My heart is soproud.
My mind is sounfocused.
I see the thingsYou do through me
as great things Ihave done.
And now You gentlybreak me,
Then lovingly Youtake me

And hold me as myFather
and mold me as myMaker.
I ask You: "Howmany times will You pick me up,
When I keep onletting You down?
And each time Iwill fall short of Your glory,
How far willforgiveness abound?"
And You answer:"My child, I love you.
And as long asyou're seeking My face,
You'll walk in thepower of My daily sufficient
At times I maygrow weak and feel a bit discouraged,
Knowing thatsomeone,somewhere Could do a better job
For who am I toserve You?
I know I don'tdeserve You.
And that's thepart that burns in my heart
And keeps mehan ging on
I ask You: "Howmany times will You pick me up,
When I keep onletting You down?
And each time Iwill fall short of Your glory,
How far willforgiveness abound?"
And You answer:"My child, I love you.
And as long asyou're seeking My face,
You'll walk in thepower
of My dailysufficient grace."
you are so Patientwith me, Lord.
As I work withYou, I'm learning
what Your gracereally means.
The price that Icould never pay
was paid atCalvary.
So, instead oftrying to repay You,
I'm learning tosimply obey You
By giving up mylife to You For all that you given to me
I ask You: "Howmany times will You pick me up,
When I keep onletting You down?
And each time Iwill fall short of Your glory,
How far willforgiveness abound?"
And You answer:"My child, I love you.
And as long asyou're seeking My face,
You'll walk in thepower
of My dailysufficient