
阅读理解常见问题分析阅读理解在英语考研中占了40分的大比重,是决定考试成败的一大题型,很多考生在这上面下了很大的功夫,但是还是不能收到很好的效果。那么,问题究竟出在哪儿呢?我们认为,主要有以下4个方面的问题:1.读不懂;2.速度慢; 3.归纳能力差;4.准确度低。4.2.1读不懂怎么办?这是一个不少考生提出的普遍问题。我们认为,对于读不懂的问题,首先要检查原因,搞清楚不懂的是什么。是词汇量不够、不认识文中的生词,还是搞不清文章的结构?或是缺乏相关的背景知识,读了文章之后不知所云?突破词汇量要解决看不懂的问题,首要问题是攻克词汇关。当然,词汇量再大也没准会在考试阅读中碰到个别超纲词,总有看不懂的时候。在这种情况下,如果不影响对短文的理解和做题,就不必理会,目光一掠而过。但是如果是关键词,我们就必须通过上下文或其他手段猜测该词在文中的具体含义。巧记,活记,上下文记masterpiece, candidate, December, merchant, pour, draw, soap,soup, badminton4.2.1.2 闯过语法结构关读不懂的第二种情况是语法功夫欠佳,需要在语法结构上下功夫。关于语法结构问题,考研大纲规定,考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识。大纲没有专门列出对语法知识的具体要求,其目的是鼓励考生用听、说、读、写的实践代替单纯的语法知识学习,以求考生在交际中能更准确、自如地运用语法知识。因此考生应当根据自己的情况,对英语语法知识进行系统地梳理,灵活运用。我们知道,考研阅读文章最明显的一个特征就是句子的结构复杂,而且比较长。因此,考生在考试阅读中读不懂,其关键问题是不知道如何对付长句,找不到句子的核心部分。所以,一定要学会解析长句,闯过难句理解这一关。关于长句的阅读训练,可采取层层抽丝拨茧法。其具体方法是:第一,对于有多个从句的长句,应该先找到主句的主体部分即主、谓、宾,然后再找从句的主体部分。一层一层进行,先把同一层次的看完,再进行下一层次的内容。第二,对于有很长插入成分的长句,先不要理会插入语,等把主句的意思看完再来分析插入语的意思和作用。第三,对于有分词状语或独立主格结构的长句,应该先分辨主句和从属部分,分清主次,不要错把从属部分当成了主句。当然,在实际的阅读过程中,可能会碰到以上三种情况都有的复杂句子,这个时候我们必须从前往后,抓住独立的谓语从而区别出主句和分词状语,再层层抽丝拨茧,找出从句,插入语到最后再去考虑。如果插入语是从句的就放在从句中分析,如果是主句的就放在主句中考虑。例如,2003年研究生考试Text1 Para.2有这样一个句子:The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia companycalled Open Source Solutions, whose clear advantage was its masteryof the electronic world.这个句子既有插入语,又有从句。在这种情况下,我们应当先找到该句的主谓结构:主语——The winner, 谓语——was atiny Virginia company. 然后再看从句与主句之间的关系:whose clear advantage was itsmastery of the electronic world这一非限制性定语从句的主语是whose clearadvantage,而关系词whose指的就是紧靠在其前面的叫做Open SourceSolutions的小公司。最后,我们再看插入语 by a largemargin(大幅度地),介于主句的主谓语之间,作状语。这样一来,这个句子的意思就很明显了:“以明显优势获胜的是富吉尼亚一家叫做OpenSource Solutions的小公司,该公司明显的优势就是它掌握了电子世界”。经过较长时间的训练,阅读也就不会受语法结构的影响了。 掌握相关背景知识读不懂的第三种情况,单词全懂,语法都会,可就是读了文章之后不知所云。这种情况最令人头痛。这不仅仅是英语方面的问题,同时还涉及语言文化、风俗习惯、社会常识、逻辑分析等综合因素。这种情况凡是学外语的人或多或少都不可避免会遇到。举一简单的例子,英语中的很多成语、谚语都是一目了然的词语,可对中国读者来说却很费解。譬如下面几例:1. Everything in the room is at sixes and sevens.房间里的一切东西都乱七八糟。2. It rains cats and dogs.大雨滂沱。3. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.不必担心过早。(不必自寻烦恼。)几个句子中用的都是连小学生也学过的词语句法,但是大学生也不一定都看得懂。为什么呢?这就涉及语言文化、风俗习惯等问题。英语用sixesand sevens来表示杂乱的概念,而汉语则用“乱七八糟”;英语用cats anddogs表示滂沱大雨,汉语没有相应的习惯说法,只能舍去猫狗的形 象;第三句英语看似不合逻辑:直到你到了桥边,不要跨过去。这是什么话啊,但学英语觉得硬着头皮去适应英语的语言文化、风俗习惯、不合逻辑的逻辑!就像汉语中的“救火”、“养病”、“吃食堂”之类,从字面上看,毫无逻辑可言,但非要这么说不可。由此可见,平时在阅读中广读博览、拓宽知识面,对于考研阅读是大有裨益的。当然,研究生入学考试并没有专项的语言文化、逻辑思维的考试,阅读题材也仅仅限于一般性的题材,关键在于弄清楚自己不懂的真正原因何在,有的放矢地准备复习备考,这样才能获取满意的考试成绩。4.2.3 准确度低怎么办?阅读理解题中另一令考生畏难的问题是阅读的准确度低。有的考生甚至提出这样一个问题:在做阅读题的过程中,有时候一些看不太懂的文章错误比较少,全看懂了的文章反而出错较多,这是这么回事?我们认为,要解决阅读准确度低的问题,首先要弄清楚所谓“懂”与“不懂”之间的关系。“懂”与“不懂”是一相对的概念,懂的是全文的中心思想、细节数据还是大致意思?是全部词汇的字面意思还是其蕴含意义?且举一例,高考语文的阅读部分,几乎没有看不懂的考生,但又有多少人能拿满分呢?另一方面,考研阅读题有的文章容易一点,但题目的干扰性比较大,有的文章难,题目相对容易一点,这也是一个重要原因。全都看懂了的而做题出的错误多,很可能是因为题目的干扰性大,考生只从字面意义上懂一个大概,很难辨别题目干扰上的一些陷阱,这种情况也就是通常所说的文章易读题难做。