And when I look into your eyes, I hear dolphins clapping.
I didn’t exactly fall in love with the guy. What happened was Idove out of my marriage and into David’s arms exactly the same waya cartoon circus performer dives off a high platform and into asmall cup of water, vanishing completely.
Liz演讲:It begins when the object of your affection bestows upon you aheady hallucinogenic dose of something you’ve never even dared toadmit you wanted an emotional speedball of thunderous love andexcitement. Soon you start craving that attention with the hungryobsession of any junkie. When it’s withheld, you turn sick, crazy,not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged thisaddiction in the first place but now refuses to pony up the goodstuff.
Goddamn him, and he used to give it to you for free.
Next stage finds you skinny, shaking in a corner, certain onlythat you’d sell your soul just to have that one thing one moretime.Meanwhiletheobject of your adoration is now repulsed by you.
He looks at you like someone he's never met before.The irony is you can hardly blamehim,I mean, check yourself out. You are amess.Unrecognizble even to your own eyes.You have now reached infatuation's finaldestination,andthe complete and mercilessdevluation of self.起初你的爱慕对象会给你带来如梦幻般醉人的、你连想都不敢想的东西,和情感的兴奋剂,带给你如狂风暴雨般的爱和激情。很快你开始渴望近乎痴迷地渴望那种关注,如同上瘾一般.当你的爱慕对象开始对你不再那么上心时,你开始变得郁郁寡欢、神经质、更别提那个让你深陷其中的人,必然对他怨恨不已,然而现在在你眼中已看不到美好的事物了。该死的他,过去他为你付出一切,一无所求。接下来,你发现瘦弱的自己在角落里发抖,心里依旧期许着只要能再一次拥有那种被关注被关怀的感觉,为此甚至不惜出卖自己的灵魂;同时现在你的爱慕对象被你排挤。他看着你如同你们从不认识。讽刺的是,你却不能责备他,我的意思是,你自己看看自己吧,一团糟。自己都认不出自己了。你最后到达了痴迷的最终阶段,不带一丝怜悯的自我贬低。LIZ:He just needs a chance to miss me.他只是需要一個机会思念我。DELIA:You jumped in so quickly, you didn't give yourself amoment.DELIA:你太快从这段感情跳到另一段感情,你都沒有給自己一点时间。LIZ:When yoursoulmateshows up out of the blue, you don'tsay 'sorry, kind sir, please come back when it is moreconvenient.'LIZ:当你的灵魂伴侣天而降时,你怎么可能说:“对不起,心地善良的先生,请你找个我更方便的时间再出现吧。"There is a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goesto church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint,begging: “Dear saint, please, please, please let me win thelottery.” Finally, the exasperated statue comes to life and looksdown at the begging man and says: “My son, please, please, pleasebuy a ticket.”
Maybe you’re a woman in search of her word.
You wanna get to the castle, you got to swim the moat.
You have to learn to select your thoughts the way you selectyour clothes every day.
LIZ: I'm so tired of saying no and then walking up in themoring, and recalling every single thing I ate the daybefore.我已经厌倦了说“不",然后每天早上起來,会想昨天每一样吃过的食物.Counting every claorie I consume so I know ecactly how muchself-loathing to take into the shower.計算摄入的卡路里以便得知有多少自我厌恶感被带入浴室。I'm going for it. I have no interestin being obese, I'm just through with the guilt.我现在就是放手去做。我不想变成一个胖子,我只是先把內疚感甩在脑后。LIZ: The sweetness of doing nothing.什么都不做的惬意。LIZ:Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.毁灭是一种恩賜。毁灭是通往改变的道路。LIZ: Both of us deserve better than staying together, becausewe'er afraid we'll be destroyed if we don't.比起绑在一起,我们都应该过得更好,不要因为害怕分开而带来更多的伤害。
KETUT:Sit in silence and smile.微笑、静坐。Smile with face. Smile with mind,脸上笑,心里更要笑,Even smile in liver.甚至连肺腑都要笑。
KETUT: You haven't healed that wound. Now you are scared toopen your heart.你还没有从中恢复。现在你害怕敞开心扉。You are afraid hurt will happen to you again.害怕再次伤害。Only way to heal is to trust.唯一的治疗关键,在于信任。This okay. To have broken heart, mean you have tried forsomething.这没关系。伤心过,证明你曾经尝试过。
W:You don't need a man, you need a champion.你不需要男人,你需要王者。Wayan: You don't want to lose yourself. Love is scary,dangerous.你不想失去自我。爱情令人恐惧,危险重重。
Everybody needs affection. Make people do funny things. Everyonegets like that at beginning of relationship.每个人都需要爱。爱让人们举止幼稚,在一段感情刚开始的時候,人人都会这样的。
Want too much happiness, too much pleasure, until make yourselfsick奢望太多的快乐,太多的欢愉,直到自己厌倦,直到失去自我。
LIZ:When I was in Italy, I learned a word-----"Titti" withdouble t, which in Italian means "everybody".在意大利的時候,我学到了一个单词,”tutti"有2個T,意思是每个人的意思。So that's the lesson, isn't it? When you set out in the worldto help yourself,这是我学到的一课,不是么?當你从世界出发,想帮助自己,sometimes you end up helping Tutti.结果或许你是帮助了Tufti(每一个人)。

W:You are afraid to love again.你失去了爱的勇气。
LIZ:I don't know why you can't understand this.我不知道你为什么不明白。I found something and I can't give it up.我得到一些东西,我不能放弃它。And trust me, if I did, you wouldn't be so all in love withme.相信我,如果我放弃了,那你就不会像现在这么爱我了。W:You traveled around the world to find your balance, and thebalance that you think you've found is what? Balance is not lettinganybody love you less than you love yourself.你环游世界得到心灵的平衡,但你以为你找的心灵平衡是为了什么?平衡不是让每一个人都爱你,而是先自爱。KETUT:sometime,to lost balance for love is part of livingbalanced life.有時候,因为爱中而失去平衡,其实也是生活在平衡人生的一部份。
LIZ:In the end, I’ve come to believe in something I call “ThePhysics of the Quest.” A force in nature governed by laws as realas the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes somethinglike this:If you'er brave enough to leave behind everything familiar andcomforting, whic can be anything.From your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on atrust-seeking journey.Either externally or internally, and if you are truly willingto regard everything that happens to you on that journey as aclue;and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as ateacher;and if you are prepared, most of all to face and forgive somevery difficult realities about yourself,then the truth will not be withheld from you.I can’t help but believe it, given by my experience. I decidedon my word. It means: “Let’s cross over.”最终,我开始相信我称之为“寻求物理学”的理论,这是一种跟万有引力一样真实的自然界的力量。寻求物理学的法则是这样的:如果你有足够的勇气,放弃所有熟悉安心的事物,这些可以是任何事物。这包括你的家,或是累积在心里的积怨,开始一段寻求真相的旅程。无论是內在还是外在,如果你真的愿意把所有的经历看做一种启示 ;如果你把所有遇見的人都当成导师;最重要的是,如果你准备好了去面对,去原谅那部份并不讨喜的自我。那么沒人可以阻止你了解真相-----生命的真相。通过自身的经历,我不禁开始相信这一法则。我找到了我的关键词。它的意思是: “Let’s cross over.”