现代育儿也就70年左右的历史。之前子孙后代实质是家庭有用资产。70年前没有儿童保护法,孩子5岁以后就可以为家庭创收,有些青少年儿童的收入可能会比父母来的多。人类几千年的历史,就这70年以来,儿童的身份由“useful”变成了“protected”,因此可以赤裸裸地说他们economicallyuseless but emotionally priceless-VivianaZelizer(普林斯顿社会经济学家)。育儿也变成了高成本,不一定高回报的过程。
All Joy And NoFun的研究对象是美国中产父母,小孩公立学校教育,精英阶层和贫困阶层除外。探讨的是为人父母快乐与否的悖论。看题目就知道了。
快乐的意义:Flow,Milhaly Csikszentimihalyi在快乐的秘密中解释,快乐在心理学是指全力以赴的沁入的过程。作画,高效工作,打电子游戏,设计,这些活动是高度structured,全情投入后会有回报的过程,干这些事情的时候会进入zone,这种境界就是快乐。而家庭生活事关义务,角色,没有所谓的结构,完全就是无聊,体会不出任何flow.
缺乏睡眠是育儿的首要大敌。吃和睡是人类生存本能。在孩子的来临睡变成了奢侈。有孩子的父母平均睡眠是6小时。持续缺睡的直接后果身体上状态是基本是合法醉驾。6小时和7小时睡眠直接形成经济收入的代沟是3万和9万的差别。有小孩的母亲收入和没有小孩的同龄女人收入高过男女同等工作的收入差别。持续缺睡的直接后果是忍耐程度降低,易怒,越是克制,爆发的程度和规模越大。这就是为什么几乎所有母亲yell吼的原因。这对于育儿达人提倡的状态基本上是致命的。Womenpay steep economic price for being amother。女人在因为要当母亲在经济上付出的代价是沉重的。
有孩子后婚姻工作友谊和自我全部解构。工作上,上班与否你都有负罪感。你由一个自治的成年人变成受制者。中产的美国人,现代地球人都曾经有'infinitepromise to exploit every once of it; have it all;'的人生信念,生怕missingout,生怕自己的可能和潜力没有发觉完。那么有孩子后,你是动物的心植物的人。心动不能行动。很多人很难认清和接受makepeace没有负累的生活是no life。焦虑。。。。
中产住在郊区育儿的父母,不论是奶妈还是奶爸,都要面临社交上的isolation。郊区大家都独门独户,邻居随时串门的现象消失多年了;中产一般都受过高等教育,受教程度高,你的mobility移动性就大,这导致很多中产家庭和extendedfamily亲戚朋友住得远,less tie on family,育儿上你就单枪匹马自己弄,没人帮得了你;
小朋友大些了,中国有'小皇帝'“小祖宗”的说法,美国一样。自打童工被禁止以后,大家都开始迷惑起来,家里到底谁当家作主?Filiarchy时代来领,kids run theshow.现代育儿需要越来越多的学校教育和课外活动确保小孩的未来成功。K--K12,大学完成后如果幸运的话,小孩像父母一样可以步入中产。所有这些都需要分数来证明。SAT,GPA,AP加课外活动。由于对孩子未来不确定,家长的目标是培养比自己更优秀的???,为了什么都别拉下,放学后小朋友的时间被各种活动填满。1980年大家都一窝蜂学日文,日本崛起了嘛;现今大家都该学普通话,谁知道全球化后中国会主导经济?Parentingis not simply about raising a child but transforming a child,forcefeeding it like a foie grasgoose.听起来好耳熟啊。原来美国家长也是填鸭式教育。这些家长全力以赴当车夫,陪坐家庭作业,练琴,足球联赛,小孩如果不参加学校以外的活动基本交不到朋友。75年有小孩的夫妇单独在一起的时间是12.4小时/周,2000年是9小时/周。目前可能更少。夫妇两人一同陪小孩比赛的时间也算是单独约会soccergame--is new date night。母亲们做公益的时间大幅度减少,即便做也看在孩子的面上,it is a gift of service for the sake ofour kids。至于餐桌?家庭日?homework is our dinner。看我家的餐桌,一样一样的。。。。it is astudy hall,work shops for kids project and crafttable.无论孩子做什么都需要父母的full saturation involvement。课外活动concertedcultivation is the province of the most narcisssisticparents。那些在赛场外大打出手的家长们时不时要在新闻播出。我家孩子爸爸也逐渐对孩子的跆拳道游泳课加压,有点培养trophychild的势头。。。。
这本书我看到青春期就不想看了。这里,美国,没有我想像的神话。我们的bundle ofjoy,现实确实给了我们欢乐,时不时带回自己的童年,反刍作为人,作为自己的一些个欣喜,aspire somethingbetter,creat and build and back to human of who weare。培养成人的路子艰辛还在继续。而我除了反复我父母我反感的育儿历程,好像没有更好的路可走。
和小朋友采集秋天的证据。今年的hedge apples好大!