与此相反,另一类阅读题(特别是有关学术探讨研究类)读起来很费劲,所出的题却多半是宏观性的试题,可以通过总结归纳推理判断解决,可能你觉得有一些细节没有理解,但是整个文章的思路清楚了,照样可以回答问题,这种现象也常有发生。但决不可能靠瞎蒙解决问题。要解决阅读的准确度低的问题,归根到底关键是要两方面的工作:首先,要把阅读的重点放在准确理解的基础上;其次,善于动脑筋,理解思路要与出题者的思路保持一致,也就是要思考对路,因为理解准确的内容不一定要考,关键在于把握住题意,对于考的是什么要做到心中有数。在此我们提出“三主一问”的方针供考生作为阅读理解的解题思路。所谓“三主”(主题、主线、主谓)即抓文章的主题思想、布局结构的主线以及各关键句子的主谓结构;“一问”即根据文章后面所设问题而思索:此题的考点在哪里?一篇文章要是抓住了全文的主题思想,领会了贯穿全文的结构线路,把握了关键句的主谓结构,针对问题找信息、答案,阅读中准确度低的问题也就比较容易解决了。另外一点也很重要:做完题之后的错误分析。每做完一套阅读题。不要只看做对了多少,做错了多少,重要的是仔细对照答案,分析失误的原因,然后针对所犯错误提出相应的改进措施,进行有针对性地阅读训练。只有平时阅读过关,考试中才能做到胸有成竹,立于不败之地。 利用上下文确定词义通过上下文来猜测词意是阅读考试中最常用的重要手段之一,联系上下文可以帮助我们理解句子,确定词义。下面我们通过一些实例来简要说明如何通过上下文来确定词义。例1:He is successful as a businessman because of hisdynamic personality. He seems to have unlimitedenergy.对于dynamic一词大家可能不熟悉,下文的He seems to have unlimitedenergy…(他似乎有用不完的劲)就是对 dynamic词义的解释。这样,我们便知道该词意为“有干劲的”。例2:Sociology is the term used to describe the scientific studyof human society.假定sociology是一个不认识的词,系动词be后面就给出了明确的定义。这样,我们便知道该词意思为“社会学”。例3:A first-year college or university student is commonly a'freshman', and ‘sophomore’, 'junior’ and'senior' designate the second—third—andfourth—year student.要是对sophomore, junior 和senior几个术语不熟悉,通过后面的对应解释词语thesecond—third—and fourth—year student我们便不难知道它们分别是指二、三、四年级的大学生。例4:The tired soldiers trudged through knee-deepmud for hours before they found a dry place to sleep.通过后面的through knee-deepmud(没膝深的泥浆),我们知道trudged一词的意思为与行走这一动作有关,在泥浆中行走,也就是“跋涉”。例5:When it comes to manufactured goods there is actually morediversity in this country than Europe has ever known. Thevariety of goods carried by our stores is the first thing thatimpresses any visitor from abroad.第二句中的variety与第一句中的diversity同义,这样,我们便不难知道diversity的大意是“种类”或“品种”。下面我们联系上下文,试确定以下各句中斜体字的含义。1.The woman and the children were skilful in boats too, but therewere usually several of them in a large boat calledumiak.2.The doctor said that if a person ate even one leaf of thehemlock plant, he would die, because the plant is a deadlypoison.3.Although dogs and cats often have large families, rabbits arefamous for the size of their litters, which sometimes numbermore than twelve bunnies at one time.4.Mark became hysterical when his basketball team won, and hedid not calm down for several days.5.With mud from head to toe, flowers still clutched in his hand, Johnlooked so ludicrous that we couldn’t help laughing.6.A bee collects nectar not in its own stomach but in a kindof shopping bag (called the honey sac) similar to the oneants have.7.Several generations ago, the world seemed to run in anorderly way. Now, however, everything is in astate of turmoil.8.After the first time someone tried to rob him, the bankerbecame flustered easily, and in hisconfusion he would make many careless errors.9.Jane was intrigued by the behavior of animals; she could sitfor hours observing a bird making a nest or an ant carrying aleaf.10.Some chimps are very independent and appear to be the superiormembers of a group; others seem to be ruled by the leaders and arequite submissive.