Tell you what. Thetruth is… sometimes I miss you so much, I can hardly standit.
-----This is a one-shotthing we got going on here .
-----It’s nobody’s business buto urs.
----You know I ain’tqueer.
I might be back. If theArmy don’t get me.
Right next summer, I droveback up to Brokeback. Talked to Aguirre about a job, and he told meyou hadn’t been back, so I left.
-----Is there anythinginteresting up there in heaven?
-----Well, I was justsending up a prayer of thanks.
-----For what?
-----For you forgetting tobring that harmonica. I’m enjoying the peace and quiet.
We’re around each other,and this thing grabs hold of us again in the wrong place, in thewrong time, and we’re dead.
There’s never enough time,never enough.

You are too much for me,Ennis. I wish I knew how to quit you!
Come on now, you’resleeping on your feet like a horse.
My mama used to say thatto me when I was little. And sing to me.
He use to say he wantedhis ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain. But I wasn’t sure wherethat was. I thought Brokeback Mountain might be around where hegrew up.