(2010-07-22 15:47:52)窗外电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,透明的玻璃像是糊上了一种磨砂面,灰白的看不到远处的高楼大厦,但倔犟的风还拼命的晃动着阻挡他的窗户,我的小宝宝一脸满足的在床上安睡,丝毫不受风的干扰!很久没有享受音乐的我今天趁小虎睡觉,独自一人带上耳机,任凭窗外风的肆虐,雨的侵扰,陶醉在音乐的世界里!
朋友介绍一首wish on my star,歌词写的简单朴实,看后却思绪万千!
Wish on mystarVocal by JenniferPerri
Written by JakeShimabukuro
I wouldn't change a thing aboutyou
I wouldn't ask the green to beblue
I wouldn't ask the birds not tofly,
or change a thing in thesky,
or turn hello togood-bye.
I wouldn't ask the birds not tosing
I wouldn't ask the phone not toring
I just couldn't ask the wind not toblow,
or a boat not to row,
or a trio to go solo.
You are amazing just as youare
You are a flower in thespring,
and you're the light each morningbrings
And I adore you,
just the way you are.
You are not the star that I wishon
You are the wish on mystar.
…… MUSIC ……