1) Reference Books:
Grade 2 Phonics -
Grade 2 Reading Comprehension –
Grade 2 Language Arts –
Grade 2 Test Prep -
2)Sight Words by Grade Level – SeeAttached
3) Free 2ndGrade ReadingComprehension & Math
·Ifyou just use the free portion, you do not need to register andpayJ
·Justmore practices. You can use this website onceJacob has competed with the worksheets from the workbook (morestructure).
3) Good Picture Books with Decent Words:
>> Some of the books are too easy for Jacobbut might be good for Michael.
Thomas, Jan’s Collection (this is easy but fun)
Pumkin Trouble
Here comes the Big, Mean, Dust Bunny!
Ryming Dust Bunnies!
The Easter Bunny's Assistant
Is Everybody Ready for Fun?
What will Fat Cat sit on?
The Doghouse
A birthday for Cow!
Can you Make a Scary Face
Let's Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy
Allen, Jonathan’s Collection (this is easy and fun too)
Don't Copy Me!
The Little Rabbit Who Liked to Say MOO!
I'm Not Cute!
I'm Not Scared!
I'm Not Sleepy!
Dr. Suess’s Collection (Rhyming is a very important skills tomaster in reading and these books have wonderful rhymingwords)
I can Read with My Eyes Shut!
Oh! The Things you can Think!
Mr. Brown can Moo! Can you?
Great Day for UP
Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now
Hop on Pop
The Foot Book
The Knee Book
The Tooth Book
The Belly Book
Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo!
Fox in Socks
I Am Not Going to Get Up Today!
The Cat in The Hat
The Cat in The Hat Comes Back
Money, Money, Honey Bunny!
Green Eggs and Ham
Would you Rather be a Bullfrog?
In a People House
The Shape of Me and Other Stuff
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Please Try to Remember the First of Octember
There's a Wocket in my Pocket!
A Fish Out of Water
Ten Apples Up On Top!
Flap Your Wings
The Best Nest
Horton Hatches the Egg
Horton Hears a Who!
Happy Birthday To You!
Sleep Book
I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today!
Would you Rather be a Pollywog?
Safari, So Good! All About African Wildlife
Margret & H.A. Rey's Collections (Most boys like CuriousGeorge as he is very silly)
Curious George at the Parade
Curious George and the Dump Truck
Curious George Dreaam
Curious George Goes to the Beach
Curious George Builds a Home
Curious George and the Pizza
Curious George Cleans Up
Curious George Pinata Party
Curious George Takes a Trip
Curious George The Boat Show
Curious George Race Day
Curious Goerge Dinosaur Tracks
Curious George The Perfect Carrot
Curious George Roller Coaster
Cousins, Lucy’s Collections
I'm The Best
Maisy Goes to the Library
Maisy Goes Camping
Maisy Goes on a Sleepover
Maisy Goes on Vacation
Maisyt Makes Lemonade
Maisy Cleans Up
Maisy at the Fair
Maisy Takes a Bath
Maisy's Morning on the Farm
Mayer, Mercer Collections
Little Critter Little Red Riding Hood
Little Critter Jack and the Beanstalk
Little Critter Handel and Gretel
Little Critter - Just me in the tub
Little Critter - Critters of the night if you dream a dragon
Little Critter - Critters of the night no flying in the hall
Little Critter - All By Myself
Little Critter - It's Earth Day!