通过上串下联,我们不难确定上述各句中斜体字的含义如下:1.umiak n. 一种大船2.hemlock n. 一种有毒植物(毒芹)3.litter n.一窝 bunnies小兔子4.hysterical a.歇斯底里,异常兴奋5.ludicrous a..滑稽可笑的6.nectar n.花蜜 honey sac蜜胃7.turmoil n.混乱8.flustered a.慌乱的9.intrigued a.感兴趣10.submissive a.顺从的4.3.3.2 利用构词法确定词义掌握英语构词法,是提高阅读速度的技巧之一。在很多情况下,通过构词分析,便能理解不认识生词的含义,不至于中断阅读。因此,考生应当有效地利用自己所熟悉的词缀(包括前缀和后缀)和词根,通过构词法来是确定生词的含义。例1:Many cancers have been arrested with the use ofchemotherapy.Chemotherapy 是由chemo(意为chemical)和therapy(意为treatment),整个单词意思就是“化学疗法”。例2:They overestimate the interviewee’s ability and asked turnmany difficult questions.overestimate =over (过分、过度)+estimate(估计)。因此overestimate的词义可猜测为“过高估计”。例3:The murderer had developed a poison which could not betasted or smelled when mixed with food. Because it wasimperceptible, he was able to murder a number of peoplewithout being caught.句中的imperceptible 一词由前缀im-(非,不)+词根percept(感知、觉察)+后缀-ible(能……的)构成。几部分组合在一起,也就是“难以觉察的”之意。例4:Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry whichseeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that naturalscientists use for the study of naturalphenomena. (2003考研英语第62题)其中的dispassioned为超纲词,我们可根据构词法dis + passion +ed知其大概意思:除掉激情的,也即是“冷静的”。 利用语法知识确定词义在很多情况下,各种语法知识可以帮助我们来判断词性、词义。例1:This set of books is for children. The first book of thesequence, which is one of the most popular series of children’sstories, is a group of stories about the inhabitants of avillage.假定我们不认识sequence,利用定语从句which is one of the most popular seriesof children’s stories, 其中series就与sequence 同义,也就是“丛书”的意思。例2:For their fishing and hunting the men used a kayak,a small boat for one person.利用同位语a small boat for one person我们知道kayak是一种单人小船。例3:A solar eclipse—when the moon passes between theEarth and the sun—in an unusual and interesting phenomenon thatoccurs rarely.通过破折号解释我们知道solar eclipse为“日食”。例4:Ventilation, as we know, is a system or means ofproviding fresh air. It plays a very importantpart in the field of engineering.通过后面的解释我们知道Ventilation为“通风,流通空气”之意。例5:The modern age of medicine began with the stethoscope, aninstrument for listening to a patient’s heartbeat andbreathing.Stethoscope一词大家都不熟悉,通过后面的同位语解释an instrument for listening to apatient’s heartbeat andbreathing,我们便能理解stethoscope的确切词义,即“听诊器”或“听筒”的意思。 根据同义、反义关系确定词义阅读中,特别是要注意表示反意的信号词:in contrast, on the other hand, ratherthan, however, yet, although, while, unlike, but, whereas, asopposed to等,利用这些同义、反义关系,可以帮助我们确定词义。例1:My sister Mane is an optimist, while her boyfriend is onewho is always gloomy and expects the worst to happen.从while的转折关系可知optimist意思是“one who expects the best”,即“乐观的”。例2:Mother was tall, fat, and middle aged. The principal of theschool was an older woman, almost as plump as Mother, andmuch shorter.