flight Crew Operations, talks with Dr.Wernher von Braun (left), famed rocket expert, at an Apollo 13post-flight debriefing session. Left to right in the background arethe three Apollo 13 crewment Lovell, Swigert, and Haise. Dr. vonBraun is the Deputy Associate Administrator for Planning of NASA.)

阿波罗13号登月任务宇航员。(左到右) 詹姆斯, 约翰和弗莱德(Official portrait of the Apollo 13lunar landing mission prime crew in front of a model of the moon.Left to right are James A. Lovell Jr., commander; John L. SwigertJr., command module pilot; and Fred W. Haise Jr., lunar modulepilot.)



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