Waterford Crystal designs, manufactures and markets an extensiverange of crystal stemware, barware and giftware for distributionthroughout the world. In recent years, Waterford has built upon itsreputation as a leading source of prestigious tabletop and giftproducts by expanding into several new businesses. Significantexpansions into tabletop and gifts have occurred with the launch ofthe Marquis by Waterford, the addition of Waterford Fine China,Waterford Fine Flatware, and Waterford Holiday Heirlooms. Each ofthose initiatives reflects the company's commitment to creatingprestigious products -- for gift giving, entertaining, and homedecorating -- whose classic designs transcend time.
The company of Waterford was first established in 1783 on landadjacent to Merchants' Quay in the heart of the Irish harbor townof Waterford. Its founders were two brothers, William and GeorgePenrose, who were important developers and principal exporters inthe city. Their vision was to "create the finest quality crystalfor drinking vessels and objects of beauty for the home." More thantwo hundred years later, the reputation they established forcreating glass of unsurpassed beauty and quality has transcendedthe intervening centuries.
The beginnings of glass making in Ireland are lost in the mists oftime but there is sufficient archaeological evidence to show that,from the early Iron Age, glass was regarded with respect. Indeed,medieval documents can prove glass making existed in Ireland backin the middle 13th century.
However, the Waterford Crystal story started to blossom in 1783when two brothers, George and William Penrose, founded theircrystal manufacturing business in the busy port of Waterford. Theywere important developers and the city's principal exporters. Thedevelopment, they told the Irish Parliament, cost £10,000 - a greatdeal of money in the 18th century.
They employed 50 to 70 people, led by a fellow Quaker, John Hill,from Stourbridge in England, and succeeded in producing crystalwith a purity of colour unmatched in Ireland or England. Merchantships sailed regularly from the port of Waterford with cargoes ofcrystal bound for Spain, the West Indies, New York, New England andNewfoundland.
But less than 100 years later the initial company failed due tolack of capital and excessive taxation. In what seems a remarkablyshort time, Waterford Crystal acquired an unequalled reputationthat has transcended the intervening centuries.
Another century passed before the enterprise was revived. In 1947,while Europe was still in ruins after the second World War, a smallglass factory was set up in Waterford just 11/2 miles from the siteof the original glass factory.
Waterford Crystal today has very strong links with its illustriouspredecessor. There is today the same dedication to the purity ofcolor, to the same design inspiration and to the same pursuit ofhighest quality levels possible. The traditional cutting patternsmade famous by the artisans of Waterford became the design basisfor the growing product range of the new company.
Products which have extended the power of the Waterford brandbeyond its core crystal products include Waterford China, WaterfordTable & Bed Linens, Waterford Stainless Flatwareand Silver Gifts, Waterford Writing Instruments, Waterford HolidayHeirlooms and Waterford Crystal Jewellery.
Waterford Crystal, today, is the leading brand of premium crystal.Its products - superb handcrafted crystal stemware, giftware andlightingware - are designed and manufactured to the higheststandards.
The brand's reputation among its target market - upscale men andwomen - in its major markets is such that it has taken the brand tothe heights that it now occupies. The target consumers simplyregard Waterford Crystal as the best for self and giftpurchase.
Recent research has confirmed the standing of Waterford Crystal inboth the US and the UK.
In November 2000, Waterford Crystal was named as the top worldclass brand in the United States by a survey conducted among 30,000people by the Princeton, New Jersey, based independent marketresearch company, Total Research Corporation. Total Research saidthat Waterford Crystal was judged by American consumers as thebrand with the highest quality out of 19 world class brands in theUS market. Other brands in the league table below Waterford in cludeRolls-Royce Bentley, Bose stereo and speaker systems, Philadelphiacream cheese, Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Kodak, Heinz ketchup andNational Geographic magazine.
In 2002, Waterford celebrated the 50th anniversary of theintroduction of the Lismore pattern of crystal. Almost every yearsince its inception, Lismore has topped the popularity list and hasbeen the biggest selling pattern of crystal in the US and theworld. But there are others among the repertoire of Ireland's mostfamous export that have gained their own following - Alana, Carina,Araglin.
Waterford Crystal has become almost a synonym for the finestquality crystal sought after by collectors and connoisseurs aroundthe world. Each piece of Waterford is watermarked with the word"Waterford", a signature indicating the name of the finest crystalin the world.

比如图片上的杯子叫做tumbler 这种杯子适合吃饭时候喝水,water at mealtimes,也适合果汁,早餐,啤酒
这种杯子是威士忌用的, 因此叫做craystal whisky tumbler,那么杯子周边的水晶雕刻竖纹叫什么呢?Asturdy Whisky Tumbler with rich vertical cuts around the glass.Height: 9.5cm - 3.75". Capacity: 9 fl oz - 250ml.