根据Mother was tall, fat 以及后面as plumpas的同义关系,我们知道plump为“丰满的”之意。例3:Sally liked to concoct all sorts of stories, but her motheralways knew when she was lying.concoct一词大家不熟悉,根据but的转折关系我们知道在此句中与waslying的含义大体相同,由此可知concoct的大概意思是“编造谎话”。例4:A gorilla always makes me think of the word aloof—notfriendly, of distance from others.假定我们不认识aloof一词,破折号后的反义关系:“不友好,冷漠” 就解释了aloof一词的含义。 利用逻辑推理和常识确定词义有时候,逻辑推理和自身的生活经验及普通常识能帮助我们确定词义。例1:Fishes live in water and have fins which help them to swim.Most fishes have slimy skins covered with scales, but in fishessuch as eels the scales are very small and can hardly beseen.凭常识我们不难猜出fins,slimy和scales的确切意思分别是“鳍”、“滑溜的”和“鳞”,对于eels一词,我们只需知道是fish的一种(鳝鱼类)就行了。例2:Not wanting to disturb the sleeping kitten, Igingerly lifted her from the box and put her on a blanketnear the heater.根据前半句的Not wanting todisturb(不愿打扰),我们便可大致推测出gingerly一词的含义:“小心翼翼地”。例3:A mercury thermometer is made of a glass tube with abulb at one end.凭常识我们知道温度计下面的bulb是“水银球”。例4:Most troubles can be avoided, but death and taxes areinevitable.凭常识我们知道死亡和税收是不可避免的(inevitable)事情。解词汇题除了需要扎实的词汇基本功之外,前一节中所讲的利用上下文、利用构词法、利用语法知识、根据同/反义关系、利用逻辑/常识猜测词义都不失为解题的好办法。尤其是上下文和构词法,这两个方法是解词汇题的最常用的法宝。请看下面这段文字:The vertebrates can be divided into five groups: fish,amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.FISH. These live in water. Most of them have a body covered inscales. They breathe with gills in the neck and theirshape is often pointed so that they can move easily through thewater. The tail is flattened from side to side to pushagainst the water as they swim. Most fish lay eggs and do not lookafter their young.AMPHIBIANS. These can live on land or in the water.Their bodies are often smooth and their skin is damp. They breathewith lungs or through their skins but some also breathe with theirmouth. They have two pairs of limbs and lay their eggs in water.These eggs hatch to produce a larva or tadpole whichlooks very different from the parents. The tadpole grows andthen changes to look like the parent.REPTILES. These live on land or in the water. Theirbodies are covered with scales. They breathe with lungs andhave two pairs of legs (except the snakes and somelizards).They lay their eggs in warm places on land and theeggs hatch to produce a small animal just like theparent.BIRDS. These live on land. Some can swim on the water. A few,like the penguin and puffin, can also swim underwater. Their bodies are covered with feathers. Birds breathe withlungs and have two pairs of limbs. The front limbs are the wingsused for flying. They lay eggs and keep them warm with their bodiesuntil they hatch. Then they look after the young chicksuntil they can fend for themselves.MAMMALS. This group includes Man. Mammals can live onland or in the water. The whale and the dolphin live in thesea. The bats have wings and can fly. All mammals breathe withlungs and often have bodies covered with hair. They have two pairsof limbs. They produce live young (there are twoexceptions: the duck— billed platypus andthe spiny ant-eater, who both lay eggs) and feed them withmilk that the mother makes in her special glands. The parentanimals look after their young until they are old enough to lookafter themselves.