Little Critter - The best teacher ever
Little Critter - Our Friend Sam
Little Critter - Class Trip
Little Critter - Good Night, Little Critter
Little Critter - Our Tree House
Little Critter - Surprise
Little Critter - Where's Kitty
Little Critter - Where's My Sneaker
Little Critter - Where's My Frog
Little Critter - Just me and My Mom
Little Critter - Just Shopping with Mom
Little Critter - Just A Baseball Game
Little Critter - Just Lost!
Little Critter - Just For you
Little Critter - Just me and My Little Brother
Little Critter - Just A Thunderstorm
Little Critter - Just A New Neighbor
Little Critter - Just Me and My Dad
Little Critter - Just A Bully
Little Critter - Just A Day At the Pond
Little Critter - Just Going to The Dentist
Little Critter - Just A Little Homework
Little Critter - Just Not Invited
Little Critter - Just A Snowman
Little Critter - Good for Me and You
·Thereare more from this collection
Numeroff, Laura Collections
If you Give a Dog a Donut
If you Give a Cat a Cupcake
If you Give a Moose a Muffin
If you Give a Pig a Pancake
If you Give a Pig a Party
If you Give a Mouse a Cookie
If you Take a Mouse to School
If you Take a Mouse to the Movies
The Best Mouse Cookie
What Puppies Do Best
Cronin, Doreen’s Collection
Dooby Dooby Moo
Giggle, Giggle, Quack
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
Diary of A Fly
Diary of A Worm
Diary of A Spider
Watt, Melanie
Scaredy Squirrel
Scaredy Squirrel at night
Scaredy Squirrel at the beach
Scaredy Squirrel goes camping
Scaredy Squirrel has a birthday party
Scaredy Squirrel make a friend
Scardy Squirrel prepares for Christmas
Scardt Squirrel prepares for Halloween
Arnold, Tedd (Beginner Chapter Books – Very Fun)
I Spy Fly Guy!
There's Fly Guy in My Soup!
Buss Boy and Fly Guy
Fly High, Fly Guy!
Hi! Fly Guy
Hooray for Fly Guy!
Ride Fly Guy, Ride
Fly Guy vs. Flyswatter!
·Thereare a few more from this collection
Aesop's Fables (You read to him, he reads to you, you explain tohim the lessons learned and ask him to give you example in reallife)
The Fox and the Grapes
The Fox and the Crow
The Fox and the Stork
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Heron and the Fish
The Lion and the Mouse
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
·Thereare a few more from this collection
4) Good ChapterBooks:
1)Natethe Great Series - mystery
2)CampJansen Series – mystery
3)GeronimoStilton Series
4)MagicTree House Series – fantasy
5)OliviaPig Series
6)Frogand Toad Series (I think only 4 books)
7)MercyWatson Series (by Kate Camillo)
8)FlatStanley Series
9)CaptainAwesome Series
10)TheNotebook of Doom Series
11)MagicSchool Bus Series (Great information about Science)
Additional Books
·Forthe Non-Fiction Books – at this age, just pick up books about theSolar System, Insects - Lifecycle, Weather, Seasons, State ofMatters (Gas, Solid, and Liquid)
·ChildrenThesaurus Book is a good way to improvevocabulary. At this age, aside from thedefinition, they need to know the synonyms, anonyms, and homophonesof the words.
You should be able to find ALL books from thelibrary. If they don’t have it,you can request for them to order thebooksJ
Good Luck!!!!!
Dylan is a natural reader(my dad, elder brother and my husband all love to read but ME), sohe gets it from themJ
He went through 1,000+ books when he was in Kindergarten LoL Hestarted with good picture books, then moved onto chapter booksafter 6 months. He lovesfantasy and funny books.Magic TreeHouse(very popular series)andCaptainUnderpants(the content this series not thatgreat but most boys were talking about it) were his favorite serieswhen he was at Kindergarten. When he was at firstgrade, my husband started him with Harry Potter and he was hookedwith it. I have decided to lethim stop at book 5 for now as the content is not really thatappropriate for his age.
I would suggest you to go through two things with Jacob. 1)Comprehension – answers related questions after he read abook. 2) Test taking skills – he should notproceed without double checking to ensure that’s he has selectedthe absolute best possible answer – after logicalelimination. They cannot go back to the previousquestion after they click continue, proceed. Askhim to take his time to read, re-read ifnecessary. The answer might not always bedirectly there but he should be able to figure it out afterre-reading it.
Hopethese suggestions help!