ant/aunt/aren’t, band/banned,bear/bare, be/bee,beach/beech, bean/been, blue/blew, bread/bred,break/brake, buy/by/bye, court/caught, cell/sell,ceiling/sealing,dear/deer, die/dye,dying/dyeing,eight/ate, father/farther,fair/fare, flea/flee, floor/flaw, for/four,flour/flower, genes/jeans, hair/hare,hi/high, hole/whole, hour/our,I/eye, in/inn, knows/nose,lessen/lesson, lightning/lightening, mail/ma le, meet/meat,new/knew, its/it’s, one/won, ours/hours,pail/pale, pear/pair,passed/past, peace/piece, plane/plain,red/read, right/write, rose/rows,sail/sale, sea/see,seen/scene, shoe/show, site/sight, sore/saw, sort/sought,stare/stair, steal/steel, story/storey,tail/tale, theirs/there’s,through/threw, too/two, ton/tongue,war/wore, wait/weight, weigh/way, weak/week,wear/where, weather/whether, whose/who’s,wood/would,
1.Look, Aunt Wang! There are antson your neck, aren’t there?瞧!王阿姨,你颈子上不是蚂蚁吧?
2.This model honey bee mustbe yours.这只蜜蜂模型肯定是你的。
3.From the beach, we can seelots of beech trees on the hill.从海滩上我们就能看到山上的山毛榉树。
4.There must have been somebeans in the fridge, I guess, so I didn’t purchase any inthe market this morning.我想冰箱里肯定有些豆子,所以我早晨在市场没买。
5.A cool wind blew against myface under the blue sky. It’s reallyrefreshing.蓝天下凉风吹过我的脸。真惬意!
6.I can’t use my own car recently,because its brake often breaks down.最近我的车子不能用了,因为刹车经常坏。
7.By the way, before sayinggood-bye to them we have to buy somegas.顺便说一下,我们再跟他们告别前要加点油。
8. I think I must have caughtthat cold when I was playing in thecourt.我想我一定是在院子里玩的时候着凉了。
9. I’ve got almost the samegenes from my mother, because we both like wearingjeans.我几乎遗传了我妈妈的全部基因,因为我们俩都喜欢穿牛仔裤。
10.Some Asian patients require thatthe nurses dye their hair black before theydie. 有些亚洲病人要求护士在他们去世前把他们的头发染黑。
11.She ate two eggs ateight o’clock.她在八点时吃了俩个鸡蛋。
12.I don’t think it’s fairthat my bus fare has gone up by 25%.我认为汽车票上涨25%是不公平的。
13.No flea can fleefrom being killed by this kind of pesticide.这种杀虫剂能杀死每一只跳蚤。
14. There is a flaw in thedesign. That is, the stairs going up to the second floor aretoo narrow.这个设计有一个问题,即:上二楼的楼梯太窄。
15.Take the flour away,because the flowers are poisonous.把面粉拿走。这些花有毒。
16.It’s strange that the hare shouldhave human-like hair.真奇怪,这只野兔居然长着像人一样的毛发。
17.Hi, everyone, come overhere! We’ll enter the high building soon.喂,大家快过来。我们就要进大楼了。
18.She was filling the holewith earth the whole morning.整个上午她都在用土堵那个洞。
19.I will have to get myeye examined this afternoon.今天下午我要去检查眼睛。
20.Don’t put up in theinns while travelling away, which is notsafe.在外旅游时不要住路边小旅店,这不安全。
21.I only won one ofthe games, but I am not feeling regreted.虽然我只赢了其中的一场比赛,但我还是感到不遗憾。
22.I bought two pairs ofstockings and a box of pears.我买了俩双长袜和一箱梨。
23.In the past few years, many aperson has passed driving tests.在过去的几年中,有许多人都通过了驾照考试。
24.Here is a good piece ofnews. The two countries signed the peace treaty last nightat last.有条好消息。那俩个国家最后签订了和平条约。
25. He has read the book witha red cover. 他已经读过了那本红色封面的书。
26.We can see the island onthe sea, if it is clear.如果天气好,我们就能看到海上那座岛屿。
27. I’ve never seen such a badtraffic accident in my life. But luckly, several ambulances came tothe scene of the accident almostimmediately.我从未见过这么严重的交通事故。幸好有几辆救护车立即赶到。
28.The inported sheos are onshow. Will you go with me?进口的鞋子正在展出。你愿意和我一起去看看吗?
