dinner 和supper在英文中好像都是指晚餐,那么两者有什么区别呢?
supper:所指的晚餐不是正餐,指的临睡前吃的夜宵,即睡前的少量进食。此外,在苏格兰地区,supper可用来指普通百姓比较简单、比较晚的一餐。supper还固定用来指圣经中耶稣受难前的最后一次晚餐——lord'ssupper或last supper.
“Supper” and “dinner” mean the same thing: the last mealof the day that is served in the evening.
In most parts of the U.S., especially in urban (city) areas,you’ll hear “dinner” more often than “supper.” “Supper” is also abit old-fashioned in most parts of thecountry.You may hear it usedfor talking about eating that meal at home; it’s less common tohear someone say that they are having supper at a restaurant.
In some rural (countryside) and Southern parts of the U.S.,you may hear “dinner” used instead of “lunch” to mean the meal inthe middle of the day, and “supper” used instead of “dinner” tomean the last meal of the day. However, this usage is 【】also becomingless common these days and the terms “breakfast,” “lunch,” and“dinner” are the most common to describe the three meals Americanstypically eat each day.
For most Americans, mealtimes are as follows: Breakfast - 6:00 to9:00 a.m.; Lunch - 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; and Dinner/Supper -6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Of course there are many exceptions(things that do not follow the rules) depending on people’sschedules and preferences, but these are times that you can expecta restaurant to serve these types of meals.
Many restaurants in Los Angeles, as in many cities, close at 9:00p.m on weekdays (Monday through Friday) and at 10:00 p.m. onweekends (Saturday and Sunday). You will still be served ifyou arrive anytime before closing time, but late-comers will beturned away (not allowed to enter). There are, of course,restaurants that cater to (are made for; are specificallyfor) late-night diners (eaters), and many of these are open24 hours.
When I was a child, growing up in the suburbs of London, it wasbreakfast - dinner - supper. That seems to have changed in the late70's and since then I and all my family have eaten breakfast -lunch - dinner. I suspect this is an Americanism which crept in inthe 70's. It would seem strange to me now to describe the eveningmeal as "supper"!
Tomy knowledge 'supper' is the light mealwhich we take before going to sleep, usually night times and'dinner' is that meal which would be heavy in a day(which some onethrows for us as a party), can be lunch.