
-------- 公司,注册地在这个上海(以下称寄售人), 与-------公司,注册地在 (以下称代售人),按下列条款签订本协议:
This agreement is enteredinto between ------Co. (hereinafter referred to as the consignor),having its registered office at -----, Shanghai. China and-- Co.(hereinafter referred to as the consignee)., having its registeredoffice at------, on the following terms and conditions:
The constignor shall fromtime to time ship -------(commodity) to the consignee onconsignment basis at the prevaling international market prices onCIF terms. The interval between each shipment shall beapproximately ninety days.
The consignee must try tosell the consignments at the best possible prices after obtainingthe approval of the consignor as to price, terms, etc.
Each shipment by ship at theinitial stage will not exceed U.S.D------- and the outstandingliabilities on the consignee shall be in the vicinity of not morethan U.S.D------only.
The consignor shall at notime be responsible for any bad debts arising out of credit salesto any ---buyers. Making payments to the consignor shall at all times be thesole responsibility of the consignee.
The consignee shall acceptthe Bills of Exchange drawn by the consignor on him at 90days sightwith interest payable at ----% per annum.
The consignee shall collectthe shipping documents including B/L from the consignor’s bankagsinst Trust Receipt duly signed by the consignee.
The consignor shall absorbinsurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date ofdelivery to customers.
The consignor shall observethe regulations of the government.
This agreement is written inEnglish, in two originals: each party retains one copy.
双方确认上述内容,并于年 月 日签字立约,以资证明。
As a token of accepance,both parties have set their respective hands on this ---day of ---,--- with understanding and knowledge of the contents statedhereinabove.
The consignor(signature)Theconsignee (signature)
签署日期 Date:签署日期 Date: