Chinese: 埃菲尔铁塔 English: Eiffel Tower French: La Tour Eiffel 中文版: 埃菲尔铁塔: 漫步巴黎不经意就会瞥见雾中耸立的埃菲尔铁塔。通常到巴黎第一件事,并非到香榭里舍大道寻找面纱下的神秘面孔,而是跑到令法国人骄傲世界的埃菲尔大铁塔,它矗立于塞纳河畔,塔高320米,是世界最高建筑之一。 铁塔落成于1887年,是由当时著名工程师埃菲尔先生倡建,目的是纪念万国博览会曾在巴黎举行,以及法国革命100周年。据说铁塔初建时,遭各方面非议和反对,抱怨这座铁塔象是大黑烟囱,不伦不类,没有料到,铁塔已代表建筑新美学的兴起,成为举世闻名的法国象征,每年不知为法国赚取了多少宝贵的外汇。 铁塔是法国政府的摇钱树,游客只须买门票,便可登上铁塔,亲吻雄伟的铁塔,体认一下人类智慧的伟大。全座铁塔共分成三层,各层之间有一道铁梯互通,有体力、有胆识者不妨上攀铁塔,有畏高症、高血压的朋友就不宜了,乘搭升降机可减轻你的负担。 前往该地可乘地铁在Bir-Hakeim站下车,步行10分钟即到,它与凯旋门隔河遥望。其正对是法国名胜古迹博物馆(Palais deChaillot)。欣赏铁塔夜景则在Trocadero站下车,到站旁的Palais deChaillot的平台上。晚上,铁塔灯火通明,塔前的喷水池又经彩灯照射,喷出不同颜色及形状的水柱,景色十分艳丽。不过,水池并不常喷水,只有在假日或周末,才可欣赏彩色喷池,如要拍摄这迷人夜景,三脚架少不了的。 ![]() 登铁塔是需要收费的,采取三层不同收费方式,由地下乘升降机直上顶层眺望台(第三层)是54FF,第二层是40FF及第一层20FF。当然如欲观赏整个大巴黎都会的风情,以顶层最佳,这里设有多台望远镜,配合幻灯片介绍,令人对这座大都会留下一个深刻而难忘的印象。黄昏观日落这里更是一流,但人龙相当长,往往要排一个多钟头才能上塔。一般言之,早上9:00人潮很少,但景观较逊。冬天顶层关闭,只开放至第二层。 假若你不怕走路的话,白天由地下至第二层是容许游人踏登梯而上,逐步欣赏巴黎风情,并可亲自触摸每条钢筋的结构,令人叹为观止,这点是乘升降机没法体验得到的,收费只是10FF。由第二层上顶层就只能乘升降机,在入口处的自动售票机投入20FF便可。基于安全因素,这项省钱登铁塔在下午五时后便不能使用,只能乘升降机。 顺便提一句,在第一层大堂外有一间小型邮局,不妨在此买张明信片,盖上铁塔邮章,寄给远方亲友,极有纪念价值。此外,这处亦设有旅游局提供服务。 开放时间:9:30-23:00。在夏季,铁塔在23:00时仍有大批人排队。宜赶在日落前前往及在塔顶欣赏巴黎美景。 English Version: A Bit of History The Eiffel Tower was built for the International Exhibition ofParis of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution.The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of England, opened thetower. Of the 700 proposals submitted in a design competition,Gustave Eiffel's was unanimously chosen. However it was not accepted by all at first, and a petition of 300names - including those of Maupassant, Emile Zola, Charles Garnier(architect of the Opéra Garnier), and Dumas the Younger -protested its construction. At 300 metres (320.75m including antenna), and 7000 tons, it wasthe world's tallest building until 1930. Other statisticsinclude: ·2.5 million rivets. ·300 steel workers, and 2 years (1887-1889) to construct it. ·Sway of at most 12 cm in high winds. ·Height varies up to 15 cm depending on temperature. ·15,000 iron pieces (excluding rivets). ·40 tons of paint. ·1652 steps to the top. It was almost torn down in 1909, but was saved because of itsantenna - used for telegraphy at that time. Beginning in 1910 itbecame part of the International Time Service. French radio (since1918), and French television (since 1957) have also made use of itsstature. During its lifetime, the Eiffel Tower has also witnessed a fewstrange scenes, including being scaled by a mountaineer in 1954,and parachuted off of in 1984 by two Englishmen. In 1923 ajournalist rode a bicycle down from the first level. Some accountssay he rode down the stairs, other accounts suggest the exterior ofone of the tower's four legs which slope outward. However, if its birth was difficult, it is now completely acceptedand must be listed as one of the symbols of Paris itself. Ecole-Militaire seen through the base of the tower. Notes The tower has three platforms. A restaurant (extremely expensive;reservations absolutely necessary), the Jules Verne is on thesecond platform. The top platform has a bar, souvenir shop, and the(recently restored) office of Gustave Eiffel. From its platforms - especially the topmost - the view upon Parisis superb. It is generally agreed that one hour before sunset, thepanorama is at its best. French Version: La Tour Eiffel Ouverture: Hiver : 9h30-23h - Eté : 9h-minuit Tarifs: Ascenseur : 1er étage: 20 F, 2e étage: 38 F, 3e étage:55 F Escalier : 1er et 2e étages : 12 F - Réd. : selon période -Nocturne : Tous les soirs - Groupe : Rés. 48 heures - VisitesConférences : Rés. 1 mois Le monument le plus connu dans le monde (317 mètres, 10 100tonnes). Erigée par Gustave Eiffel en 1889 pour l'ExpositionUniverselle dont elle fut la vedette. Informations, rappelshistoriques et techniquesà tous les étages, vitrine-bureau deGustave Eiffel au 3e étage. Informations Pratiques : Documentation en Langues Etrangères ,Groupe , Visites Conférences , Accès Handicapés , BoutiqueCadeau , Restaurant , Location d'Espace , Photographie Autorisée ,Point de Vue , Parking VL , Parking Bus |
埃菲尔铁塔--中文、英文、法文介绍 法国埃菲尔铁塔介绍

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