其中的斜体字词语vertebrates脊椎动物, amphibians两栖动物, reptiles爬行动物,mammals哺乳动物, scales鳞, gills鳃, flattened扁平的, larva幼虫, tadpole蝌蚪,lizards蜥蜴, penguin 企鹅,puffin海雀, chicks雏鸟, fend照料, dolphin海豚,platypus鸭嘴兽, ant-eater食蚁兽, glands腺等,都是超纲词和专业术语,但通过上下文,我们都能理解其大致意思。一、主旨大意题二、具体细节题三、语义题四、推论题阅读理解方法一、识别信号词二、词义辨认三、意群阅读一、主旨大意题1. Themain idea of the passage is ...2. Thepassage is mainly concerned with ....3. Theauthor's purpose in writing this passage is ...4. Agood title for this passage would be ...5. Whatis the subject of the passage?6. Whatis the main topic of the passage07. Whatdoes the passage mainly deal with?S. Whatdoes the passage talk about?9. Whichof the following best states the theme of the passage二、具体细节题a.Which of the following is a major advantage of...?b. Whatdo we know about...?c.According to the passage when ...d. Whyare ...?e.In which year...?a.Which of the following is true according to passage?b. Whichof following is NOT mentioned as a fact?c. Allof the following are true EXCEPT?d. Whichof the following is wrong according to the author?a.The author statesthatb. Thereal cause for ... isc. The investigation showsthatd. According to theauthor, most people .三、语义题1. The word in line ...most probably means2. Whatis the probable definition of the word "..."?3. Theauthor used the word "..." toindicate.4. Inline ... the word "..." could best be replaced by ...5. By"..." the author means….四、推论题1. Thepassage suggeststhat.2. Theauthor implies that .3. Thepassage is intendedto.4. Thenext paragraph would most probably deal with5. Theparagraph preceding this on e maydiscuss6. Wecan conclude from the passagethat7. Whatcan be inferred from the passage?8. Wherewould this paragraph most probably appear?9. Whatis the tone of the passage?10. The author seems to bein favor of the idea of11. What does the authorthink of...?12. In the writer'sopinion, ...阅读理解方法一、识别信号词1.In that mill, I learned the process of making paper.First, the logs are put in the shredder. Then, theyare cut into small chips and mixed with water and acid.Next, they are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp to becleaned. It is also chemically bleached to whiten it. Afterthis, it is passed through rollers to flatten it. Then,sheets of wet paper are produced. Finally, the water isremoved from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined untilthe finished paper is produced.2.When the television was invented in 1923. parents had no ideaof the harmful effects