29. The Health Minister has chosenthe site for a new hospital specializing in problems relatedto people’s sight.卫生部长已经选定了新建眼科医院的院址,
30. My fingure is still a bitsore which was hurt by a saw, which no one sawat that time.我锯伤的手指还有点痛,可当时并没有人看到。
31.I don’t approve of thatsort of happiness you have sought for.我并不赞同你所追求的这种幸福。
32.I couldn’t find the key on thestairs at all. It’s no use staring at me,shouting.我就是没找到楼梯上的钥匙。你这样瞪着我嚷有设么用!
33.They put the steel ballsaway to stop thievies from stealing them.为了不让小偷把钢球偷走,他们把他们收捡起来了。
34.In fairy tales, some giantshave tails like monkeys’.在有些神话故事中,巨人长着像猴子一样的尾巴。
35.He was so angry that hethrew the TVset through thewindow.他气得把电视机从窗子扔了出去。
36.I took part in two tests,too,but only passed one.我也参加了俩场考试,但只过了一场。
37.The words “ton”and“tongue”, though spelt differently, sound thesame.“吨”和“舌头”这俩个词,尽管拼写不同但读音一样。
38.In the war, the soldierswore rags but fought bravely.在那次战争中,士兵们衣衫褴褛,但战斗勇敢。
39. I’m starting to put onweight because I have to spend most of the day sittingaround while I wait for the phone toring.我在发胖,因为我一天大部分时间都坐着等电话时。
40.One way of making sure youget the right quantity is to weigh what you buy with thescales in the market.确保你在市场上买到的蔬菜够秤的一个办法就是用市场上的电子秤秤一下。
41.This hero in hospital remains veryweak this week.这位住院英雄本周仍然很虚弱。
42.New bio-tech companies arestarting to sell a range of new products, including vitaminsupplements, which they say help to regenerate every cell inour brain.新生物科技公司正在销售大量补充维生素产品,他们说这些产品有助于脑细胞的再生。
43.It’s bad manners to wearcasul clothes where it is quite formal.在非常正式的场合穿便装是不礼貌的。
44.I’m not sure whether wewill have good weather this Sunday.我不敢肯定周末会有好天气。
45.Had you then sold all thewood, you would be a rich man now.如果你当时把所有木头都卖掉,你现在就是大富人了。
46.It is said that the performance ofthe band has been banned.据说那个乐队的演出被禁止了。
47.He siezed the bear with hisbare hands.他赤手空拳逮住了那只熊。
48.The mice we bred likeeating bread.我们繁殖的老鼠爱吃面包。

49.The worker is sealing thecrack in the ceiling with cement.那位工人正在用水泥封堵天花板上的裂缝。
50.Dear, have you fed thedeer?亲爱的,鹿喂了吗?
51.The old man is dyeing thedying pet dog.那位老人正在为那只奄奄一息的宠物狗染毛。
52.Your father ranfarther than mine.你父亲比我父亲跑得更远。
53.We have waited forfour hours.我们已经等了四个小时了。
54.Our teachers arrived anhour earlier.我们的老师早到了一小时。
55.No one knows what wentwrong with his nose.谁也不知道当时他的鼻子怎么了。
56.After the lightning, I feltmy heart a little lightening.闪电之后,我感到心情轻松了些。
57.A male postman sent me amail parcel.一位男邮递员给我送来了一个邮包。
58.All of us got a share ofmeat after the sports meet.运动会之后我们每人都领到一份肉。
59.We knew the newstudent before he arrived.那位新同学没来我就认识他。
60.It’s the dog and itsowner that often help us.就是那条狗和它的主人经常帮助我们。
61.Your train leaves at 12:00 whileours leaves in two hours.你的火车十二点开,而我们的火车还要俩小时。
62.Finding a snake in the pailof water, his face went pale with fear.发现那桶水里有条蛇,他的脸吓得卡白。
63.The plane had to crash-landon an empty ground of the plain at last.那架飞机最后在平原的一块空地上迫降。
64.It’s right to writea letter to them first.先给他们写封信是对的。
65.Put the rose on the firstrow please.请把那朵玫瑰花放在第一排。
66. We prohibited thesales-girl from selling the sails of thebaots.我们已禁止那位女营业员出售那些船上的风帆了。
67.You can read story-books onthe second floor of the ten-storeylibrary.你可以在那栋十层楼的图书馆阅读故事书。
68.There’s a color TVset in myroom and a degital one in theirs.在我的房间里有一台彩电,在他们的房间里有一台数字电视。
69.Who’s there repairing thecomputer whose screen is broken?谁在那修理那台显示屏坏了的电脑?
70.He said we must lessen thetime of giving lessons.他说我们必须减少授课时间。