一 英文部分Rosie's Walk by Pat Hutchins
Rosie the hen went for a walkacross the yardaround the pondover the haystackpass the millthrough the fenceunder the beehivesand got back in time for dinner
Rosie's Walk上面是《母鸡萝丝去散步》的英文视频部分。
二 中文部分大意
这天,母鸡萝丝走出鸡舍去散步。它没有发现,一只狐狸从后面悄悄跟了上来。 萝丝穿过农家院子,身后的狐狸扑了上来。可它一脚踩到了钉耙,钉耙一个反弹,狠狠地打到了它的脸上。 萝丝绕过池塘,狐狸扑了上来,可它扑了一个空,栽到了池塘里。 萝丝翻过干草垛,狐狸扑了上来,可它一头扎了进去。 萝丝经过磨面房时脚钩住了一根线,狐狸扑上来时,上头的一袋面粉正好浇了下来。 萝丝钻过栅栏,狐狸扑了上来,可它跌到了栅栏这边的手推车里。 萝丝从蜂箱下面走了过去,可那辆手推车载着狐狸撞翻了蜂箱,狐狸被蜜蜂追得抱头鼠窜。 萝丝回到鸡舍,正好赶上吃晚饭。
三 英文书评这个绘本在亚马逊上面的用户评级是5star,属于最佳好评。由于绘本大量的内容是在画面所隐含的信息,因此看看英文评论,有助于我们帮助孩子利用英语来理解这个绘本。A staple of humorous stories for yearshas been the idea of the obliviousprotagonist.How many cartoons have you watched where the well meaning butbumblinghero comes within a hair's breath ofdeath as some watchful soul (either someonewhowants to hurt our hero or help them)accidentally falls into madcap trap aftertrapafter trap? Tons. After all, it's funnystuff. Well "Rosie's Walk" ascribed to thatideaway back in 1968 when it was first published. The tale of blitheRosie and thedoe eyed fox that wants to eat heris as old as the hills and still just asfunny.
Rosie decides one day to go for a walk. As she does so ahungry fox gets wind of theplump little hen anddecides to pounce upon her for his (her?) supper. Rosie takesnonotice of this impending danger, and the bookis simply a series of vignettes ofchicken and foxlocked in that eternal conflict of hunter and prey. The text, suchasit is, is very simple. It never makes a singlemention of the fox, choosing to onlydescribeRosie's walk. In fact, one could write the entire book out in asinglesentence since there are only 32 words intotal. It is a deceptively simple book.
So what makes this such a fabulous story? Well, what PatHutchins overdoes inbrevity, she makes up forwith some of the most elaborate pen and ink drawingsI'veseen in a long time. Rosie, for one, is ajoy. Her expression never changes for amoment.This hen is oblivious to not only the fox, but also the world atlarge. Shewalks about with her eyes at half-mastwearing an expression of deep disinterest. Ifyouhappen to know a typical teenager, that teenager in chicken formwould be Rosie.
The fox, on the other hand, makes up for all the emotions thatnonplussed Rosielacks. This is a beautifulcreature, sporting an elaborately illustrated bodyandsoft melting eyes. It doesn't hurt that everypicture in this book looks like it wasfun for theauthor/illustrator to draw. Birds flying in the trees are acomplexamalgamation of dots, patterns, and slinkyblack lines. Even the grasshoppers in thefieldsare elaborate combinations of circles and lines. Rosie's feathersalone are sowell organized and detailed that I'dhalf like to frame her and put her up on mywall.And though the gags directed against the poor schlimazel of a foxare obvious,they're well executed. Hutchins has a wonderful sense oftiming in this story. Thisbook is truly a classact. For any beginning reader, this is a tale to bothimpressand humble. A really wonderful picturebook.
再看看一个7岁小女孩写的书评:Hi, I am a girl (of course). I am age7. I think this is a great book for everyone because it's easy tounderstand and it's good that the author does that. It is neat toobecause Rosie the rooster is going for a walk and a fox isfollowing her and when she walks, like around the pond, the foxfalls in it and so on and so on. The cool thing is that like in onepage Rosie walks across something then the next page there is nowriting but it shows the bad thing that happened to the fox. It isinteresting to me because I think the illustrations are neat. I'mnot sure if Pat Hutchins did the illustrationstoo.
四 中文书评萝丝的一次死里逃生的散步作者:彭懿(作家、图画书研究者)

佩特·哈群斯把萝丝画得装饰味儿极浓,既像剪纸,又像刺绣或是毛衣上的图案,萝丝的头、翅膀及尾巴是黄色的,身体是朱红色的,还用黑笔在翅膀和尾巴上画上了羽毛状的花纹,在身体上画上了点点。至于那只倒霉蛋儿狐狸,她并没有因为它是一个丑角而丑化它,相反还把它美化了,画得妖魅无比,一对尖耳朵的轮廓和腿是深褐色的,耳朵和肚子是白色的,身体及长长的大尾巴则是橘黄色的,上面布满了由复杂的圆点、线条和黑三角组成的装饰性图案,就像一个美丽的狐妖。不只是鸡和狐狸,连后面的树、农家、风车等背景也都画得像装饰画一样。 佩特·哈群斯真是画活了那只狐狸,你看它的身形,一会儿紧弓,一会儿甩到了天上,一会儿又一个倒栽葱。再看它的表情,那双会说话的眼睛把它的狡猾与贪婪全都写在了脸上……与狐狸相比,只能用“呆若木鸡”这个词来形容萝丝了,它从头至尾都保持着一个姿势,永远半闭着眼睛,永远那么不紧不慢地走着。正因为有了这么一个不知大祸临头的萝丝,才让整个故事变得好笑起来。 必须提及的还有这本书的色彩。《纽约时报》的一篇书评说这是一出洒满阳光……的喜剧,是的,是夕阳光,我头一次看到它时就被它那暖如夕阳的颜色迷住了。橘黄、橄榄绿以及朱红,都被完美和谐地统一在一种偏黄的暖色调之中了,佩特•哈金丝自己也曾经说过,她最喜欢的颜色是黄色。 《母鸡萝丝去散步》所以会被人奉为经典,是因为它在画面里叙述了一个文字里并没有提到的故事,让文字与图画形成一种非常滑稽的比照。你看,文字里只是说萝丝穿过院子、绕过池塘……
只是对萝丝散步的一种描述。至于那只跟在萝丝身后上蹿下跳的狐狸,只字未提。所以有人说这本《母鸡萝丝去散步》实际上包括了两个故事,一个是用文字讲的萝丝散步的平淡无奇的故事,还有一个是用图画讲的狐狸追逐猎物的迭宕起伏的故事。所以约翰·洛威·汤森才会在《英语儿童文学史纲》里说:经典之作《母鸡萝丝去散步》叙述的重点是隐藏在文字背后的事实。 虽然没有几个字,而且文字又是隔上一页才出现,但佩特·哈群斯是一个真正吃透了幼儿心理的人,她把这个无声的故事变成了一个笑声不断的故事,她甚至还给孩子们设计好了笑的时间,一共有七次!不信你看,当钉耙砸扁狐狸的鼻子时,你会笑!当狐狸一头栽进池塘里时,你会笑!当狐狸扎进干草垛里时,你会笑!当狐狸被面粉埋住时,你会笑!当狐狸摔到手推车里时,你会笑!当手推车载着狐狸撞翻蜂箱、狐狸被蜜蜂追得抱头鼠窜时,你更会笑了,而且一笑就是两次!