进出口合同索赔条款 (中英文)
Upon the arrival of the goods atplace of delivery, the Buyer shall immediately inspect the goodsand shall give written notice of any claim to the Sellerwithin_____ days after their arrival. Claims for losses or damageswill not be considered unless supported by railroad agent’sacknowledgement on freight bill. The failure to give such noticeshall constitute irrevocable acceptance of the goods by the Buyer,and he shall be bound to pay the price of the goods in accordancewith the terms of the Agreement.
In case discrepancy on the quality of the goods is found by thebuyers after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination,claim maybe lodged against the Seller within 30 days after thearrival of the goods at the port of destination being supported byInspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor. Theseller then shall consider the claim in light of actualcircumstances. For the loss or losses due to the natural causeswithin the responsibilities of the Shipowners or the Underwriters,the Seller shall not consider any claim forcompensation.
货物抵达目的港后,买方发现质量不符合要求的,可在30日持享有信誉的公共检查员开具的检验证明向卖方提出索赔。卖方应根据实际情况考虑索赔要求 。在船主或保险商责任范围内由自然原因造成的丢失和损耗,卖方将不考虑任何损失赔偿。
Within_____ days after arrival of the goods at destination, shouldthe quality, specification, or the quantity be found not inconformity with the stipulations of the Contract except thoseclaims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vesselsare liable, the Buyer shall, on the strength of InspectionCertificate issued by_____, have the right to claim for replacementwith new goods, or for compensation, and all the expenses (such asinspection charges, freight for returning the goods and for sendingthe replacement, insurance premium, storage and loading andunloading charges, etc.) shall be borne by the Seller.