this celebrated invention would one day haveon children. Because of the tremendous amount of time childrenspend watching TV, they become passive observers. Since childrenspend more time in front of the TV and less time on a good book,their reading abilities have also suffered. As a result,television has a negative effect on children's learning ability andcreativity. Another harmful effect of television is causedby the excessive violence in many popular programs. Consequently,youngsters imitate the aggressive behavior they see on TV. Forall these reasons, television has developed from the miracle itonce was into the monster it is today.二、词义辨认He is successful as a businessman because of his dynamicpersonality. He seems to have unlimited energy.My sister Marie is an optimist, while her boyfriend is one whois always gloomy and expects the worst to happen.2. 利用构词法1) 由缀合法构成的技术词语这类术语的含义为词缀(前缀、后缀)与词干或词根的意义相加,一般不存在歧义问题,关键在于译成该专业的行话,如以下各例所示:teletypesetter = tele + type + setter电传排字机bathythermograph = bathy +thermo +graph海水测温仪miniultrasonicprober = mini (微型的)+ ultra(超) +sonic(声音的)+prober(探测器);即:微型超声波金属探伤仪macrospacetransship = macro(巨型的)+ space (太空)+ trans (转运)+ ship(船); 即: 巨型空间转运飞船pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis = pneumono (肺的)+ultra (超) + micro (微) + scopic (观察的) + silico (硅的)+ volcano(火山的)+coni (尘埃) + osis (病症);即:硅酸盐沉着病,矽肺病(一种矿工易染的病)2) 复合而成的技术词语这类术语一般有三种形式:带连字符的复合词 (如:salt-former 卤素, dew-point 露点,pulse-scaler 脉冲定标器)、不带连字符合二为一的复合词 (如:fallout 放射性尘埃, waterlock 水闸,thunderstorm 雷暴), 或若干分写的单词构成的复合词(如:verbal translator逐字翻译机, hovercraft 气垫船, satellite antimissile observation system卫星反导弹观察系统)。复合词的含义在大多数情况下往往是各词相加的总体意义,但也有不少例外,对此翻译时应格外当心。如:bull’seye 靶心,cat-and-mouse 航向与指挥的,dog house 高频高压电源屏蔽罩,等等。3) 由缩合法构成的技术词语这类术语采用“掐头去尾”的方法构成,即掐掉后面一个词的头,去掉前面一个词的尾。翻译时首先应弄清它们所代表的原词的含义,再将二者的意义相加。smog = smoke + fog 烟雾telex = teleprinter + exchange 电传gravisphere = gravity + sphere 引力范围medicare = medical + care 医疗保健biorhythm = biological +rhythm 生理节奏copytron = copy + electron 电子复写(技术)4) 首字母缩略技术词语这类术语有时来自不同的出处,翻译时需根据上下文弄清其确切含义。ADP automatic data processing 自动数据处理AIDS Acquired Immune DeficiencySyndrome 艾滋病DEPM electronic data processingmachine 电子数据处理机GSV guided space vehicle制导宇宙飞船Laser light amplification by stimulatedemission of radiation激光RAM random access memory 随机存取存储器MOUSE minimum orbitalunmanned satellite of the earth (仪表载重50k.g以下的)不载人的最小人造地球卫星SALT Strategic Arms LimitationTalks 限制战略武器会谈SNAP subsystem for nuclear auxiliary power(原子)核辅助动力子系统 space nuclear auxiliarypower 空间核辅助能源 systems for nuclearauxiliary power核辅助能(电)源系统AS air scoop 空气收集器 airseasoned 风干的(木材) airspeed 空速、气流速率 airstation 航空站、飞机场American Standard 美国标准三、意群阅读Three passions, simple but overwhelminglystrong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search forknowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.