Cherish the life
Good morning,my dear teachers,fellow students and friends,I’mvery glad to have a speech here. Today my topic is “Cherish thelife”.
I want to begin my speech with a real thing that Iexperienced.My grandma passed away two years ago. She suffered alot from a cancer in her seventies.In her last few months,shestruggled every day to eat even though it was a little amount offood. Later, she lived only on milk or liquid. But she never gaveup her hope.In order to survive, she made every effort. And everyday she tried to greet us with a smile although we knew she was ingreat pain. I witnessed her efforts to live,I was moved andinspired.
However, there are still many young people who don’t respectlife and take no responsibility for their life. A survey shows thatmore and more young people have fallen into depression,corruptionand dillemma. They get stuck to various negative thoughts andemotions and commit crimes and even abuse themselves.
In recent years, the suicide rate among people is growingrapidly,especially among teenagers. Just in early September thisyear, such tragedy happened again. A student who just stepped intosenior high school jumped from a tall building and ended his life.The lost of such a young life made me deep in thought——Our parentsbring us up for decades, just hoping for our good and healthy life.How can we bear seeing the eldly parents lose their sons ordaughters!
Indeed, life is full of hardships. So we need to learn to facethe reality. Faced with more and more difficulties,pressure,misunderstanding with age,we are supposed to keep calm,bear theexternal pressure and overcome difficulties with courage. In theface of the trouble,we must learn to find a way to solve, ratherthan evade or even choose to die. We should keep in mind that thereare so many beautiful things in our life, such as friendship, love,and family and that there are so many people once giving us asmile,a helping hand, a thoughtful gesture and a kind word aroundus. There are so many experiences waiting for us to go through.Life is so precious, how can we give up?
Life doesn’t always give us the joys we want. We don’t alwaysget our hopes and dreams, and we don’t always get our own way. Manya time, we find ourselves right in the middle of a storm which allof us will go through at some stage in our lives. But don’t give uphope, because we can make a difference. Even when we feel thereisn’t a let we can do to change unhappiness or problems.Remember wecan always do a little and eventually make a big difference.
Maybe you will say: “I tried hard but it didn’t help.”When wefeel powerless or unmotivated,it’s time to have a look atourselves,shift our opinion of view. We should look for the beautyaround us, in nature, in others, in ourselves and believe in thelove of friends,family and human kind. Even if others hurt us, weshould still believe in the goodness of others and remember toforgive and even sometimes forget.
Life is like a mirror. As long as you are smiling to it, it willrepay you a smile.
Life is like a person standing in the sun. If you face the sun,you will always see the sunshine, the beautiful things; On thecontrary, you will only see the shadow, the dark things. So when weget stuck into trouble, what we can do isconcentrate on the bright side of things. Ifso,we are less likely to be held back by negative thoughts whichmight limit our performance like the boy having commitedsuicide.
In fact, life is full of opportunities,wonders. How should welook at life?
1. We should be thankful for a day of our life and cherish eachmoment of our life. Value this gift given to us.
2. We should take the responsibility for life,for our parentsand for others.
3. We should learn to open our mind and heart to welcome a newday as the saying “Tomorrow is another day.” Opportunities livewith us. If we can’t see them, then bring our hidden talent andstrength to create them,create life and happiness.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s enter a new world and have anew start!